View Full Version : Corn Snake housing requirements?

07-05-13, 12:38 AM
Hello, everyone. If you have read any of my previous posts you know that I only own a Ball Python. Well about 10 minutes ago, my friend came to my house and said "look what I found!". Inside was an Albino Cornsnake. he's about 2-3 feet and super tame. he was definitely taken care of pretty good. he's SUPER cold right now so I have him under a heat lamp, in the old glass terrarium I used for my BP. I don't want him to die, or be unhealthy (plus I love all snakes) so I figured I'd take care of him for now, or maybe permanently, if appropriate. I need to know what the heat, humidity, etc requirements are for these guys. I am OUTRAGEOUSLY HAPPY to have the chance to see this guy! :D again... knowing what he needs would really help. he feels like he was in a freezer so he is heating up right now before he gets sick. These guys aren't native (as far as I know) so he was obviously a pet, or from a pet store.

07-05-13, 06:28 AM
Very simple snakes to keep. More so than a bp.

Warm side 86-89

Cool- 76-80

Humidity should be around 40% then bump up to 65% in shed.

Corn snakes are native to many parts of the US but an albino in the wild probably would not reach that size.

07-05-13, 06:29 AM
That glass viv is fine for a corn. Add a heat pad or heat tape on a thermostat and you are good to go. Substrate, water dish and 2 hides and your ready. Pics ...always pics :)

07-05-13, 06:52 AM
That glass viv is fine for a corn. Add a heat pad or heat tape on a thermostat and you are good to go. Substrate, water dish and 2 hides and your ready. Pics ...always pics :)

Thanks, man. Since I got the snake without notice, I have two hides, a water bowl, no bedding, and a heat lamp. lol Not the ideal setup. However, it's working for now. Some people are saying they think he's albino, some say he's a snow. I don't really care. It's an awesome snake either way. He's very calm when I handle him... Like there's no way he's wild caught... This guy was an escapee. I searched craigslist for about 30 minutes in all possible sections to see if anyone is missing him, but I figured it's more likely that someone let him go. Anyways, I uploaded pics in a newer thread, but I'll post some here, too! Btw, the first two pictures were extracted from a video so they are pretty blurry.

07-05-13, 08:54 AM
Get some aspen bedding and you probably won't have to worry about sufficient hide spots as he will make his own.

07-05-13, 09:25 AM
Yup. Aspen is great for corns. They can dig in it too.

07-05-13, 09:33 AM
Get some aspen bedding and you probably won't have to worry about sufficient hide spots as he will make his own.


http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y424/adorian1000/Orangeville-20130703-00227_zps569e9273.jpg (http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/adorian1000/media/Orangeville-20130703-00227_zps569e9273.jpg.html)

http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y424/adorian1000/Orangeville-20130703-00251_zpsbd4b735e.jpg (http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/adorian1000/media/Orangeville-20130703-00251_zpsbd4b735e.jpg.html)