View Full Version : Inka outside today

07-20-13, 11:56 PM
I took Inka outside today just to enjoy the sun and get a couple pictures. I wanted to take all three of my kids out but Maya my anery BCL and flake my sulfur corn are both ready to shed any time now. I wanted to get more but he didn't want to stay on the stick and kept climbing to me.
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd506/glass-frog/face052c-c259-446a-8d21-11a2a73e8baf_zps38e90ddd.jpg (http://s1223.photobucket.com/user/glass-frog/media/face052c-c259-446a-8d21-11a2a73e8baf_zps38e90ddd.jpg.html)
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd506/glass-frog/20492b57-53be-46f6-9184-1942e5483004_zps8634afc3.jpg (http://s1223.photobucket.com/user/glass-frog/media/20492b57-53be-46f6-9184-1942e5483004_zps8634afc3.jpg.html)
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd506/glass-frog/0ba5c841-70dd-469e-a018-020e7b4e48d2_zps96bf37d0.jpg (http://s1223.photobucket.com/user/glass-frog/media/0ba5c841-70dd-469e-a018-020e7b4e48d2_zps96bf37d0.jpg.html)

07-21-13, 01:02 AM
what kind of boa is Inka??

07-21-13, 03:23 AM
Gorgeous! =)

07-21-13, 06:59 AM
what kind of boa is Inka??

Peruvian long tail boa, boa constrictor longicauda or BCL. He is now just over 3 years old and just over 5 feet long and caries what is known as a high yellow gene.

07-21-13, 09:54 PM
He's very pretty! Each subspecies is beautiful in their own way, I just love the diversity! :D