View Full Version : Buying frozen mice (RodentPro)

07-05-13, 06:56 PM
I finally was going to buy some bulk frozen mice and try like mad to get my rattlesnakes to switch to F/T. Went to RodentPro, and it's $75 just in shipping to ship a $13 order. Seriously? Is that normal? Is there anywhere else to get them?

07-05-13, 07:02 PM
lllreptile includes shipping i believe and is reasonable. I did the same thing and was shocked at shipping as well

07-05-13, 07:02 PM
Go to the reptile expos. You can get them in bulk there. Or some small pet store will order them with their order and the cost should be less.

07-05-13, 07:04 PM
I've only found it worth it to buy f/t in bulk when placing a large order - think 200+ feeders at once. But then we have 24 snakes in the house to feed.

Try Layne Labs, it is in CA while RodentPro is in IN, which will cause a substantial difference in shipping.

07-05-13, 07:05 PM
Thanks. I'll try the next expo. Live until then I guess...

LLLReptile was $90...

07-05-13, 07:09 PM
I've only found it worth it to buy f/t in bulk when placing a large order - think 200+ feeders at once. But then we have 24 snakes in the house to feed.

Try Layne Labs, it is in CA while RodentPro is in IN, which will cause a substantial difference in shipping.

Still pretty expensive, but thanks, I can just pick them up in person next time I go down south to Monterey or San Diego. Or maybe i'll make Trollbie pick them up and deliver them to me haha...

07-05-13, 07:09 PM
Thanks. I'll try the next expo. Live until then I guess...

LLLReptile was $90...

A lot of my friends go to the expo only to buy frozen feeders, because they are so cheap. Buy them as soon as you walk in the door. They go fast. The seller will hold them for you until you are ready to leave, so you do not have to carry then around all day. Don't for get to bring a cooler with you for the ride home.

07-05-13, 07:28 PM
Thanks. I'll try the next expo. Live until then I guess...

LLLReptile was $90...

Pre killed dawg....

07-05-13, 07:31 PM
There's no reason to pre kill if they wont be frozen. That just lessens the chance they will eat them.

07-05-13, 07:33 PM
There's no reason to pre kill if they wont be frozen. That just lessens the chance they will eat them.

No no, it will wean them off of live. If they dont eat freeze it and try before you buy 50$ worth of frozen.

Plus, live can hurt the snake, even a rattler.

07-05-13, 07:35 PM
No no, it will wean them off of live. If they dont eat freeze it and try before you buy 50$ worth of frozen.

Plus, live can hurt the snake, even a rattler.

I guess that makes sense to try fresh killed before thawing. But i've fed live their whole lives and have never seen a mouse even come close to anything that would even slightly hurt the snake.

07-05-13, 07:36 PM
I guess that makes sense to try fresh killed before thawing. But i've fed live their whole lives and have never seen a mouse even come close to anything that would even slightly hurt the snake.

So just keep feeding live, who cares then lol

07-05-13, 07:38 PM
So just keep feeding live, who cares then lol

Well he's right, it would make sense to make sure they'll eat fresh killed before buying a ton of frozen...

07-05-13, 07:39 PM
IFf you do get them on frozen believe me it's soooo much more convenient.

07-05-13, 07:39 PM
Well he's right, it would make sense to make sure they'll eat fresh killed before buying a ton of frozen...

I wasn't referring to that, I agree as well but if you've never seen the come close to injury, just keep feeding live.

07-05-13, 07:42 PM
IFf you do get them on frozen believe me it's soooo much more convenient.

Yeah, I realized how much easier that would be then driving 45 minutes every week or two. My main thought was health. After another issue with them now I thought frozen rodents would be a good idea and healthier, if I can get them to eat them this time.

Should have listened to everyone and made the switch when they were babies.

07-05-13, 07:43 PM
Yeah, I realized how much easier that would be then driving 45 minutes every week or two. My main thought was health. After another issue with them now I thought frozen rodents would be a good idea and healthier, if I can get them to eat them this time.

Should have listened to everyone and made the switch when they were babies.

Why dont you breed your own? From your vids you seem to have alot of land, just get a mice breeding thing going. I'm considering it

07-05-13, 07:45 PM
Why dont you breed your own? From your vids you seem to have alot of land, just get a mice breeding thing going. I'm considering it


I'll spend the $100 on a box of frozen mice before I have to deal with breeding vermin.

Also it seems like more trouble than it's worth for only two snakes that eat mice. Building cages and stuff that animals couldn't get in to.

07-05-13, 07:46 PM
Well he's right, it would make sense to make sure they'll eat fresh killed before buying a ton of frozen...

All my Rattlesnakes take F/T with no problems. Some strike it and then you lay it in front of them. Others grab it from the tongs.

07-05-13, 07:48 PM
All my Rattlesnakes take F/T with no problems. Some strike it and then you lay it in front of them. Others grab it from the tongs.

I've tried before. A lot of times the mice die between the store and here. It's less than 50% of the time they end up eating them, but maybe if I hold out and make them more hungry they'll see they don't have a choice.

07-05-13, 07:49 PM

I'll spend the $100 on a box of frozen mice before I have to deal with breeding vermin.

Also it seems like more trouble than it's worth for only two snakes that eat mice. Building cages and stuff that animals couldn't get in to.

Good point. I'm thinking to just get a pair and keep em in my fathers basement in a fish tank lol

07-05-13, 08:12 PM
When I checked out my local reptile shows and compared prices between that, pet store frozen, and online with shipping.... the online came out cheaper in the cost analyses even with shipping. Store was $4+ per rat, reptile show $3+ per rat, and online was $2+ per rat. That's medium rats though. Not sure how a cost analysis on mice would be.

07-05-13, 08:54 PM
Another option if ordering online is to find someone near you who also has snakes, combine your orders, and split the shipping.

07-05-13, 09:31 PM
I just realized something. Rhandy make the frozen rats nice and hot if you get them because obviously the heat pits. I don't know why I just realized that.

07-05-13, 10:04 PM
I just realized something. Rhandy make the frozen rats nice and hot if you get them because obviously the heat pits. I don't know why I just realized that.

Yeah i've been wondering how to get them to the optimal temp without overdoing it. Would a temp gun be reliable for checking the mice or is that not a good way to gauge it?

07-06-13, 05:43 AM
Yeah i've been wondering how to get them to the optimal temp without overdoing it. Would a temp gun be reliable for checking the mice or is that not a good way to gauge it?
You could use a temp gun. I thaw mine out in warm water drain then refill with really hot tap water. Gets them nice and hot.

07-06-13, 07:04 AM
Yeah i've been wondering how to get them to the optimal temp without overdoing it. Would a temp gun be reliable for checking the mice or is that not a good way to gauge it?

I simply use hottest water I can from my tap to thaw them. Right before I offer I empty the tub I use and re-fill with the hottest water again. I then begin to serve right from the tub (pat dry).

You can also thaw them in the room as the snakes will pick up on the scent and it make help entice them to take it but be super careful as they'll be in hunting mode.

Lastly, shipping frozen rodents costs a lot because you've got to pay for the dry ice and all the insulation and such. It sucks.

07-06-13, 08:28 AM
Thanks everyone

07-06-13, 09:05 AM
It costs me $30 just for dry ice and packing materials when I ship.

07-06-13, 09:56 AM
I don't quite get that. I get processing fees but 5 pounds of dry ice I like $5... What are twy doing shipping it in a big Rubbermaid container??

07-06-13, 09:58 AM
I don't quite get that. I get processing fees but 5 pounds of dry ice I like $5... What are twy doing shipping it in a big Rubbermaid container??

Filled with platinum.

07-06-13, 10:04 AM
Filled with platinum.

Lmao there BETTER be something other than dead vermin in there for that price....

07-06-13, 10:14 AM
I don't quite get that. I get processing fees but 5 pounds of dry ice I like $5... What are twy doing shipping it in a big Rubbermaid container??

A minimum order of dry ice cost me $25 bucks and I actually get an amazing discount because they sell it to me using a local businesses account number.

07-06-13, 10:21 AM
A minimum order of dry ice cost me $25 bucks and I actually get an amazing discount because they sell it to me using a local businesses account number.

Damn, maybe I should start buying bulk dry ice here and selling it to places around you...

07-06-13, 11:28 AM
My orders have arrived packed in a large Styrofoam beer cooler. Of the $75 shipping cost I could easily see how half of that is materials. Also, this time of year I would want overnight or at most two-day shipping due to the heat.

07-06-13, 11:33 AM
$75?? woah lol

£9 here for shipping on dry ice, $12?

07-06-13, 07:16 PM
Don't forget you've got to pay for the weight of the rodents as well...They can all add up... if it's a small shipment, no idea really...maybe they are marking it up

07-06-13, 07:51 PM
You have to realize the cost of everything involved with shipping. Rodent Pro use extra heavy duty wax card broad box, they wrap insulation in a bag around everything, then you have your dry ice, plastic Ziploc bags, and last the rats. Then like Aaron said you have to add the weight of it all. I tell you what it might seem pricey but once your get a order and see how well it package it worth it to know your rats, mice, or rabbits a will arrive frozen.

Also they have a thing where you can get a quote and it will tell you how full the box is.

here check it out. Frozen Mice, Frozen Rats, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Chicks and Quail (http://www.rodentpro.com/)

07-06-13, 07:57 PM
You have to realize the cost of everything involved with shipping. Rodent Pro use extra heavy duty wax card broad box, they wrap insulation in a bag around everything, then you have your dry ice, plastic Ziploc bags, and last the rats. Then like Aaron said you have to add the weight of it all. I tell you what it might seem pricey but once your get a order and see how well it package it worth it to know your rats, mice, or rabbits a will arrive frozen.

Also they have a thing where you can get a quote and it will tell you how full the box is.

here check it out. Frozen Mice, Frozen Rats, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Chicks and Quail (http://www.rodentpro.com/)

I just messed around with it to see what it would cost me (I don't currently order in bulk as my collection is so small I'd rather not keep that many in my small freezer) but anyways. For the anthills I tried 100 extra small pinks, 100 large pinks, and 100 fuzzies for adults. It came out to 100 shipped. If I purchased them from petco it would be like....500 or 600 dollars.. I guess with the small ones you save on shipping too though.

07-06-13, 08:00 PM
I just messed around with it to see what it would cost me (I don't currently order in bulk as my collection is so small I'd rather not keep that many in my small freezer) but anyways. For the anthills I tried 100 extra small pinks, 100 large pinks, and 100 fuzzies for adults. It came out to 100 shipped. If I purchased them from petco it would be like....500 or 600 dollars.. I guess with the small ones you save on shipping too though.

Yeah the box will be tiny and the weight of the whole order could be what? 500-600 grams?

07-06-13, 08:36 PM
Yeah the box will be tiny and the weight of the whole order could be what? 500-600 grams?

Prob less, but still would save crazy money so I figured I'd point it out. lol

07-06-13, 08:40 PM
Yeah the box will be tiny and the weight of the whole order could be what? 500-600 grams?

i belive rodent pro ships only one size box, about 2x2x2 feet, which when full of feeders and dry ice weighs about 30 pounds. a smaller order ships i the same size box, hence they tell you how much room is left in your shipping container at checkout. shipping cost is pretty standard (75$), its up to the customer to maximize cost efficiency.
the raptor center i volunteer at gets bi-weekly shipments of frozen quails, 3 boxes. they are always frozen and exceptionally well packed, though expensive.

07-06-13, 08:47 PM
Raptor center. ***** YES

07-06-13, 11:03 PM
My shipments usually weigh 50 pounds with rp and cost between $75 and $85 for shipping.

Dave Kelley
07-06-13, 11:33 PM
Rodent Pro quality is probably the poorest of all the rodent providers I have ever purchased from. To paraphrase another breeder with the same observation "the rodents look like they were dropped from space, forming into a giant smashed ball of rat." With that mangled ball comes trying to pry apart rodents, watching some break apart. Some have been missing tails, legs, and the occasional head. The odor is beyond aweful...even for rodents. The rodents don't look nearly as robust as other providers, and with the disease scare they had recently (that they didn't alert others to until they were called on it!) I won't purchase from them ever again.

Here are the two that get A+++++ in my books.
Layne Labs Snake Food, Reptile Food, Feed Carnivores, Birds of Prey : Layne Labs.com (http://laynelabs.com/)
Loxahatchee rodents Loxahatchee Rodents, E-commerce site (http://loxahatcheerodents.com/estore/)

The rodent's are robust, along with packaged neatly, aligned side by side on trays. Some of the mice have been tossed in a large bag minus the tray, but they are not mangled together....they almost look like they fell asleep and had their legs tucked into their sides , lol. No disgusting odors, clean, prompt, good pricing. If you are on the west coast, or in that region, I'd recommend Layne Labs, and Loxahatchee for the east coast. Shipping kills if you're ordering large shipments across the country....

Hope this helps!

07-07-13, 12:01 AM
Rodent Pro quality is probably the poorest of all the rodent providers I have ever purchased from. To paraphrase another breeder with the same observation "the rodents look like they were dropped from space, forming into a giant smashed ball of rat." With that mangled ball comes trying to pry apart rodents, watching some break apart. Some have been missing tails, legs, and the occasional head. The odor is beyond aweful...even for rodents. The rodents don't look nearly as robust as other providers, and with the disease scare they had recently (that they didn't alert others to until they were called on it!) I won't purchase from them ever again.

Here are the two that get A+++++ in my books.
Layne Labs Snake Food, Reptile Food, Feed Carnivores, Birds of Prey : Layne Labs.com (http://laynelabs.com/)
Loxahatchee rodents Loxahatchee Rodents, E-commerce site (http://loxahatcheerodents.com/estore/)

The rodent's are robust, along with packaged neatly, aligned side by side on trays. Some of the mice have been tossed in a large bag minus the tray, but they are not mangled together....they almost look like they fell asleep and had their legs tucked into their sides , lol. No disgusting odors, clean, prompt, good pricing. If you are on the west coast, or in that region, I'd recommend Layne Labs, and Loxahatchee for the east coast. Shipping kills if you're ordering large shipments across the country....

Hope this helps!

I will challenge your description of rp and post pics of their packaging tomorrow.

That being said I am very interested in Loxahatchee.

Dave Kelley
07-07-13, 12:10 AM
By all means, post them. I'm glad your experience has been positive, but for the year or two that I put up with it, I was never grandly impressed. Had I not been a naive keeper, I certainly would have branched out.

Maybe they cleaned up their operation a little bit...

07-07-13, 12:16 AM
By all means, post them. I'm glad your experience has been positive, but for the year or two that I put up with it, I was never grandly impressed. Had I not been a naive keeper, I certainly would have branched out.

Maybe they cleaned up their operation a little bit...

Over 18 months with a order every month and I've never had a quality issue.

Dave Kelley
07-07-13, 12:23 AM
Like I said, glad you've had a great experience. I never did.

Here's the disease scare I mentioned....couldn't remember the name but it was lymphocytic choriomeningitis, a zoonotic disease (transferable from animal to human.) The thread was started an employee of the Kentucky Reptile Zoo. Even if the quality has been improved, the fact that they did not pass an alert about this breakout at the time was the final straw.
Bad Guy RodentPro- Zoonotic disease warning - FaunaClassifieds (http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=334751)

07-07-13, 12:31 AM
I can give a sort of review on South Florida Rodents which is also in FL.... the rat crawlers/pups I got are really healthy and clean, and their fur is soft with no feces. The packaging was great too. =) They're good if you're looking for quality but not really quantity... they're more expensive than RodentPro, especially their hot deals.

I've also heard really good reviews about Loxahatchee rodents, and they're a bit cheaper than SFR, and I hear they have the same quality. =)

Unfortunately, even having only one snake, we need to buy online because the breeders around me suck, and the pet stores don't have anything smaller than a medium rat.

07-07-13, 01:52 AM
i belive rodent pro ships only one size box, about 2x2x2 feet, which when full of feeders and dry ice weighs about 30 pounds. a smaller order ships i the same size box, hence they tell you how much room is left in your shipping container at checkout. shipping cost is pretty standard (75$), its up to the customer to maximize cost efficiency.
the raptor center i volunteer at gets bi-weekly shipments of frozen quails, 3 boxes. they are always frozen and exceptionally well packed, though expensive.
You are corrected.
Rodent Pro quality is probably the poorest of all the rodent providers I have ever purchased from. To paraphrase another breeder with the same observation "the rodents look like they were dropped from space, forming into a giant smashed ball of rat." With that mangled ball comes trying to pry apart rodents, watching some break apart. Some have been missing tails, legs, and the occasional head. The odor is beyond aweful...even for rodents. The rodents don't look nearly as robust as other providers, and with the disease scare they had recently (that they didn't alert others to until they were called on it!) I won't purchase from them ever again.

I could see this with mice but i never had a issue with rats.

Over 18 months with a order every month and I've never had a quality issue.
Around two years for me and i love them.
Like I said, glad you've had a great experience. I never did.

Here's the disease scare I mentioned....couldn't remember the name but it was lymphocytic choriomeningitis, a zoonotic disease (transferable from animal to human.) The thread was started an employee of the Kentucky Reptile Zoo. Even if the quality has been improved, the fact that they did not pass an alert about this breakout at the time was the final straw.
Bad Guy RodentPro- Zoonotic disease warning - FaunaClassifieds (http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=334751)
We actually have a thread on here about this. I did receive a e-mail warning me that the rats i got might carry it. If you store them properly and wash your hand properly there should have never been a real concern.
I am a bit of a clear freak. I wash with antibacterial soap and use hand sanitizer every time i hand my snakes or their food..

07-07-13, 02:09 AM
its up to the customer to maximize cost efficiency.

fine if the company doesnt want to do small orders, but they are missing out on allot of business this way - there is no reason for them not to offer more reasonable shipping costs for smaller orders, dry ice, pacaging and logistics are cheap these days. Even with a 20Kg order I dont see how they are not making a huge profit on the 'shipping costs'....tbh I'm amazed any one uses them at that price

You can order 5 or 50 bags of food from a supermarket and get free delivery in a frozen goods vehicle, which includes packing in dry ice