View Full Version : New Snake Guy

06-24-13, 10:02 AM
Hi everyone! Im new to snakes, and its not really by my own choice. My kids walked in the house not too long ago with a California King Newport-Long Beach Morph (I hope I got it right). After my first shock at it, and panic because I thought my kids might get hurt, all was well.

We've had "Susan" (no idea how the name came about) for about 4-5 days. Below are some pictures of her and of her tank I bought. Im not quite sure how to care for this animal, since I'm really a fish guy. So Im here to learn.

I really am interested in feeding, care, handling (my kids pick her up) and biting.....I know that there are no fangs, but want to minimize the risk of my kids getting bit. And and all help or advice you can give will be greatly appreciated. I was originally at your sister site "thamnophis" because we thought she was a Garter. After getting help from everyone there we were able to identify her, and one of the Moderators "Infernalis" suggested I check this site out.

Here's our girl.....so far, she ate Saturday night, and ate 2 small mice. I just need to get this feeding down, so she doesn't think we're her food, but rather a safe place with endless supply of food, attention, safety and love.

Thank You!


06-24-13, 11:26 AM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


06-24-13, 11:42 AM
Welcome! :) Awesome snake.

06-24-13, 11:45 AM
Hello and welcome

Mark Taylor
06-24-13, 12:03 PM
Hi and welcome.

06-24-13, 12:04 PM
Welcome, even if your kids get bit (which is unlikely) there is nothing to worry about.

It probably wont even break the skin, if it does neosporin should take care of it.

Over all your setup is pretty good but you'll want to add another hide and maybe cover up some of the mesh screen so not too much humidity is lost.

06-24-13, 12:10 PM

Well now . . .

First off, cover both sides and the back of the tank to give it more security, snakes are shy. :)

It will need two hides, one at the warm end 88-92F
and one at the cool end, 78-80F ambient temp of around 83F and average humidity, 40-50%.

I would also remove the dirt and us aspen substrate, Kings love to burrow.

Make sure all heating items are on thermostats to protect the animal from burns.

Feeding should be about once a week, with the feeder animal being approx., 1.25-1.50 x the largest diameter of the snakes body.

Hope this helps. :)

06-24-13, 12:21 PM
All of this is GREAT info, and I'm going to incorporate everything here!

And es....he does seem a little shy, that was why I was concerned about a defensive bite. Like in SCUBA diving, most animals we encounter will only do things defensively. I just want this guy to feel secure.

06-24-13, 12:26 PM
Since he is new (and just fed), I would setup his enclosure properly and give him 4 or 5 days to adjust to her new world.

After that, you can start handling her every other day for about 15mins or so.

Good luck and grats on the King.

EL Ziggy
06-24-13, 01:17 PM
Welcome to the forum and best wishes with your new Cal King. They're awesome pets. You'll get lots of great info and advice here. I know I have. Make sure to read your care sheets too. Keep us posted on your progress.

06-24-13, 03:36 PM
Ok....so I bought aspen snake bedding, and am going to take everything out, but had planned to put it right on the dirt (theres not much dirt). I saw that the snake was looking frustrated because it kept trying to burrow thru the glass at the bottom.

Also picked up a background for the tank as well. So hopefully she'll like it. Its actually my first time about to pick her up. She seems to like my kids, so I'm hoping she wont be scared of me.

06-24-13, 03:40 PM
welcome to the forums and welcome to the hobby mate.

06-24-13, 05:30 PM
Hello and welcome! Glad you decided to give her a chance, rather than kicking her out! :) I'm sure you'll come to love her, and then you'll be hooked. ;)

06-24-13, 05:33 PM
Ok....so I bought aspen snake bedding, and am going to take everything out, but had planned to put it right on the dirt (theres not much dirt). I saw that the snake was looking frustrated because it kept trying to burrow thru the glass at the bottom.

Also picked up a background for the tank as well. So hopefully she'll like it. Its actually my first time about to pick her up. She seems to like my kids, so I'm hoping she wont be scared of me.

Snakes predators are birds and if you pick it up like a bird would (straight down like you have talons) your snake may reacts differently than if you slowly slid your hand under its body. =]

06-25-13, 05:31 PM
Well I have to say that I really appreciate everyones advice and assistance. I've tried to incorporate everything I've been told, and heres what I have so far on her new home. She seems to like it, is pretty relaxed, and absolutely loves to burrow!

06-25-13, 05:51 PM
Well I have to say that I really appreciate everyones advice and assistance. I've tried to incorporate everything I've been told, and heres what I have so far on her new home. She seems to like it, is pretty relaxed, and absolutely loves to burrow!

That is a pretty nice setup imo.

06-25-13, 07:02 PM
very nice, i'm glad to see another person with a california king! They were my first snake too :)

they are pretty easy, very forgiving, and very beautiful charismatic snakes! best of luck with (her?) :)

07-01-13, 09:39 AM
Welcome aboard!

07-01-13, 10:32 AM
Welcome! I actually remember seeing your thread about this on the thamnophis site:)

07-03-13, 04:57 PM
Very cool snake and enclosure. Welcome. ^_^

07-03-13, 05:38 PM
Thank you! After I fed her on Sunday, her eyes looked a bit cloudy, and now she's disappeared under the substrate for the last 3 days. From what I can find out.....it seems like thats a sign of shedding. Although I'm a little concerned since she disappeared. I can see her under there, and she has become quite slow and on rare occasion over the last 3 days, will stick her head out. Im trying not to be concerned, but its hard.

07-04-13, 06:29 AM
Thank you! After I fed her on Sunday, her eyes looked a bit cloudy, and now she's disappeared under the substrate for the last 3 days. From what I can find out.....it seems like thats a sign of shedding. Although I'm a little concerned since she disappeared. I can see her under there, and she has become quite slow and on rare occasion over the last 3 days, will stick her head out. Im trying not to be concerned, but its hard.

Your enclosure looks awesome now. :)

If she is in shed you may not see her for a while. All snakes are a little different. My Cali takes about 5 days total, my MBK takes about 10 days.

The snake will secrete a milky fluid that helps remove the old skin. This will dull the old skin and the eyes will go a milky blue. This will last for days. At this time your snake will hide due to the fact it cannot see during this period. Once the eyes clear up your snake will normally shed within the next 48 hours.

all though not REALLY necessary (provided you have proper humidity levels) I mist my tank a couple times a day during this period to add some extra humidity and help with the shed. You can also put some damp moss in her hide at this time as well.

EDIT: If you just fed her, she will hide for a couple days to digest her meal as well.

07-04-13, 08:39 AM
Make sure that the hides and any rocks or heavy branches touch the bottom of the tank, not just the surface of the aspen. If she burrows under a heavy object, it could fall on her and injure her. If any heavy objects are touching the bottom of the enclosure, she can't burrow under them.

She's a lovely snake. If she hasn't bitten anybody yet, she isn't very likely to bite. You're smart to recognize that most bites are defensive. Approach her slowly, and don't reach for her head. Pick her up by her main body, sliding your hand under her body as Amadeus suggested, and you should be fine.

The second reason that snakes may bite is if your hands smell like prey. So don't try to pick her up when you're feeding her. If you need to pick her up when you're getting ready to feed her, be absolutely certain that you have washed the mouse smell off your hands thoroughly, move slowly, and, again, you should be fine.

Some snakes have a very strong feeding response. I have one Honduran Milk Snake like this, and he starts striking wildly when he smells mouse in the air, even before I open his enclosure. So I never just stick my hand in his tank, even if I have washed the mouse smell off! If your snake is like this, just take extra precautions.

You're doing a great job so far--and I have to say, you should give yourself a pat on the back for being a relaxed and accepting dad! You'll soon be known as "the coolest dad in the neighborhood"!

From the Coolest Mom in the Neighborhood!