View Full Version : Boa Question
07-09-13, 04:00 PM
Hey everybody,my names Kyle. I'm a first time snake owner from Cali,an I have a
4 yr old six foot,Columbian Redtail bci. "Mila" she is so awesome. The friendliest snake
I've ever seen. The problem is I feed her in a 4 week cycle. An since her last feed,no poop. I feed frozen large rats, in a separate tub. The temps are 75-85,humidity slightly low at 50-70% on average. My questions:
1. If shes dropping urates should I worry
2. She craps alot when she sheds,would her waiting three months after three meals be Bad?
3. She doesn't look bloated,show attitude or energy differeince,I tried soaking, how obvi
ous would the bloating be.
I really Love my snake. She adores people an the last thing I want is for her to be in pain,
Any other advice would be appreciated. I've upped temps slightly an increased humidity.
How long/ how many meals should it take before I really worry.
This is how much I love my snake:
07-09-13, 04:23 PM
I think dropping urates is normal... all of my snakes only urinate sometimes and sometimes I will see both urine and feces.
I don't know about older boas but I think the hottest side should be about 5 degrees higher. humidity seems fine to me however I think 50% might be on the low side. Try keeping it around 60% at the lower end.
Other than that I can't comment.
Mark Taylor
07-09-13, 04:26 PM
Nice tat, but would rather see the snake. Temps are to low and you did not say what you upped them to so we are not clear on the problem.
07-09-13, 04:30 PM
A large rat every every month for a six foot boa is a little small. She might just not have enough to let go. In that case the next one should be, well "large"
My six foot female BCI takes a large rat every week.
Mark Taylor
07-09-13, 05:11 PM
Larger, I want to see pics or get proper info before I go giving advice never know when your wrong.:)
Mark Taylor
07-09-13, 05:15 PM
My six foot female BCI takes a large rat every week.
Same here now she has just had babies, she was on giant rats previous. I would rather get her back to the size she was slowly no plans on breading again this year.:)
A solitary late or missed poop is typically nothing to worry about. What are your cage temps now? Please include cool/warm ambient temps, hot spot, and the temp of the room the snake is in, not just the range of 75-85 which could mean a couple different things. How are you measuring these temps?
07-09-13, 05:41 PM
How are you measuring these temps?
and how are you controlling them?
^^ thanks I missed that one!
Mark Taylor
07-09-13, 05:47 PM
The sooner you Give us details the sooner we can help.
Just like to so hello and welcome.
07-09-13, 11:33 PM
Feeding a six foot boa every week is a little much.
07-09-13, 11:34 PM
I monitor my temps using a hydrofarm grow may controller,very simple,very stable. The heat in my tank comes from a mixture of a red 80watt bulb an a 100watt che. I also have a heat mat in the lower section of the tank. I built my tank so it gas a warm sun room an a cooler tropical room. The temps in the upper are 70-80 warm side 60ish cool side. The lower level remains at about 75 degrees with humidity being around 50%. I bathed her again tonight an just built a humidifier today. Will post pics soon.
I've had conflicting info on feeding. In general, is a large eat every there to four weeks enough for a 6 foot bci. She's long but not a fatty. I want her to be healthy not nessacary huge either. Some ppl say more,some less. I need info!
07-09-13, 11:34 PM
Feeding a six foot boa every week is a little much.
Now that being said I would never feed a six foot boa something as small as a large. My 4-5 footers are eating XL or bigger every 2-4 weeks.
07-09-13, 11:43 PM
I monitor my temps using a hydrofarm grow may controller,very simple,very stable. The heat in my tank comes from a mixture of a red 80watt bulb an a 100watt che. I also have a heat mat in the lower section of the tank. I built my tank so it gas a warm sun room an a cooler tropical room. The temps in the upper are 70-80 warm side 60ish cool side. The lower level remains at about 75 degrees with humidity being around 50%. I bathed her again tonight an just built a humidifier today. Will post pics soon.
I've had conflicting info on feeding. In general, is a large eat every there to four weeks enough for a 6 foot bci. She's long but not a fatty. I want her to be healthy not nessacary huge either. Some ppl say more,some less. I need info!
She looks really good to me. I would bump her up a size or two if you plan to keep her at a monthly feeding schedule. I will get you a pic of my 6.5' female eating a rabbit.
You really need to bump all of your temps by a lot. I would also recommend replacing the screen top with something solid to help hold humidity. Your current humidity is kinda low in the bottom and I guarantee it is way low in the too half. Your snake shouldn't have to chose between proper temps and proper humidity.
07-09-13, 11:45 PM
A large rat is wider than her head. She's 6 foot but not 8 inches around. I may feed more offer but I'm not switching to jumbos yet. The store I got her from had her in a 40 gallant aquarium,which being 4 feet long must not have been comfortable,or optimal. She's grown approx an foot in a year in the new tank. But mostly in length she has yet to full out. Even large rats she seems to really work at eating
07-09-13, 11:47 PM
A large rat is wider than her head. She's 6 foot but not 8 inches around. I may feed more offer but I'm not switching to jumbos yet. The store I got her from had her in a 40 gallant aquarium,which being 4 feet long must not have been comfortable,or optimal. She's grown approx an foot in a year in the new tank. But mostly in length she has yet to full out. Even large rats she seems to really work at eating
Why ask foe advice from experiences keepers if you won't follow it.
Just to back up my claim here are a couple of posts I made on prey size yesterday.
I don't know how to post videos from my phone but I will be feeding her one more rabbit before I cycle her so I'll try to do it. It takes forever because she is blind and will search for the head forever. (
She was. she didn't start hunting for almost 5 weeks then I gave her a 474g rat. I fed her the rabbit on May 11th and the rat on June 27th. I'll give her another rabbit next week.
07-09-13, 11:50 PM
A large rat is wider than her head. She's 6 foot but not 8 inches around. I may feed more offer but I'm not switching to jumbos yet. The store I got her from had her in a 40 gallant aquarium,which being 4 feet long must not have been comfortable,or optimal. She's grown approx an foot in a year in the new tank. But mostly in length she has yet to full out. Even large rats she seems to really work at eating
Have you seen videos of boas/pythons eating in the wild? It takes them a good minute.
It doesn't matter if it is wider than her head, that's why snakes have the type of jaw they have. To eat things wider than their heads. You should compare the rat to her body.
07-10-13, 12:01 AM
I have seen the videos yes. Upon thinking about my statement it seems foolish. I'll start her on jumbos tomorrow. she simply may be under fed which I feel ****** about. The store re assured me on that feeding interval today,which is interesting.
although this to my knowledge has been her feeding size/schedule for a long time. But yes I figured a change in the frequency of feeding was due,an advice is noted with respect.
Advising someone of the size prey they should be using is kinda subjective since sizes vary from supplier to supplier and sometimes vary more than they should just from a single supplier. The size of the thickest part of her body is what you should use in determining prey size, not her head. It should be 1-1.5x the size of the thickest part of her body and you are in a better position than any of us to judge that since you have the advantage of a firsthand visual. It should leave a noticeable bulge but not inhibit her ability to move or coil. In my opinion, if you're feeding an appropriate sized meal, once a week for a boa that size is too much. If you're not breeding her or growing her big every 3-4 weeks is not a problem and can certainly sustain her provided the meals are appropriately sized, however I would not push it back as far as 4 weeks until she's fully mature and finished for the most part with lateral growth. Pay attention to her behavior though. If she's pacing the cage after two weeks looking for food, you may want to up the frequency.
Mark Taylor
07-10-13, 02:47 AM
Feeding a six foot boa every week is a little much.
I missed that I feed every 2 weeks;)
I would sort out temps and humidity first before upping the food size as it may not be able to digest it properly.
Here's my temps and humidity this morning, Cool side 76, hot side 91 basking 97 and humidity 58%.
07-10-13, 05:26 AM
To clarify I feed my 4'-5' boas a 275g-375g rat every 2-4 weeks. I usually wait till they're on the hunt.
07-10-13, 07:09 AM
I was going to chime in but there is no need. All the info is here already.
To clarify I feed my 4'-5' boas a 275g-375g rat every 2-4 weeks. I usually wait till they're on the hunt.
Ah, that does make a difference - the supplier I use defines "large rat" as 174-274g, and after five days my six foot girl is out hunting.
07-10-13, 07:50 AM
Temp this am. Upper 82- 85 warm. 90 basking. Lower 78-82 humidity 50 percent. Temp are alot warmer. I'm gonna install my humidifier today. She was all stretches out in the warm this morning, hope she's more happy.
07-10-13, 08:30 AM
Ah, that does make a difference - the supplier I use defines "large rat" as 174-274g, and after five days my six foot girl is out hunting.
That is the proper weight for a large rat. You really need to up the prey size. My snakes are a foot smaller than yours and eating prey items at least 100g or more.
07-10-13, 08:48 AM
Temp this am. Upper 82- 85 warm. 90 basking. Lower 78-82 humidity 50 percent. Temp are alot warmer. I'm gonna install my humidifier today. She was all stretches out in the warm this morning, hope she's more happy.
Good. How did you make your humidifier?
It's also probably worth mentioning that boas don't handle fatty foods such as jumbo retired breeder rats as well as pythons. As far as rats go I stop at larges. If they need something bigger I'll do two larges or throw a rabbit in the mix.
07-10-13, 09:45 AM
Something nobody here mentioned, and you seem to try your best to provide proper husbandry (you had me worried disagreeing about prey size for a second there but all is well).
Anyways....whatever your petstores say, you can forget it.
^^^ this is very true! Pet stores in general have a well earned reputation for being misinformed about proper husbandry and passing their misinformation to beginner reptile enthusiasts.
07-10-13, 02:28 PM
Very true. Glad I got you guys.
07-10-13, 03:52 PM
It's also probably worth mentioning that boas don't handle fatty foods such as jumbo retired breeder rats as well as pythons. As far as rats go I stop at larges. If they need something bigger I'll do two larges or throw a rabbit in the mix.
I am interested in why you say this. Can you give more Info?
I am interested in why you say this. Can you give more Info?
I first read about it with regards to Zucker rats. Their purpose of application is for insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, metabolic deficiency and genetic obesity, but some suppliers that source their rodents from labs sometimes end up with them and they are loaded with fat. Problems that can arise from feeding boas these types of rats include greasy smelly loose stools, which afterward they can go straight into a shed and loose color from scales making people think they have a calico. I have experienced this personally. On the more extreme side there are a number of breeders I know of that have lost prized boas to these rats. Most suppliers don't use the Zuckers but the retired breeders (jumbos) they sell also have a very high fat content and can have similar results as was the case with my experience. Pythons do not seem to have these issues.
07-10-13, 06:57 PM
Update: I took all the substrate out an re hydrated it. Humidity is up about 65%,I did some wiring an
Got everything running. che an heat mat on bottom half 85 solid. Top temp can vary but around 80 on average. 90 solid in the basking area. The tops not gonna ever be as humid,there's no way to hold humidity. I'm considering a glass top possibly. Also I installed led light in cage,an will put in the humidifier tomorrow. I'll put together a diy on it. 50 bucks an it way better than repti-rip off- fogger.
So I'm gonna buy a rat an feed. What's the verdict, are Petsmart jumbos ok. Or feed like a ok Large an a medium? That seems like so much food but I'll listen. Long between swallowing an letting her feed on the second rat?
I have already given my lengthy opinion on jumbo rats so I'd go for two large or a large and a medium. How long you wait to feed the 2nd rat depends on what you're feeding. If they are frozen/thawed or pre killed you can toss them in at the same time. If you're feeding live... Well I just wouldn't do that. If memory serves me petsmart does not sell feeders and surely not frozen feeders. If you buy a rat from them it will be live and I believe you have to adopt it as a pet and fill out paperwork. At least that was my experience many moons ago.
You're going to find plenty of differing opinions on feeding. This can be a bit confusing for a new keeper. My advice is to think about what your goals are for this snake. Do you want to grow her big? Breed her? Have a non breeding long lived pet? There are different approaches to any of those. Settle on what advice fits your plan and makes the most sense to you.
07-10-13, 07:54 PM
Thanks for the info ddub. I will look into that more.
07-10-13, 08:29 PM
It's petco. My mistake. I done plan in breeding not to say I don't want her healthy. I'll feed a large then a med. She has to strike them,unfortunately the "reptile store" (with there bad info) raised her this way. I've tried the throw it in the box method,no avail. The thought of strike feeding a ten or twelve foot boa is intimidating. I'm glad I'm not there yet.
Also,went to the same store,was told the yellow anaconda was "nice",it struck like 5 times in one
second. Not nice. He was small so the bites didn't hurt but man it scared me so bad I almost dropped him. I've been bit. So am I bonafide now? Lol I'm a real snake keeper!
07-10-13, 08:38 PM
It's petco. My mistake. I done plan in breeding not to say I don't want her healthy. I'll feed a large then a med. She has to strike them,unfortunately the "reptile store" (with there bad info) raised her this way. I've tried the throw it in the box method,no avail. The thought of strike feeding a ten or twelve foot boa is intimidating. I'm glad I'm not there yet.
Also,went to the same store,was told the yellow anaconda was "nice",it struck like 5 times in one
second. Not nice. He was small so the bites didn't hurt but man it scared me so bad I almost dropped him. I've been bit. So am I bonafide now? Lol I'm a real snake keeper!
That would make it right up there with death adder as fastest strike of any snake... Anyways, if they told you the snake was nice and he did that, all flags should have been raise that they are full of ****.
I've found hunger to be a great motivator when trying to switch them over to f/t. I've had ones that only ate live when I got them. I kept offering frozen and they would eventually take it. If you ever decide to try and switch her over just toss one in before you go to bed and if she doesn't eat it by morning, throw it away. Wait a week and repeat. Eventually they get hungry enough to start taking them. I have switched over a couple in this fashion without the use of tongs for dangling. Better they just learn to eat it off the cage floor like all the rest of them! ;)
07-10-13, 09:04 PM
It struck five times. Obviously not in one second. Lol. The bugger was fast, deff earned some respect from me. my snake eats pre killed. She just has to strike it. I left a rat four 6 hrs once. I'll try the overnight thing tho.
So check this out:
A supposed 14 foot 120lb,Eastern diamond back, found in a bush in AZ. The knife is six inches across. The fangs 3 inches long. It estimated an accurate strike range of 4 to 5 feet.
That's either a good hoax or a freaky f-ing snake!!!
07-10-13, 09:57 PM
Its fake bro.
07-11-13, 03:39 AM
That snake is being held up near the camera whilst the man stands back, makes the snake look huge
The tops not gonna ever be as humid,there's no way to hold humidity. I'm considering a glass top possibly.
Until you get the plexiglass top set up you can use a damp towel or Glad Press & Seal on the top to retain humidity. Just keep a corner on opposite sides free to allow some ventilation.
07-11-13, 10:31 AM
That snake is being held up near the camera whilst the man stands back, makes the snake look huge
Yeah, There was a picture like this with an eastern diamondback last year.....
07-11-13, 04:44 PM
I have already given my lengthy opinion on jumbo rats so I'd go for two large or a large and a medium. How long you wait to feed the 2nd rat depends on what you're feeding. If they are frozen/thawed or pre killed you can toss them in at the same time. If you're feeding live... Well I just wouldn't do that. If memory serves me petsmart does not sell feeders and surely not frozen feeders. If you buy a rat from them it will be live and I believe you have to adopt it as a pet and fill out paperwork. At least that was my experience many moons ago.
The Petsmart where I live do sell frozen feeders. But, the largest they go to are small rats. And they're about $17 a pop.
It struck five times. Obviously not in one second. Lol. The bugger was fast, deff earned some respect from me. my snake eats pre killed. She just has to strike it. I left a rat four 6 hrs once. I'll try the overnight thing tho.
So check this out:
A supposed 14 foot 120lb,Eastern diamond back, found in a bush in AZ. The knife is six inches across. The fangs 3 inches long. It estimated an accurate strike range of 4 to 5 feet.
That's either a good hoax or a freaky f-ing snake!!!
And, yeah that photo/story is hilariously fake.
The Petsmart where I live do sell frozen feeders. But, the largest they go to are small rats. And they're about $17 a pop.
Holy canoli! At least at mine it's $12 for a box of two small rats, though their definition of "small" is more like "weanling".
I did find a local guy who breeds rats, mice, and ASF's as feeders, both live or he'll do F/T for you. Rats and ASF's are $1 each for small live ones, or $10 for a bag of 10 F/T.
07-12-13, 05:26 AM
Didnt realize people still said holy canoli lol My prices at petco are as bcr stated as well. We also have jumbos though here.
I almost bought a pair of rats to make my own babies this week and leave the setup in my dads garage or whatever, but I really need mice not rats :-/
07-12-13, 11:12 AM
Holy canoli! At least at mine it's $12 for a box of two small rats, though their definition of "small" is more like "weanling".
I did find a local guy who breeds rats, mice, and ASF's as feeders, both live or he'll do F/T for you. Rats and ASF's are $1 each for small live ones, or $10 for a bag of 10 F/T.
Its 12 for a bag of three 85gram smalls at my petco.
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