View Full Version : Turtle IDs

06-08-13, 12:05 AM
Hi again all,

Thanks for all your help with the Costa Rican lizards. I've got a few more of those, but first I thought I'd throw out the sum of my collection of unidentified turtles and see if anyone can help.

1) A Kenyan turtle, found in Amboseli National Park in the southeast part of the country.

2 & 3) Indonesian turtles - The better photo is of a much bigger turtle, but I suspect they may be the same species. They both were in the same stream.

4) Also near Sian Ka'an in Mexico, I've had this alternately as a green or a loggerhead. Guide said it was a "Mexican Sea Turtle", but I don't think there's any such creature.

5) The hardest of the lot, and one I don't have much hope of ever IDing. It was a VERY big sea turtle off Sian Ka'an in Mexico (south of Tulum). I know the photo isn't great, so I'm hoping the massive size and the big round shell is enough to go on.

Thanks again for all your help!

06-09-13, 10:26 PM
No turtle experts, eh? Anyone know where to find turtle experts then?

06-09-13, 10:31 PM
sorry i am not a expert no idea on the first one i but i would believe that 2 and 3 are a type of fresh water soft shell and 4 and 5 are more then likely a green sea turtle

06-10-13, 11:33 PM
Thanks! I appreciate the effort!

06-11-13, 12:20 AM
your welcome also i been doing some research for you here is what i came up with. 1 is possibly a african snake necked turtle and 2 and 3 looks alot like a forest softshell turtle pretty sure thats you're turtle

06-11-13, 06:52 AM
your welcome also i been doing some research for you here is what i came up with. 1 is possibly a african snake necked turtle and 2 and 3 looks alot like a forest softshell turtle pretty sure thats you're turtle

I posted these as well on another forum specializing in turtles and got the responses of African Helmeted Turtle and Malayan Softshell Turtle.

I'll compare the species today. Taxonomy is difficult from photos, but I'm amazed at how many brilliant people there are on the Internet and how helpful they are willing to be.

06-11-13, 09:55 AM
glad they could help more then me :) pretty awesome finds you got there i love the softshell

06-12-13, 02:09 AM
your welcome also i been doing some research for you here is what i came up with. 1 is possibly a african snake necked turtle and 2 and 3 looks alot like a forest softshell turtle pretty sure thats you're turtle

Pretty good research...looks like the Forest Softshell is another name for the Malayan Softshell.

Thanks again! I don't suppose you stumbled across my South American lizards in your research?

06-12-13, 11:23 AM
thanks and you're welcome :), i will take a look at them for you :)