View Full Version : Is crape myrtle tree wood snake safe?

07-01-13, 12:55 PM
Hello All,
I recently trimmed my tree and debarked some crape myrtle tree branches to put in my colurbrids tank. I cannot find however any place that states if it is or is not a safe wood. Does anyone have experience with this wood and snakes?

07-01-13, 07:40 PM
Two threads bro?

07-01-13, 09:01 PM
I put a crape myrtle branch in with my first python years ago and had no problems with it. i dried it in the sun for several weeks before I used it. Make sure to keep it dry and watch for mold.

07-01-13, 09:57 PM
Or bake it

07-10-13, 03:08 PM
leaves can be toxic to dogs and horses if eaten, but no reason the wood shouldn't be fine if dried like stated above.