View Full Version : Need Help with a new snake!!

05-31-13, 11:25 AM
Hello everyone! I'm fairly new to these forums, and I have a serious question regarding a new snake I received.

I recently got an Albino Sunglow red tail boa, about a year old. She was shipped over night from not too far away (just a overnight ship), and I got her on Wednesday, so she's pretty new.

I have a couple of questions, as I am trying to ensure that she is comfortable etc. First of all, she has a nice enclosure (I made sure to include everything from hiding spots to climbing areas and a nice and big water bowl). I do know that I should wait a couple of days and let her kind of get used to the area and her new home. I soon found out that she is shed; she shed one big piece, and a couple of smaller bits and she still hasn't shed her tail yet. She started the actual shedding of the skin about a couple of hours after she arrived on Wednesday. She has also done her business in the new enclosure.

The thing I am worried about is that she's only been in one spot, even though when she got here she was moving around pretty well. Right now she's in the heating spot on a branch, and she's been there since Wednesday night. She has not been to the water bowl area of the terrarium. I am just slightly worried that she's going to be under stress and that I might 'wake up one day and find her limp'... I received word that the last time she was fed was last week on Wednesday, so should I wait to feed her until next Wednesday/Tuesday, or will she be too hungry resulting in me having to feed her sooner?

I also tried to mist her cage a little bit, to which she lightly hissed. This was about an hour and a half ago (from when I wrote this post).

So, should I not be worried and let her be for a couple of days or try to feed her soon? She seems lightly stressed/agitated, so maybe she's hungry?

Please reply as soon as possible, thank you!


05-31-13, 05:41 PM
snakes can take several days to get used to a new environment, i wouldnt worry too much just yet. Your snake is not a neonate/hatchling, so i wouldn't be too concerned with getting it to eat right away. You can offer a prey item (did the previous owner feed F/T, live...?), but dont be concerned if she doesnt take it right away.

She may be staying near the heat because the rest of her enclosure is too cold. Can you give us some more information about her viv? What are the max temps, what are the min? how do you measure the temperatures? What is providing the heat (lamps? heat pad..?).

Dont handle her until she is eating regularly (2-3 times) and you have your parameters correct.

06-01-13, 08:48 PM
Also some pictures of your set up would help us point out anything that might need adjusted.