View Full Version : regurge

06-30-13, 08:34 PM
my baby BRB out of no where regurged :no: He'd housed in a 36x18x18 exoterra viv that has the top seran wrapped to holds in humidity. His temps are about 78-80 on the hot side and about 70 degrees on the low side. His humidity is at 99% most of the time. He has 4 hides including a moss hide on the hot side. He eats F/T and has never had a problem. He has also had two sheds with me. His second shed I was on vacation though and my hubby's friend let his humid drop too low and he had an incomplete shed but I was able to take care of it quick with a nice warm soak soon as I got home. I have them on a automated misting system now tho. My other BRB has no issues. Other then the regurge he seems fine. Should I just wait out the 14 days and try him on some pinkies again before I go back up to fuzzies?

07-01-13, 12:32 PM

A regurg can be caused by a myriad of reasons all of which has their own circumstances/solutions. While I wouldn’t say to not worry about it, I wouldn’t freak out too much. From your description, you seem to be doing everything right. I would hold off on feeding for at least 2 weeks and they feed your BRB something much smaller then normal. I would do this for a little while then start to shorten the time between feedings until you are back on schedule. If everything works out and there is no more regurging then I would just say not to worry it was probable an anomaly. If your BRB regurges again, I think you have a serious problem and I would address this again.

John Wiseman

07-01-13, 12:40 PM
I agree with John, a single regurge is not necessarily an issue. Skip a meal (wait 14 days) and then feed again. I would still go with a slightly smaller meal just as insurance. Like a scrawny Hopper or decent size Fuzzy.

Is your BRB Hypo related?

07-01-13, 02:00 PM
I agree with John, a single regurge is not necessarily an issue. Skip a meal (wait 14 days) and then feed again. I would still go with a slightly smaller meal just as insurance. Like a scrawny Hopper or decent size Fuzzy.

Is your BRB Hypo related?

nope. He's a normal :)

thanks for the replies! I've never had any of my snakes regurge and it freaked me out. lol

07-01-13, 08:18 PM
(repeat from other post)

Orochimarus, a regurg can be a serious issue with rainbows. Some animals seem more prone to it than others -- for example, the early hypos were *plagued* by it -- but usually it is an isolated incident. Regardless, the best way to handle it is to treat it seriously because once a second regurg hits, then you have a much harder to treat problem.

One item to keep in mind is that, in addition to stress, any regurg costs the animal a bunch of digestive fluids and enzymes. Thus, you need to feed lightly until the animal's system can rebuild those resources and handle another larger meal. I typically recommend dropping your food size by one level, and lengthening your time between feeds by double. So, if you fed pups weekly, you would now offer fuzzies every other week. Try the reduced feeding plan for two feeds in a row -- so, four weeks' time. If all is well, then *either* increase the feeding size back to where you were before, *or* increase the feeding time -- not both. Feed twice more on this schedule. If all is still well, then go back to where you were before.

Note that regurgs can be triggered by stress, so I would avoid handling him the day before or for three days after feeding.

Good luck!