View Full Version : What size should I be feeding?

06-04-13, 01:39 PM
Hey guys. I was wondering what size I should actually be feeding Magenta right now. She's currently a month and a week old. I've been/plan on feeding her a rat pinky every 5-6 days... but... I came upon a thread on another forum saying to feed 2 rat pinkies every 7 days, so I might switch to that. Ever since I got her her skin looks kinda of loose but it has tightened up a bit, I was guessing it was because she was essentially a newborn when I got her.

But then I was browsing Youtube and came across this video:
Red Tail Boa Feeding!! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJZefXofGvo)

Magenta is pretty much the exact size of that snake right now, it looks just like her, it's kinda creepy. Anyways, I was wondering, should I ACTUALLY be feeding her rats/mice (f/t of course) that big?? It looks huge :O

The pinkies I'm feeding her right now do seem a tiny bit small... like a little less thick than her around?? I'm confused. Should I just start feeding her fuzzies?

P.S. Attempt number one went down this morning. My dad is freaked of snakes and woke me up because she was outside of her terrarium. My fault. I forgot to lock the top down because I held her right before I went to bed and was groggy :( So glad she didn't get far and I was able to put her back and lock it down.

06-04-13, 02:13 PM
Glad you didn't lose your snake. Rule of thumb is the prey should be about 1.5x the diameter of the snake at it's largest point. But after 132 posts you probably already knew that. The mouse in the video looked a bit large to me, but hey if it works it works. If it's too big the snake either won't eat it, or will regurge it.

06-04-13, 02:44 PM
Is she a bcc? They don't do well on large prey and may regurge.

PS I didn't wat h the video.

06-04-13, 04:29 PM
Nah, she's BCI but I'm thinking of moving her onto rat fuzzies now. Opinions?

06-04-13, 06:48 PM
I don't think the prey in the vid was that big. They look alot fluffier when they aren't frozen. Pinkys are def too small if shes the size of whats in the vid. Maybe hopper? Its hard for me to get a size reference through the internet.

06-04-13, 07:24 PM
Nah, she's BCI but I'm thinking of moving her onto rat fuzzies now. Opinions?

Can you post a picture of you snake next to a one dollar bill?

06-04-13, 08:17 PM
I couldn't find a dollar bill, my dad's not home atm, and I'm broke lol. But here she is next to the first HP book, you guys probably know the size of those.

In the video in the intro at around 28 seconds, the person's hand is pretty much the size of my hand next to Magenta so that's what I was going off of.



06-04-13, 08:33 PM
Smaller than I expected , and I think smaller than those in the vid. Never read harry potter either. Im guessing whatever the equivalent size of a mouse hopper on rats would be ok, just a guess though. rat fuzzy? :-P

06-04-13, 08:38 PM
Yeah haha. I was thinking maybe the enclosure in the vid made the snake look smaller. o.O

Yeah, I'll try rat fuzzies. IMO the pinkies aren't big enough for her :P Whenever she eats I barely/don't see a bump. Is that normal?

P.S. But yeah if you look in the video at :28 or :29 the person pushes the snake a little and the hand makes it look small, and that's how big my hand is next to Magenta so maybe that will help even if the video is a bit blurry :P

06-04-13, 08:42 PM
maybe the person in the video has super Giant hands, and that makes the snake look smaller by comparison :P lol

sounds like you aer on the right track, in any case.

06-04-13, 08:45 PM
Haha thanks for all the advice guys :D And my hands are huge for a 15 year old girl... like... bear hands.

Anyways on Friday I'll try to feed her a fuzzy :D Any advice on what to do with the pinkies? We have like 8 left.

06-05-13, 05:13 AM
Post the pinkies on cl. I would feed a rat pup myself.

06-05-13, 09:00 AM
I'd probably be feeding fuzzies /pups.

06-05-13, 01:49 PM
One rat pup, once a week.

06-07-13, 08:36 AM
Haha thanks for all the advice guys :D And my hands are huge for a 15 year old girl... like... bear hands.

Anyways on Friday I'll try to feed her a fuzzy :D Any advice on what to do with the pinkies? We have like 8 left.

Put them in a blender and use it as protein spreading for post work out meals.
