View Full Version : What type of snake is this?

06-23-13, 06:36 PM
I found this in my backyard.

A. I held its head, and its tail constricted around my finger.
B. It's only a baby.
C. I live in Northeast Pennsylvania, and I have a river in my backyard. I also have acres of woods around my house.

Thank you!

PS: Don't worry, I'm treating him nice and releasing him as soon as I figure out what kind he is. I'm just a little curious.

06-23-13, 07:24 PM
Garter snake. ;)

06-23-13, 07:37 PM
Garter snake. ;)


06-23-13, 07:41 PM
I had a feeling! I just had different thoughts when it wrapped around my finger, I had no clue they did that. Thanks!

06-23-13, 09:05 PM
That was my first thought

06-23-13, 10:31 PM
Infernalis always beats me to the ID threads...

06-24-13, 04:16 AM
It's not a baby. It's a yearling from last season. This years litters are just now starting to appear, and newborns are tiny.

06-24-13, 09:32 AM
When Infernalis says newborn garter snakes are tiny, he's not kidding. They typically range from 3-5 inches. I got brought one that got loose at NARBC last Feb because the guy who went to the show didn't want to deal with feeding it; it was about 6 inches long and he was feeding it red wigglers (BAD!) every two days. So it was super tiny and slender. I switched it to tiny mouse reds; now it eats pinkies just fine and is growing very well.