View Full Version : Can Someone Please Help! My Monitor Escaped His Cage!

07-21-13, 02:50 PM
(im sorry if you have already read this thread on a different forums sight but im really worried about him and feel awful that he escaped so i want to get as much advice as posible) On thursday my brother and i went to feed my juvenile savannah monitor (who i bought as a hatchling in march, so hes probably a foot from head to the end of his tail) and he wasn't there, so we just figured he was burrowing, but yesterday the same thing happened, so we got really scared and dug up the dirt but he wasn't there which means somehow he escaped! Im not going to get into the exact details of how he did it right now but (were assuming) he basically figured out how to move his basking spot to under the plexi glass dirt and put dirt under it to make it higher on one side and climb up and pushed the strongly velcrod on plexi glass top and was actually strong enough to lift it somehow, it still boggles our minds how he possibly figured out how to do that! So since last night and today weve been looking everywhere in the room of the cage and the rooms near it, in all the vents and closets and small spots he could go into, we havent been having much luck finding. today we put out thawed fuzzies and water bowls around in the rooms but he never ate any of them. tonight we set up 2 little set ups in the room that has a platform with dirt and has a basking spot with lamps and a water bowl with wax worms and super worms in the dirt, and tomoro ill put fuzzies near them, also in that room i have a warm blanket on the floor. and on top of that we have 2 video cameras taping 2 differet spots of the room so we can watch it in fast foward to see if he ever came out from anywher. Is there anything else i should be doing!?! should i keep searching for him or will that just scare him!?! do they travel far from wher they escape or would they normally stay in the same room!? any advice on this would be REALLY helpful, because i dont know what to do at this point and im really worried about him! somebody please help!

07-22-13, 12:51 AM
I had the same thing happen to me a while back. Mine has escaped 4 times, and found 3 times by my roommate. Is there anyway he could get outside? They like to stuff themselves in the darkest, smallest areas once they get outside. My friend caught him in places where we has previously searched before.

07-22-13, 04:54 AM
thanks for the response! no i dont think he could get outside. but wher has youre roommate found youres?

07-22-13, 01:06 PM
Can you post a detailed description and pictures of his setup? Animals have surprised me before.. We thought our Uromastyx escaped for about a week, then found him wedged behind the background in his cage. Keep rechecking his cage.

07-22-13, 02:31 PM
Put food out. He has to eat

07-22-13, 07:19 PM
Can you post a detailed description and pictures of his setup? Animals have surprised me before.. We thought our Uromastyx escaped for about a week, then found him wedged behind the background in his cage. Keep rechecking his cage.
thanks for the help man, im not really sure how to post url's though you mind telling me how, it keeps saying they only allow a certain amount even when i only try with one

07-22-13, 07:24 PM
Post 2 or 3 more posts and you'll be able to post pictures.

07-23-13, 03:22 PM
ok, i'll just post "ok" three times.

07-23-13, 03:31 PM
ok need to do this one more time.

07-23-13, 03:32 PM
hopefully after this one i can post pictures

07-23-13, 03:32 PM
Can Someone Please Help! My Monitor Escaped His Cage!-image.jpgCan Someone Please Help! My Monitor Escaped His Cage!-image.jpgCan Someone Please Help! My Monitor Escaped His Cage!-image.jpgCan Someone Please Help! My Monitor Escaped His Cage!-image.jpgCan Someone Please Help! My Monitor Escaped His Cage!-image.jpgCan Someone Please Help! My Monitor Escaped His Cage!-image.jpgCan Someone Please Help! My Monitor Escaped His Cage!-image.jpgCan Someone Please Help! My Monitor Escaped His Cage!-image.jpg... my bad this didnt work ill try again

07-23-13, 03:35 PM

07-23-13, 03:45 PM
whats going on its not working...

07-23-13, 03:46 PM
whats wrong!!!

07-23-13, 03:50 PM




Got it!

07-23-13, 04:12 PM




More pics of the cage and my room around it(sorry that its upside down).

07-23-13, 04:14 PM





1 More post to go till im threw with all the pics :P

07-23-13, 04:17 PM




K done!
He got out of his cage(we took all the dirt out of the cage and then put it back in to make sure) and we didnt find out untill 2 days after. We think we checked that entire room to make sure he's not in it and now were gonna search in the rooms around it.
Hope we find him.

07-23-13, 05:05 PM
Should i even be looking for him? Or should i just wait for him to be hungry and eat the food or for him to search for food that way we might see him when he comes out.

07-23-13, 06:57 PM
One thing to consider, Monitors are as good as rats when it comes to getting into tight locations, and equally good at eating. It can forage for insects and whatever (like steal a chicken leg off the counter and slip back down a crevice fast.

One member found his monitor hiding under the refrigerator. The compressor made heat, so the lizard would wait where it was warm and eat the cats food when no one was looking, it went on for some time before it was spotted.

Good luck.

07-23-13, 07:11 PM
One thing to consider, Monitors are as good as rats when it comes to getting into tight locations, and equally good at eating. It can forage for insects and whatever (like steal a chicken leg off the counter and slip back down a crevice fast.

One member found his monitor hiding under the refrigerator. The compressor made heat, so the lizard would wait where it was warm and eat the cats food when no one was looking, it went on for some time before it was spotted.

Good luck.
Thanks, ill go check the refrigerator again a lot of people seem to find their reptiles there, i have a mashed hard boiled egg there in case he gets hungry (i wouldn't normally feed him eggs but i feel like it has a strong smell and will attract him) near it in case he's somewhere there and gets hungry and i should also put a basking spot in the kitchen in case he's somewhere in the refrigerator that i can't find so that he'll hopefully come out

07-24-13, 04:08 AM
Always check the places you have checked before! They will move around when no one is looking. My roommate has found mine inside tables (Inside the metal legs) under his cabinet, and wedged between a wall and a shoe case. Best of luck, I understand how it feels.

07-24-13, 11:58 AM
Check down the back and sides of your sofas if you havent already. Little did we know when mine escaped that we were literally sitting on top of him lol, no harm was done
even though he was approximately 2foot!

Best of luck!

07-24-13, 12:12 PM
set up cameras around the house with nightvision.

07-24-13, 03:56 PM
Thanks guys! ill keep checking, and ya ive checked the sofas but ill keep looking. and ya we have a camera set up in the room but we only have one

07-25-13, 08:33 PM
to everybody that helped me THANK YOU SO MUCH! we found him!!!! he traveled into my parents room and was in the vent under my dads night stand! Its crazy because we were starting to get all depressed and everything and started to feel like our only hope is if we saw him walking around, but tonight we decided a different technique of looking, instead of intensely looking at every crack that he could possibly fit in we just did a more vague look around in all the vents and dressers because it took us wayyy to long to look into specific areas, so we just went room to room and then there he was! i just really hope this isn't a dream because this is the dream ive been having everynight the past week (obviously in different spots though) lol! this is the best day ever. and now weve got so much weight on top of the glass that we couldn't even lift the top. Now ive got to quickly get back to building the enclosure because he got super big somehow! he looks great! a little lazy though but he normally would be sleeping at this time anyways, but when i found him i reeled him out with a fuzzie which he gladly exepted when i woke him up, and then i gave him another, and then in his cage i gave him three more just to make sure he gets alot of lost nutrients than i sprayed him alot so he, then he basked and now hes probably digging a tunnel or just sleeping. Should i schedule an appointment at the vet incase anything happend when he left?

07-25-13, 10:05 PM
we found him!!!!

Great news. It's been quite a while since I had an escapee, but I remember well how nerve-wracking it can be...

07-26-13, 04:35 AM
haha I'm glad this had a happy ending. Congratulations and make sure he never escapes again! My roommate snapped and overly-reinforced the security with steel mesh on Corvo's enclosure after he escaped for the 4th time.

a visit to the vet sounds good! Better safe than sorry

07-26-13, 04:49 AM
o he's never escaping again! if anything it will be so secure we will be having a hard time getting him out lol!, http://www.herpcenter.com/monitors/49359-can-someone-please-help-my-monitor-escaped-his-cage-3.html but i have the feeling like he doesn't want to escape anymore haha


07-26-13, 04:50 AM

07-26-13, 07:20 AM
I am sorry to hear about this, man! I ALWAYS tell people NOT to touch my snakes, without me present, and a few weeks back, my brothers friend held my Ball Python without my permission, and did not lock the tub back up!! I was asleep when this happened.. Anyways, a few hours later, I check on my Ball Python, and... Oh wait.. He wasn't there!!!! So after a few hours of checking the ENTIRE house and tub over and over, I double checked in one of our clothes buckets, and he was in there! The little guy was all cuddle up in there. So I definitely agree that it's very important to keep checking. Because I looked in the bucket, didn't find him, check about 30 minutes later and he was there. So they move around quite a bit when they're loose. Hopefully you find him, man!!!

EDIT: I just read that you found him! Congrats, man!

07-26-13, 07:45 AM
I am sorry to hear about this, man! I ALWAYS tell people NOT to touch my snakes, without me present, and a few weeks back, my brothers friend held my Ball Python without my permission, and did not lock the tub back up!! I was asleep when this happened.. Anyways, a few hours later, I check on my Ball Python, and... Oh wait.. He wasn't there!!!! So after a few hours of checking the ENTIRE house and tub over and over, I double checked in one of our clothes buckets, and he was in there! The little guy was all cuddle up in there. So I definitely agree that it's very important to keep checking. Because I looked in the bucket, didn't find him, check about 30 minutes later and he was there. So they move around quite a bit when they're loose. Hopefully you find him, man!!!

EDIT: I just read that you found him! Congrats, man!

Does your brother not respect you? He should have stopped his friend.