View Full Version : New borneo girl

02-03-03, 02:40 AM
I got this little girl from trading a few of my snakes. She's actually pretty tame, considering she's you know, one of those blood type things.

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/kattia/borneo.jpg">

I like her. She's already bitten me. Darn are they EVER fast. Holy dojo. I didn't even know what hit me.

If you don't know what a dojo is here is one.

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/kattia/loachbody.jpg">
Yes, that's my own fish. She's awesome!

02-03-03, 07:19 AM
Nice Snake Katt, sory you got hit though, man that head looks big

Hey I have one of those fish, I call them a weather loach


02-03-03, 09:42 AM
she is a gorgoeous snake...nice stripe
very interesting fish too; have you got any more pix of it you can show us?
how big and maybe a top shot?

02-03-03, 03:49 PM
Congrats on the new addition! She looks good :)

02-03-03, 04:13 PM
She's very pretty!

Sick lookin fish tho.

02-03-03, 07:34 PM
Sick looking? Dojo's aka weather loaches, are the happiest go lucky fish out there. They're terribly cute and wonderful and adorable, not gluttonousy, nor aggressive, and can tolerate almost anything. The best in a fish. Mine let me pet them and will also feed from my fingers.

I don't have more pics of my dojo silke, but you can find lots at www.loaches.com. Look under species index.

Thanks for the compliments guys!

02-03-03, 11:11 PM
very nice Borneo Katt!!!! Thats a cool looking loach too!

Grant vg
02-04-03, 01:44 AM
I agree!
Great colours and thats a beaut of a strip!
Congrats Katt! :D

02-04-03, 01:45 PM
I totally lay the blame on YOU Grant, and VANAN, for making me want such a beast. Although, I'm happy, she ate for me and now I want a male to go with her!