View Full Version : Photos of Toothless :)

06-10-13, 12:21 PM
I snapped a few photos of Toothless today and thought I'd share them with everyone.
He's now 30 inches ToL and seems very healthy. He still refuses to make a burrow though, which bugs me but I'm not sure what else I can do about that.
I also noticed that the humidity was dropping a bit too quickly and found a few tiny cracks that I forgot to seal when I made it, so I'll be picking up a hot glue gun to seal them up.
Sorry the photos arn't the best. I'm in desperate need of a new camera.
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6696_zps1563eae1.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6696_zps1563eae1.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6695_zpsfbf0eda0.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6695_zpsfbf0eda0.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6691_zpsb5c576be.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6691_zpsb5c576be.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6689_zps23141f60.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6689_zps23141f60.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6688_zps798f6cd9.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6688_zps798f6cd9.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6687_zpse041a7b1.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6687_zpse041a7b1.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6686_zps80234e46.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6686_zps80234e46.jpg.html)

06-10-13, 12:33 PM
very pretty boy you got there :)

06-10-13, 01:53 PM
Have you ever tried making a burrow for him? If you make a burrow in the soil for him I think it highly likely he will use it and expand on it.

06-10-13, 05:56 PM
I've tried making a burrow, but he just fills it back in. Soil consistency is right, so is temp he just refuses to build one. It irks me a bit because I'd prefer he slept in a nice, damp burrow instead of under his water shelf where the humidity is a bit lower.

06-11-13, 05:52 AM
What is substrate made up of ? May need some more sand. Looks heavy on peat moss side.

06-11-13, 08:19 AM
Top soil and sand. The same consistency that was in his grow up enclosure and he seemed to burrow fine in there. For some reason he just doesn't want to even try since putting him in the new enclosure. Soil temp is fine, its packed down well, and holds a burrow nicely :).

06-17-13, 01:24 PM
Where did you get the soil?

06-17-13, 01:25 PM
He's adorable :)

06-17-13, 03:47 PM
I find it odd he won't burrow. I think you should check the consistency again, even if your sure. Switch it up a bit and add more sand like gator said, then observe his reaction.

06-17-13, 07:56 PM
I'll pick up some more sand and see if that helps- really can't hurt since he's not burrowing in it now anyways :)
I got the soil and sand from a garden store since I couldn't find anywhere outside that I was comfortable digging up.
I've also noticed that he never goes in his water tub anymore, whereas in the old enclosure he always defecated in the water. Now I never know when he goes potty because he doesn't do it anywhere that I can see.