View Full Version : Nothin fancy but finally...

08-01-13, 10:23 PM

a lot more work to do but so far whoo hoo I got some things organized

08-01-13, 11:37 PM
Those enclosures look amazing. What kind of reptiles are housed in them?

08-02-13, 09:12 AM
Those enclosures look amazing. What kind of reptiles are housed in them?

Right to left, blackthroat, chinese water dragons, baby iggy in th exotera(let me explain he had issues in the larger one he kept staying on the cool side and not thriving so now I am forcing him to be warmer while I adjust his other set up) emerald tree (also in a temp set up but the thing is huge and feels like asia when you open it up, his cage is in the curing process to rid it of fumes) above him is my tranchula closet. You guessed it. A cubbard of spiders.

08-02-13, 09:25 AM
Nice to see you posting again.

The reptile wall is looking good.

08-02-13, 10:54 AM
Nice to see you posting again.

The reptile wall is looking good.

had to take a break, cancer sucks mang. I like dieappeared off of everything even fb for a little bit.

08-02-13, 06:58 PM
had to take a break, cancer sucks mang. I like dieappeared off of everything even fb for a little bit.

You are doing awesome! your set-up looks amazing!! :D (Y)