View Full Version : Florida actually isnt that bad so far ;)

08-02-13, 08:39 AM
So i've been down in florida about a week now, and after only 2 short hikes (and 800 million mosquito bites) these are some of the critters ive found!

the tick is a lone-star tick, and was one of 5 i flicked off of my legs before they got a chance to bite :P i don't know what tick-borne diseases they have in florida (yet), but at least no lymes!
the frog is a young american toad, it seems like all the toadlets are out in force this time of year as i've found probably 10 all under 1 inch in length.
the turtle is an eastern river cooter (?) and was actually found in georgia. I pulled her out of the road. Notice all the leeches/maggots around her head :P i didn't have proper equipment or i would have pulled them off and added them to my collection heh heh. I found another turtle who had a nicely healing, but very large, crack on its shell, probably hit by car. also saw some gopher tortoises on the side of the highway, but couldnt stop to check them out :(

i have no idea what that awesome fungus is, but it was very pretty...

the caterpillar was HUGE, close to 2 inches long, and is some species of tussock moth caterpillar.

08-02-13, 08:42 AM
i saved the best for last!

2 more stunning little toadlets, im pretty sure they were all the same species (american toad?) someone correct me if i'm wrong....

a ground skink, i saw 3 but this is the only one i could catch!

and an alligator sign :) no gators yet, but hopefully soon!

08-02-13, 08:59 AM
Where at in Florida?

Go to Blue springs near Orlando. You have to go see the manatee.

Welcome to Florida State Parks (http://www.floridastateparks.org/bluespring/)

I used to live in Orlando, and Blue Springs was my favourite place to frequent. Just GO!

08-02-13, 10:47 AM
Homosassa springs wildlife park is awesome too! They have a heated spring where the manatees come in the winter =D

And nice pics! Earlier in the summer we had a toad infestation earlier in summer... they were everywhere >_<... not as bad as last year. We'd wake up with 5+ toads drowned in the pool each morning.

Get used to seeing tortoises and turtles all the time. One lives in my backyard, and I can't take a walk without seeing them :)

I've also seen plenty of gators :D There's a restaurant on the ocean channel down the road and they have 2 big gators that always come up to the restaurant dock.

08-02-13, 12:12 PM
I love my homestate :D
Nice finds!

08-02-13, 12:28 PM
Cool pics!

08-02-13, 12:54 PM
I wanna go to florida after seeing waynes link. Someone find me a job...

08-02-13, 04:23 PM
Wayne; i'm in Gainesville, im planning to go to crystal river (?) west of me on the coast, apparently its a huge overwintering spot for manatees... but if i get back down towards orlando you bet :)

found another tick today on my car stereo (?!?), but im very excited to get back out to the swamps soon and find some more critters :)

I also found a giant horsefly, two huge golden orb weavers, and some white tailed deer :)