View Full Version : Offical Shed!!!

06-14-13, 08:26 AM
This morning my suspicions about Ringo shedding were confirmed!! His body is extremely pale and his eyes are capped. I'm so excited ^_^

Here's a before picture :)

And here's his current state, also an example of why I named him Ringo :p


06-14-13, 08:39 AM
First sheds are the best.

06-14-13, 09:41 AM
... Lucky. I've had Magenta for almost a month and she hasn't even gone into the blue.

Anyways congrats on the shed :p

06-14-13, 10:18 AM
Coming tomorrow, I'll have had Ringo for 5 weeks so I'm glad he's finally in blue.
This morning I found him curled up btwn the cold glass and the water bowl o.O
It was funny, I searched EVEYWHERE in the tank and had a mini heart attack BC I couldn't find him... until I moved the water bowl and he flopped onto his back lol he reminded me of a turtle BC he wouldn't move and just looked at me like "whyyyy D:"

06-14-13, 02:36 PM
He will look beautiful after shed. I think after pics are required =]

06-14-13, 06:15 PM
Very cool snake. Just a heads up, handling them while they're in blue can cause stuck shed sometimes. Not telling you what to do, just not sure if you knew!! Def gonna need after shed pics.

06-14-13, 09:54 PM
i've never heard of handling them in blue to cause poor sheds.
Generally, snakes in the blue can be grumpy and uncomfortable, and handling them is unnecessarily stressful during this time. I've had to do it on occasion, but more for tank maintenance etc, not for pleasure.

06-15-13, 03:58 AM
I believe Ringo was actually comfortable as I held him. He laid on my palm and wrist for quite awhile before moving to wrap around my fingers.
When he started moving more, I decided to put him back and he seemed quite content.

06-15-13, 04:03 AM
Side note: I've only noticed the shedding on the head so far besides the dull color, and I only held him to take a few pictures.
I won't be holding him again for awhile since I'm feeding him tomorrow and after that I'll just be holding him briefly to check on his shed (I can't see too well from far away)

06-15-13, 04:12 AM
I wouldn't feed during shed, some will disagree but most will agree

06-15-13, 05:48 AM
once you notice that he has started to shed, he should be all finished within 12 hours (especially for a baby snake). My snakes generally are done with their sheds in under an hour. During this time, i definitely Would Not handle your snake, as its best for them to be undisturbed so they can focus on shedding.

06-15-13, 06:05 AM
I wouldn't feed during shed, some will disagree but most will agree

I dont think "most will agree"

I would sugeest trying to feed this time, if he takes ittheni. Future you k ow he will feed during shed, if he doesnt then in future you know not to bother wasting a prey item.

06-15-13, 06:40 AM
Okay thanks for the advice guys :)
It's my first shed so I feel a lil stupid >_<

06-15-13, 08:34 AM
No need to feel stupid dude.(or chica?) lol We have all had first sheds at one point or another. Some of us yesterday, some of us 40 years ago. As far as causing stuck shed...I was under the impression that during the "blue" phase there is a thin layer of liquid between old skin and new, kind of like a lubricant for shedding. When handled, the old skin can kinda "stick or cling" to the new skin, causing some stuck spots. If I am misinformed, please let me know and I apologize.

06-16-13, 04:10 AM
I'm a girl haha but dude is fine
I just fed Ringo, and I noticed his eye caps and dullness are gone?
I found Ringo to feed him in his cage, but I notice the lack of shedding so I decided to take him out and feed him separately so I could search his viv for the skin but I didn't find it in any of his hides and there's way too much aspen for me to find it without tearing it.. anyone know what's going on if the shed stopped? (don't know if it's possible) or maybe his shed is under the aspen somewhere?

06-16-13, 07:06 AM
They will look "normal" just before they shed, expect it to happen in the next 48hrs

06-16-13, 07:18 AM
typically, snakes will go blue (dull skin, eyes etc), then clear up for about a week and look completely normal. Then they will shed. It sounds like youve got about a week of waiting still lol, sorry :)

06-16-13, 09:36 AM
Ohhhhh okay thank you :)
Glad I didn't miss it :)

EL Ziggy
06-16-13, 09:55 AM
I know what you mean Skye, they go through the dull blue phase and then they seem to clear up but there's no shed. My kingsnake Caesar is doing the exact thing right now. I believe they will complete the shedding process a few days after this "clearing" stage. At least that's what happened with Caesar in the past. Keep us posted.

06-17-13, 06:50 AM
Silly Ringo is always hiding in his egg carton xD
So I'm going to check on him a little later to make sure his shed is going okay.

06-17-13, 07:13 AM
he is hiding becuase pre-shed is a pretty stressful time for them. Even though his eyes LOOK clear, vision is still compromised, as is his ability to feel vibrations through his skin. On top of that, is he is in the process of shedding, you really dont want to be disturbing him to 'check it out'. You will have this snake (hopefully) for many many years to come, and there will be hundreds of sheds over his lifetime. I'm certain that some of those will be out in the open so you get to watch... but for his first one, let him be.

I'd leave him alone until he actually sheds. Trust us, you will see it, and he will more than likely be fine.

06-17-13, 07:15 AM
I mean to make sure his shed doesn't get stuck. I'll simply lift the lid, take a peek, and leave him be.

06-17-13, 07:27 AM
even if it does appear 'stuck' i would leave him be for 12 hours to 'figure it out'. then procede with assisting him if needed.

06-20-13, 05:55 AM
So I checked on him yesterday, and he seems to be doing great! The skin on his head is already gone, so I'm assuming It's just coming off in pieces.
Also, he's not finicky about eating during his shed so I don't have to worry about a hungry snake on my hands!

06-20-13, 06:06 AM
Glad he's doing well :D

06-20-13, 07:43 AM
I've had my Anerythristic White-Sided Brooks Kingsnake, Archimedes, for almost 4 weeks now and he FINALLY went into blue! The great thing is that his eyes turn SOOO blue because he already has blue eyes, and red pupils :)

06-20-13, 10:02 AM
So I checked on him yesterday, and he seems to be doing great! The skin on his head is already gone, so I'm assuming It's just coming off in pieces.
Also, he's not finicky about eating during his shed so I don't have to worry about a hungry snake on my hands!

If the shed is coming off in anything except one large piece or a couple of large pieces you have humidity issues. Try giving him a humid hide stuffed with damp sphagnum moss and next time it should be fine

06-20-13, 10:13 AM
I dont think "most will agree"

I would sugeest trying to feed this time, if he takes ittheni. Future you k ow he will feed during shed, if he doesnt then in future you know not to bother wasting a prey item.

Agree fully.

My Kings eat no matter what. :)

06-20-13, 07:30 PM
Ringo's viv has a humidity level of 50-60 so I thought he was fine. I spray everyday and he seems to be okay. He also has a large waterbowl to soak in. I don't think its as much as a humidity problem as it is he's a baby and he isn't moving at all (unless that has absolutely nothing to do with anything, and in that case I'll have to figure out how to get moss)

06-21-13, 02:43 AM
Being a baby should make no difference, all of my corns have a hide with damp sphagnum moss in and they utilise them whether during shed or not, if you keep the moss moist (not wet) it will stay alive for years

06-21-13, 03:20 AM
No need to feel stupid dude.(or chica?) lol We have all had first sheds at one point or another. Some of us yesterday, some of us 40 years ago. As far as causing stuck shed...I was under the impression that during the "blue" phase there is a thin layer of liquid between old skin and new, kind of like a lubricant for shedding. When handled, the old skin can kinda "stick or cling" to the new skin, causing some stuck spots. If I am misinformed, please let me know and I apologize.
To my knowledge you are correct. This plus the add it stress of handling can contribute to a poor shed.

06-21-13, 03:30 AM
how are you measuring humidity?

06-21-13, 12:30 PM
We bought a gauge to measure temperature and humidity (They're separate but I bought them together) I've placed them in the center of the tank and check multiple times a day.

06-21-13, 12:37 PM
We bought a gauge to measure temperature and humidity (They're separate but I bought them together) I've placed them in the center of the tank and check multiple times a day.

Is it digital or analogue?

06-21-13, 10:10 PM
Uhmmmm analog? (That's the one with the hands right? I'm exhausted while typing this)

06-21-13, 10:18 PM
yes. most analog thermometers/hygrometers are innacurate or lose their calibration and stop working.

06-21-13, 10:26 PM
Well it's brand new, and I didn't have say in which was bought, since my mom bought it on her way home from work. They seem to be working fine though.

06-23-13, 02:24 PM
Judging by this thread and the other thread I would say you are having a problem with your humidity.

I don't mean to come off as rude but to have people say advice here, people who had done this many times before and know they way around, and then come back and say its fine is what is causing the problem shed you have now.

You analogs do not work fine. He didn't move much when you had him out because he was blind and to nervous to move, then when he started moving it was more the likely to find a place to hide since again he was blind and this is a very stressful time especially for babies who very small.

You need to change your equipment and learn to give your snake the privacy it needs during such a time so that it can be stress free and feel comfortable during a process that can be very stressful.

I get that its your first shed and your first snake, but for the well being of the animal you need to do things you might not like.