View Full Version : My new cresties.

07-12-13, 02:39 PM
And by new, I mean I've had them for about 2 months now...

Kimber is something over 2 months. His/her dad is supposedly a tri-color tiger and the mom is a red.

Dali is around 3-4 months and supposedly an orange Dalmatian.

I'm new to cresties so if you have any advice or suggestion to help me give them a great life, please do. This is their set up:
They eat baby crickets once a week, papaya and watermelon whenever I have some (often), and powder mix every other day. They're not too thrilled about the repashy crested gecko diet, but they seem to love Big Fat Geckos mix.

What other fruit can I feed them? Vegetables? I want to try giving them baby dubias but I don't want to freak them out... Someone told me its easy to freak out baby cresties with bugs.

07-12-13, 02:40 PM
Also, are there things that trigger them to fire up? I'm still not sure if I have seen either one fully fired up.

07-12-13, 02:41 PM
Cool looking creatures. I really don't know anything about gecko's but doesn't watermelon and papaya and fruits like those have a LOT of sugar? Good or bad?

07-12-13, 03:41 PM
Cuteness =)

07-13-13, 11:42 AM
Very cute! Always LOVE baby cresties!

Also, are there things that trigger them to fire up? I'm still not sure if I have seen either one fully fired up.

Mine fires up when he's out somewhere bright, especially in sunlight (if it's not too hot, they don't do well in heat). I've noticed, when in his tank, if half of him is in the shade his skin will be pale and the other half facing the light will be fired up.