View Full Version : Cooks/amazon diffrences

Snakey Acres
02-02-03, 02:59 PM
How do you tell a cooks tree boa from an amazon tree boa?Ibought a so called cooks some time ago and receiently was told that cooks are rare due to export laws ect.and that my snake is an amazon.heres a pic of him (not a very good one).

02-02-03, 03:29 PM
I suggest that you go take a look at this website for more details..


02-02-03, 10:21 PM
Well i have never in 10 years seen a solid black ammy, Most are spotted here and there and some with black stripes weaving through their patterns but never a solid black. The pic isn't too clear but from what i can make of it, It is a Cooks.
Mar is correct, You should check out www.corallus.com it is the bet site specifically for arboreal boas.


02-03-03, 01:12 AM
The only difference they have is in the scale counts, and that will be explained on the above mentioned web page. I actually own some true cooks and if you'd like to see some pics I can help you with that. The way I know that mine are true is because I received the export papers and they came from ST. vincent Island.

02-11-03, 11:13 PM
There are some true Cooks tree Boas Out there but they are very few and very far between. Every herp show out there is selling "Colored Cooks" Cooks tree Boas are taupe colored and thats it, with slight paterning. NO COLOR. They stay smaller than the rest too. The bad thing is that scale counts overlap from the 4 main subspecies of corallus. If it has almost any color other that taupe or light brown, its not a cooks.
Also moperri, even though you have papers, whos to say it's not an intergrade anyway? Snakes travel from island to island, via swimming or floating on debris, hurricanes etc.
I basicaly think too much thought goes into makeing all the new subspecies, and should go into the ancestry of how the subspecies were created.
God I Love Ammies!!!