View Full Version : New Scorpion..plus the rest of my Reptiles :)

06-25-13, 08:55 PM
So I got a new Emperor Scorpion :) His name is Lucifer and he's pretty cool! I just wanted to share that even though he isn't a snake, let alone a reptile, but I figured some of y'all would be pretty interested in seeing him!

06-25-13, 08:57 PM
Jäger and Cornflakes the Cornsnakes, Archer the Kingsnake, Link the Ball Python and Koopa the Bearded Dragon in these pics :)

06-25-13, 08:59 PM
Mr. T the Box Turtle, Ony the Kingsnake and another of Lucifer the Scorpion :)

06-25-13, 09:37 PM
Nice collection and congrats on the scorpion :D

06-25-13, 09:38 PM
Nice collection, I have a few arachnids myself =]

06-25-13, 09:54 PM
haha thanks guys! My boyfriend wanted a Tarantula but I'm deathly afraid of spiders (for good reason too! lol) but we saw this Scorpion and Tarantula today and I said if you really want a spider, can we meet halfway and get a Scorpion instead? haha it worked :)