View Full Version : Finally joined the website club...

Dave Kelley
07-01-13, 07:59 PM
Built a website about a month ago using the Breedersource.com web template service. Gotta say, it was amazingly easy to use, with a very friendly interface for quick updates. Seeing as there's a slight possibility I could have a clutch or two this year, I threw this together to provide a professional web presence. As of right now, no animals are for sale, but the journal page is being updated as news worthy events/rants occur, and the collection has been tossed up, with each animal having both a lineage chart and small description. Lemme know watcha think.

Kelley Herpetoculture (http://www.kelleyherp.com/)

07-01-13, 08:32 PM
Hey Dave, nice job dude! I like the look.

07-01-13, 08:52 PM
Hey dave! Congrats on the website. Looks pretty cool. What are you expecting to hatch out this year.

07-01-13, 09:21 PM
Lineage chart is a good idea. I like the over feel of the site. Smooth.

07-01-13, 09:24 PM
Congrats on the site :)

Mark Taylor
07-02-13, 04:25 AM
Good looking site Dave I also think lineage chart is a good idea, Shame there is nothing available though.:)

Dave Kelley
07-02-13, 07:23 AM
Thanks guys. Those lineage charts were made in powerpoint, thats it. May not be a fancy template, but if you are seriously dedicated to lineage, you can make a great pedigree in mothing more than basic powerpoint.

07-02-13, 07:41 AM
Great job it looks really nice.