View Full Version : coastal carpet python cage

monitor boy
02-02-03, 08:45 PM
hi i was just wondering what people keep there adult coastal capet pythons in. If you have any pics of those cages i would greatly appreciate seeing them.


02-04-03, 03:28 AM
hi. i have a coastal as well though he is only a juvenile. i thought i might as well build him something that will last the rest of his life. i think they are a great pet and a lot of fun when they are feeding. :) the cage itself is made out of ply and is coated with poly eurathane. i left it to cure after i finished it for about two months. because coastals are aboreal i have two overhead lights for warmth. one is an infra red for night veiwing and one is a dayglo basking spotlight. i also have an undertank heater and thermostat, which i never use as he never finds the ground. the dimensions of the cage are 1056 wide x 1350 high x 600 deep. (in millimetres) sorry i live in australia. in feet i think it is 3.5 ft x 4.5 ft x 2 ft. the reason the cage is of these dimensions is because it may not sound that large but it is quite sufficient for the one snake. they certainly are not that active. i found a place that sold second hand house fixtures. from this i bought a window with a large viewing area. this became the basis of my cage. the rest is just the time it took to screw the panels together & varnish it. if you have any further questions pls dont hesitate to ask.