View Full Version : Reptile room still in progress ...

07-05-13, 10:59 AM
We bought a new house back in March and have been working on the reptile room. These were taken about a week after we moved and I just realized I hadn't posted the pictures on this forum. We've added a bit more that we haven't taken pictures of yet.

We now have another large rack by this one, that we still haven't completely setup, because we aren't sure what all will be on it yet.



We are going to put two smaller baby racks in the middle of the room at some point. Also want to replace the carpet with a nice industrial carpet in time.

07-05-13, 11:02 AM
And just for fun, here is the door to the reptile room.

This was just after we put the baby racks up to see how they'd look. Pardon the mess in the room in this shot.

07-05-13, 11:12 AM
Wow that looks awesome! I bet you just sit there on the floor at night with coffee. That is what I would do with a room like that

07-05-13, 11:20 AM
Looks really nice. What kind of reptiles do you keep?

07-05-13, 11:34 AM
We have 20 snakes, soon to be 22 come the 8th, 10 crested geckos presently and 2 gargoyle geckos. We have 11 species of snake, mostly Colubrids and boas. Thai Bamboo rats, Mandarin rats, corns, Rosy boas, Rainbow boa and African House snakes to name a few.

07-05-13, 11:36 AM
We have 20 snakes, soon to be 22 come the 8th, 10 crested geckos presently and 2 gargoyle geckos. We have 11 species of snake, mostly Colubrids and boas. Thai Bamboo rats, Mandarin rats, corns, Rosy boas, Rainbow boa and African House snakes to name a few.
Cool! I figure with that many cages it had to be quite a varied. :)

EL Ziggy
07-05-13, 11:43 AM
That is an awesome reptile room Charis. Thanks for sharing.

07-05-13, 11:59 AM
Very cool setup.

07-05-13, 01:55 PM
Why does it have to be pink :((( just messing, very organized room, I like it.

07-05-13, 03:11 PM
nice little zoo you got there! bit envious :D

Mark Taylor
07-05-13, 03:22 PM
Have you got a quarantine room as well or is that like mine, viv in a room? Looks ace job well worth doing.