View Full Version : How to clean Used Terrarium

07-04-13, 03:03 PM
Ok so as some of you probably know the tank that I use for y snakes actually is now empty since both of them died from a disease. Can't remember what it was. Anyway I'm going to house 1 or 2 leopard geckos in it and I want to make sure it is 100% cleaned down so that the leopard geckos don't get the stupid disease. So just put down any tricks you have for cleaning it down really good and making sure it is really clean. Also I have a couple hides and stuff I wanna use for the geckos too so tips to clean that stuff would help too. Plz help out and post stuff because I really need to make sure it is clean.

07-04-13, 03:18 PM
I use the dish washer for aquarium decor. Anything hot will do it some good, boiling water, bleach water mix, baking things in the oven if its oven safe.

07-04-13, 03:26 PM
Yea I've been looking and it looks like just washing the stuff with soapy hot water is the best but I still don't know how I will clean the tank. So many different methods. Right now I think that the bleach option is probably the best. I don't know I just really don't want my little gecko that I'm gonna get to die...

07-04-13, 03:28 PM
agree...weak bleach solution with hot water (2~5%), then rinse well with boiling water; shouldnt leave any trace of bacteria - leave it all to dry off completely to ensure all the bleach evaporates and leaves the vivarium safe, over night is best

If you have stains and stuff in the tank, you can use Vinegar or Lemon Juice first, then clean water, then do the bleach/boiling water

personally I prefer to avoid detergants, they can leave residues unless you are very thorough rinsing - bleach evaporates and doesnt leave residue (as long as it is just bleach, not a mixture of cleaning chemicals)

If your shower runs of hot water at above 65C, then that will do the trick, mine is 75C on its hottest setting and theres nothing like using a power shower to clean up a tank quickly!

07-04-13, 04:13 PM
Can't really do the shower thing because I already have a heat pad on it and thanks for the tip just finished wipping it down with the viniger water mixture and then did the clean water and I'm about to get the bleach/hot water mixture. Probably wont actually get him until next week but I figured that I would start cleaning now.

07-04-13, 04:16 PM
And just to make sure when I am done wipping it down with the bleach wate mixture I just leave it to dry? I don't use a dry towel or anything

07-04-13, 04:50 PM
yeah, just rinse it with boiling or very hot water then leave it to dry, it needs to be air-dried to get rid of the bleach so not allot of benefit using a towel aswell

07-04-13, 06:57 PM
Personaly I would use a very strong bleech solution and soak it all down with it. Let it sit a few minutes then rinse it with super hot water. If you rinse it properly it will not matter how strong the bleech was. After rinsing let it dry until you don't smell bleech. Maybe a couple days.
As said above there will be nothing left alive inside.

red ink
07-04-13, 07:26 PM

The only thing I use when I do a full enclosure clean once a month. It's a veterinary grade cleaner.

07-04-13, 07:43 PM
Honestly, used aquariums make me nervous, & you should always assume that previous occupants died of some horrible contagious disease. I'd first use a little dish-soap & water to remove any surface dirt (since the presence of dirt reduces the effectiveness of disinfectants) and use vinegar to remove any mineral/hard water deposits (if any); then use a strong bleach solution and hot water, and use an old toothbrush to scrub in corners and under the rims, and let it sit awhile before rinsing. Rinse until there is no bleach odor remaining. That's probably sufficient, but the only time I ever got a used aquarium I also wiped it out with rubbing alcohol, and cleaned it with chlorhexidine (Nolvasan) as well, giving it multiple cleanings...to me, used aquariums are more trouble than they're generally worth.

07-04-13, 08:05 PM
Honestly, used aquariums make me nervous, & you should always assume that previous occupants died of some horrible contagious disease. I'd first use a little dish-soap & water to remove any surface dirt (since the presence of dirt reduces the effectiveness of disinfectants) and use vinegar to remove any mineral/hard water deposits (if any); then use a strong bleach solution and hot water, and use an old toothbrush to scrub in corners and under the rims, and let it sit awhile before rinsing. Rinse until there is no bleach odor remaining. That's probably sufficient, but the only time I ever got a used aquarium I also wiped it out with rubbing alcohol, and cleaned it with chlorhexidine (Nolvasan) as well, giving it multiple cleanings...to me, used aquariums are more trouble than they're generally worth.

I agree comepletly.

Although I wouldn't use water hot enough to produce steam while in conjunction with bleach as it will burn you eyes and lungs.

07-04-13, 09:31 PM
I already did the weak bleach solution only about 5-6% of water. Should I redo it with a bit more

07-04-13, 09:53 PM
I already did the weak bleach solution only about 5-6% of water. Should I redo it with a bit more

That is mostly bleach dude. They meant 5-6% bleach and 94-95%water.

07-04-13, 09:56 PM
Yea sorry mixted it up I meant I did 5-6% bleach since that so what the jest guy said. So again do you think I should do it again with more bleach?

07-04-13, 09:58 PM
Yea sorry mixted it up I meant I did 5-6% bleach since that so what the jest guy said. So again do you think I should do it again with more bleach?

If you are very worried I'd go 10-15 percent then give night for it to air dry.

07-04-13, 10:02 PM
Ok thanks ill do it again tomorrow.

07-05-13, 01:41 AM
bleach doesn't need to be in a very concentrated solution to be effective, it doesnt need to be stronger than 5% to destroy bacteria, virii, even small invertebrates (eg mites) - and yes I agree, get into the corners and make sure it really is clean

I do agree that you should not mix boiling water and bleach into a solution for sure, but a mix of hot water and bleach is important, finished off with a close to boiling (65C+) clean rinse. If the bleach solution is cold, you risk cracking the glass with the final rinse at high tempreture - rinsing with cold water wont give you the heat treatment you need

I've used simple bleach then boiling water rinse method on countless tanks, some which I've had for decades, with no issues whatsoever :)

07-11-13, 10:44 AM

The only thing I use when I do a full enclosure clean once a month. It's a veterinary grade cleaner.

I agree. That would be the best way to go in my opinion.