View Full Version : never sexed

06-11-13, 10:42 AM
i have my two corns, and i never was able to get them sexed. the time i went to the vet was when my bp passed and it didnt seem in good taste to just bring my corns in as well. I have moved since then, and i have no reptile vets or pet stores in this town... i just want to know if they can mate together in the future , or if i need to get another corn of opposite sex. i have another year and a half till they are ready anyways but its eating at me, they both have boy names as well.. i just want to know :( help!!

06-11-13, 03:09 PM
can you take pics of their bottom tail ends? (lower belly) and post them? ;o

06-18-13, 08:22 AM
Were you able to find help determining the sex of your pair?

06-24-13, 12:31 PM
sorry i have been out of town for work, but i was taking their pics today when i noticed my anery loki something was coming out of it and it scared me to death because my BP died of a prolapsed anus. but on loki it was a hemipenis, but he sucked it back in he has been sticking it out recently... so he is definantly a boy, but it that normal? now im wandering is my normal thor a girl or a boy?????