View Full Version : Corvo the Savannah monitor

07-19-13, 12:08 AM
Hi, I'm a new user on this website. I've had a savannah monitor juvenile named Corvo for a while now, and I've been following guidelines from savannahmonitor.net and .org

I've also been doing the "on-the-monitor's-terms" approach, and it's been a real success! True, it takes a lot of patience, but in the end it's worth it.

My Corvo crawls onto my hand for food, and seems to tolerate being petted on his head and body. He also tolerates being picked up if he is climbing. ( I try to hide the fact that I'm picking him up by pretending I'm helping him climb out of his home, which he appreciates) I haven't tried picking him up in any other case, though

I'm also learning what he hates. Which includes spiders, dogs, strangers, waking him up in the middle of the night, and people with hats/strange hairstyles.

He seems to really like me gently scratching his shed skin that's clinging loosely to his body. What I want to know is, does anyone know where monitors like being petted? or have any stories/experiences about their monitors to share?

07-19-13, 01:41 AM
He's gorgeous and he looks like he's really healthy! I'm just kinda curious, I guess, but how'd you establish what he hates?

07-19-13, 03:06 AM
He's adorable :o

07-19-13, 11:48 PM
He's gorgeous and he looks like he's really healthy! I'm just kinda curious, I guess, but how'd you establish what he hates?

Haha by observing, experimentation and just by being there. I lived with a bunch of roommates recently, hence the strangers and hat-fitted people. We have a variety of people going in and out, so Corvo has the experience of a zoo animal, seeing a lot of people everyday.

But he is very choosy about who he trusts, making me think they are way smarter than they look. For example he trusts me, and two of my roommates who are regularly in the room and help feed him. But not one of the roommates who is usually out and sleeps out. Even stranger is how he trusts two other people who don't regularly come over. One brings food for Corvo ( eggs, grubs, geckoes) and the other is a snake keeper and really loves Corvo. He trusts them to an extent.

Spiders that venture into his enclosure, he doesn't like. Doesn't eat them and avoids them

07-19-13, 11:58 PM
What a cute smile!

07-22-13, 09:01 AM
Are you in Taiwan now? If so, I didn't know they export savs there haha

07-22-13, 01:00 PM
Great looking Sav, keep us posted as he grows!

07-24-13, 04:13 AM
Are you in Taiwan now? If so, I didn't know they export savs there haha

Yes, I am! I've only gotten into monitor keeping this year, so I haven't noticed if they've been importing savs all this time or just this year. The care for savs isn't that much better here, either. We have higher humidity and heat here than other countries though.

I try to keep mine as best I can, and I try to spread the word on how they need dirt and humidity and low-fat diets.

07-29-13, 10:58 PM
Great pictures! Just curious, what is that orange thing you fed him?

07-30-13, 07:13 AM
thank you! That orange thing is a rare treat, a piece of raw tuna

Little Wise Owl
07-30-13, 09:25 AM
He's very cute. Please keep us updated on his growth and progression!

08-04-13, 01:43 AM
Here's his growth and progression!

08-04-13, 03:53 AM
That's quite a difference in a few months... Looking good :)