View Full Version : Eastern milksnake

06-17-13, 10:59 AM
I have a new addition, her name is Scarlet. She has eaten mice for me and shed last night so I have decided to keep her.

06-17-13, 11:02 AM
Is she wild caught by you?
Also, was wondering if there are eastern kingsnakes upstate?

06-17-13, 11:06 AM
Heres an over head view of her set up, and one from the side. Her tank is above my garter snakes and their heat lamp warms a small area of her cage to 85 surface temp, the rest is around 73.

06-17-13, 11:07 AM
Yes she is wild caught, I don't think there are eastern kingsnakes up here.

06-17-13, 11:09 AM
some more pics

06-17-13, 11:13 AM
What a cutie :)

06-17-13, 11:32 AM
update us on the rudi !

06-17-13, 11:35 AM
if it's eating, you already crossed the hardest part.

06-17-13, 12:12 PM
I know, when she ate I was sooo happy :) I never even consider keeping an animal that wont eat for me, and she ate right of the bat without being here more than a few days.

06-17-13, 12:25 PM
Did you pop/probe "her?" I love her colors btw

06-17-13, 03:37 PM
Congrats on the new animal =]

06-17-13, 03:46 PM
Nah I didn't probe her or anything, I just decided she is a she. And thanks for the congrats guys she's a cute little thing. Likes to burrow but I also see her moving around sometimes.

07-02-13, 11:56 AM
Great snake and great find!:cool:

07-05-13, 09:53 AM
A video of her eating a mouse for me for the third time last night. Sorry the vid is kinda crappy.
Tiny eastern milksnake eating - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXWAyDvXTJg)

07-05-13, 10:24 AM
Eastern Milk Snakes are illegal to keep in NY regardless if they are wild caught or not. To have one legally, you must have a DEC Collect and Possess License. You should turn it loose where you found it. Also if your Garter Snakes are Easterns, they also are illegal to keep in NY.

07-05-13, 12:16 PM
Eastern Milk Snakes are illegal to keep in NY regardless if they are wild caught or not. To have one legally, you must have a DEC Collect and Possess License. You should turn it loose where you found it. Also if your Garter Snakes are Easterns, they also are illegal to keep in NY.

Debby downer.

I think I saw infernalis has an eastern milk. Better fine him.

07-05-13, 12:30 PM
Debby downer.

I think I saw infernalis has an eastern milk. Better fine him.

Infernalis, knows the laws and I think he has the license. DEC visits him every once in a while, due to his nosy neighbors.

I only mention it, because every time one of us get caught violating the laws, it effects us all, with tighter regulations.

07-05-13, 12:34 PM
Tough Sh*t she's mine now. If it isn't a threatened or endangered species in the state I don't care, there is no harm in me having them. They are better off with me than in the wild with predators and sickness.

07-05-13, 01:14 PM
Sorry I get really defensive when people tell me to let my snakes go. I plan to get a license of some sort so I can get my pet fox and legally keep other native wildlife without people giving me crap. A USDA license would work, though I would need to do shows and such.

07-05-13, 02:17 PM
Sorry I get really defensive when people tell me to let my snakes go. I plan to get a license of some sort so I can get my pet fox and legally keep other native wildlife without people giving me crap. A USDA license would work, though I would need to do shows and such.

No need to resort to profanity. A USDA license has nothing to do with keeping native reptile species in NY. You are mad because you are breaking the law and you know it. There is no reason to rape the wild of reptiles, when there are many places to buy captive bred.

07-05-13, 02:23 PM
Tough Sh*t she's mine now. If it isn't a threatened or endangered species in the state I don't care, there is no harm in me having them. They are better off with me than in the wild with predators and sickness.

All respect just flew out the window. :/

07-05-13, 02:59 PM
I said I was sorry.

Mark Taylor
07-05-13, 03:38 PM
You did but your post prior was disrespectful. Dont ruin the hobby for everyone else.

07-05-13, 03:45 PM
No need to resort to profanity. A USDA license has nothing to do with keeping native reptile species in NY. You are mad because you are breaking the law and you know it. There is no reason to rape the wild of reptiles, when there are many places to buy captive bred.

Reptiles will have a much easier life in captivity and you know it.

07-05-13, 03:46 PM
You did but your post prior was disrespectful. Dont ruin the hobby for everyone else.

Oh you people. Ruin the hobby for everyone else. Step down off of your podium.

07-05-13, 03:47 PM
Reptiles will have a much easier life in captivity and you know it.

Yes and he didnt say otherwise, however we have Cbb easterns available. If everyone took snakes from the wild, it will rape the population is what he means.

07-05-13, 03:48 PM
Yes and he didnt say otherwise, however we have Cbb easterns available. If everyone took snakes from the wild, it will rape the population is what he means.

That's hypocritical towards his own statement that they are illegal to keep captive bred or not earlier on this page.

07-05-13, 04:09 PM
That's hypocritical towards his own statement that they are illegal to keep captive bred or not earlier on this page.

In NY the license to Collect or Possess, means, you can keep captive bred snakes all year long. Wild caughts are kept only for the summer time and must be released where they were caught at the end of summer. They are to be used for educational purposes to help protect the wild population.

My statement is not hypocritical, I just follow what the laws are in my state.

07-05-13, 04:10 PM
In NY the license to Collect or Possess, means, you can keep captive bred snakes all year long. Wild caughts are kept only for the summer time and must be released where they were caught at the end of summer. They are to be used for educational purposes to help protect the wild population.

My statement is not hypocritical, I just follow what the laws are in my state.

That's cool. But it's totally asinine to deny that you spoke and then spoke against the spoken words.

07-05-13, 05:37 PM
That's cool. But it's totally asinine to deny that you spoke and then spoke against the spoken words.

I never denied anything I said. You assumed. Get your facts correct.

07-05-13, 05:49 PM
I never denied anything I said. You assumed. Get your facts correct.

Yes, yes you. By denying that you were being hypocritical you denying what you had originally said so that your superiority was not diminished. Get your facts correct. =]

07-05-13, 05:54 PM
Yes, yes you. By denying that you were being hypocritical you denying what you had originally said so that your superiority was not diminished. Get your facts correct. =]

Again, I never denied anything I said. And I never professed to be superior to anyone.

Please explain in detail what I denied.

07-05-13, 05:58 PM
Again, I never denied anything I said. And I never professed to be superior to anyone.

Please explain in detail what I denied.

Oh so you did not deny that you were being hypocritical?

You may have never professed or even knew you were trying to be superior but it's obvious that you have an elitist attitude towards people who don't do what you think should be done.

07-05-13, 06:13 PM
Oh so you did not deny that you were being hypocritical?

You may have never professed or even knew you were trying to be superior but it's obvious that you have an elitist attitude towards people who don't do what you think should be done.

It is not what I think should be done, but what the law says. If you think I'm being hypocritical and superior because i have licenses to keep these snake legally, then I guess you are right. I have been an educator for over 33 years and have had the licenses to keep the snakes legally. The person who objected to not being allowed to keep the snake is not even old enough to get a license.

Yes, I still deny being hypocritical. And you still have not pointed out in any of my statements that I was.

07-05-13, 06:14 PM
It is not what I think should be done, but what the law says. If you think I'm being hypocritical and superior because i have licenses to keep these snake legally, then I guess you are right. I have been an educator for over 33 years and have had the licenses to keep the snakes legally. The person who objected to not being allowed to keep the snake is not even old enough to get a license.

Yes, I still deny being hypocritical. And you still have not pointed out in any of my statements that I was.

Just forget it bro lol really...

07-05-13, 06:16 PM
Just forget it bro lol really...

Your right. Thanks for saving me from wasting my time.

07-05-13, 06:18 PM
It is not what I think should be done, but what the law says. If you think I'm being hypocritical and superior because i have licenses to keep these snake legally, then I guess you are right. I have been an educator for over 33 years and have had the licenses to keep the snakes legally. The person who objected to not being allowed to keep the snake is not even old enough to get a license.

Yes, I still deny being hypocritical. And you still have not pointed out in any of my statements that I was.

Wow ho ho, I should just stop talking at all because you have been an educator for 33 years....

I wonder what you teach. Clintonian Parsing 101?

07-05-13, 07:16 PM
Can you send me a link to the license you speak of SSSSnakes? I don't think you can get it anymore for private keeping and thats why I've given up on it.

07-05-13, 07:58 PM
Can you send me a link to the license you speak of SSSSnakes? I don't think you can get it anymore for private keeping and thats why I've given up on it.

You can not get a license for keeping restricted snakes as pets. You must have a reason to have them, (Scientific, educational or exhibitional). Mine are for educational and exhibitional. There are 3 licenses at this time that pertain to snakes. Endangered & Threatened, Collect & Possess and Venomous. Currently the large constrictors are listed on your Venomous license. You also have to be 18 years of age to obtain the license. You get them from NYSDEC Special Licensing Unit, in Albany, NY.

Possess & Collect is for native NY snakes.
Venomous is for venomous and large constrictors are temporarily listed on it.
Endangered & Threatened is self explanatory.

You must meet many safety and caging requirements and the licenses have to be updated every year with an activity report, showing all the activities that the snakes were used for.

Some of the licenses are temporarily unavailable at this time.

07-18-13, 06:19 AM
I moved Scarlet into Theodores (my Garter) old 10 gallon and moved him into a 20 gal with a lid that snaps shut. Its a bit plain right now but I will get moss and such for her soon.

07-18-13, 06:22 AM
She seems to enjoy exploring very much, its nice to be able to see her so well now.

07-18-13, 07:05 AM
Looks like you are doing well with her. Keep it up.

07-18-13, 07:33 AM
Thanks Wayne :) She's basking right now for the first time. Do you suggest a heat lamp or an undertank heating pad for her? They spend a lot of time under leaf litter in the wild don't they? I'm not sure if they usually bask or not because of that.

07-18-13, 07:39 AM
pics of her basking.

EL Ziggy
07-18-13, 07:55 AM
She is a real beauty Akuma. Keep up the good work.

07-18-13, 09:06 AM
ghrhrejkrhe My garter snake is MIA!!! Now I have to clean my horrendously messy room to find that little terd. :(