View Full Version : Help! Im getting worried..

06-23-13, 12:28 PM
My corny Ringo has been trying to shed for a LONG time, but all he has shed is his head. Today I fed him, and he seemed to have an extremely hard time swallowing. After quite a few minutes he finally got it past his throat. When I set him back into his viv, I set him in the waterbowl in hope it would help him continue shedding.
I spray his tank every day, so I can't understand why he won't shed!

06-23-13, 12:56 PM
My corny Ringo has been trying to shed for a LONG time, but all he has shed is his head. Today I fed him, and he seemed to have an extremely hard time swallowing. After quite a few minutes he finally got it past his throat. When I set him back into his viv, I set him in the waterbowl in hope it would help him continue shedding.
I spray his tank every day, so I can't understand why he won't shed!

Didn't they tell you to be patient and stop worrying about it? He doesn't shed on your time, and when you want to see it. Leave the poor thing alone, I feel like your going to keep trying to 'help' him shed and just make it worse because there was probably nothing wrong in the beginning.

Leave. Him. Alone.

06-23-13, 02:16 PM
You need to fix your husbandry or else this will keep happening. Obviously spraying isn't working do you have a humid hide in there?

06-23-13, 02:27 PM
I replied on your other thread about this. You are handling him to much and you need to get proper equipment so you can fix your humidity problem. I'm sorry but this bad shed isn't the snakes fault.

06-24-13, 12:37 PM
my corns had a little problem shedding at firstbut after i got my humidifier they shed very easily and their scales look very healthy

06-24-13, 12:45 PM
is this another screen-lid debacle?

06-24-13, 03:00 PM
Screen lid or not husbandry is husbandry.

People are so quick to blame screen lids. Do they help? No. Are they THE WORST thing out there? Not even close

06-24-13, 03:41 PM
I just still can not believe petstores sell screen top enclosures with heat lamps. It must be to have you come back with issues and buy more stuff. Yes it can be made to work and my king is in one but not everyone can or uses it with snakes that only require low humidity. Many people also think misting twice a day is fine ..well what about the rest of tge day when the tank drys out? People don't realize spikes in humidity is as bad and a lack there of. Given the fact that most people have internet I just don't get the amount of husbandry issues we read about on here...seeing as this is on the net and the answers are all ob the site already .