- Question....
- Couple Questions
- I think he's coming along..
- More New Friends!
- A question on pricing & trade of males
- Rhac pics..
- Crested Eggs.......
- Over Dusting?
- baby food
- Need a hand
- I got a baby! !!!
- How do you get yours?
- just got one!!!!!!!!!!!
- so how do they do that?
- pics of my colony
- Sniffing or Sneezing
- Babies!!!
- breeding from A to Z
- My first hatchling!
- red with blue eyes?
- Cgd?
- cested question
- She Took A Bad Fall
- Hilde diet with yogurt??
- Twitching
- Exo terra question...
- Quick Photoshoot
- Changing Morphs
- New Crestie Questions
- Hatchling Care
- 9 month old male
- Exporting/Importing??
- Books
- how to put some weight on my female crested?
- is she actually eating the dirt?
- Our Little Emmikins thinks shes a crestie!
- Some questions ????
- housing a 2 month old pair
- Updated pics of Tequila
- Question About Tank Sizes
- Red Crested Geckos?
- If you need Exoterras, go to Super Pet
- How do you gauge?
- The Rhac I Got
- i just got a crestie :D
- How Do You Ship Your Geckos?
- crested question
- Normal?
- A new hatchling last night!
- Pic
- feeding method 4 cresteds
- big reptiel store in brandon
- just got a little fire
- blue berries???
- Eco Earth
- then and now crestie
- A couple pics
- mites??????
- Grenadine in crested mixture
- Breeding and enclosure types
- Pics of My New Crested
- Moonglow??
- Gargoyle Diet help please
- IS it okay to keep gargoyles together
- White fungal problem
- developing pattern
- Typical Adult Crested's Weight?
- posting good quality pictures
- hump back?
- Pics of my Red Baby
- What would you call this crestie?
- How and when to handle Gargoyles?
- How long do i wait before cutting an egg open?
- Come On Turn Up The Sun!!
- Gargoyle Love!
- Thank You
- Soon to arrive cresties
- blue/white spots on head
- is he eating dirt
- Clarks Gecko Diet
- interesting idea
- pic of one of my newest babies and granddaddy
- dirty dirty lizards!
- injury or mbd?
- Where do you buy your Calcium with no D3?
- Will female crested's fight
- Male Crested Breeding, Is Weight or Age More Important?
- crested and flying gecko hydrib * pic *
- Where do you buy your crickets?
- My baby Gargoyle!
- Baby/Juvie Photos
- Talking Geckos
- Feeding Info
- Breeding Breaks
- Droped its tail :(
- Male crested & prolapse?
- New crestie to-be owner
- They're here!
- My youngest Cresties.
- Still not eating... :S
- sexing cresteds
- Quick Help Please - Why Is She Eating His Tail?
- finally got my feet wet.
- New Crestie+Question
- Multiple Personalities
- Finaly Pics
- Creastie lover
- Biteing?
- moss?
- Sleeping position?
- Early Xmas present
- Creasted eggs
- My creastie`s eye
- Sexing a crestie
- Lavendar Harlequin
- Fooled by a creasted
- New Additions!!
- Eggs!!!!
- Sharing some holdback pics
- necessary lights
- Crestie Surprise!!!!
- bedding for cresties
- breeding wieght
- 4 females almost ready for breeding
- Meet my six new Juveniles
- First Baby!
- Fooled by a crestie, again!!!
- I heard the Leafs got a new mascot
- Herpaddiction.ca website up and running
- Banana Gecko?!?!
- First Crestie Hatchling of My Season!
- more eggs, no male involved?
- Updated Pics of 4 Month old Crestie Comet
- new addition!!!!!
- temp= crested sex
- Gravid
- Paper towel + misting
- The Masked Bandit....
- What happened?
- what's going on?
- My Rhacs
- Rachs
- anyone know a breeder in ontario
- cleaning a cage
- egg incubation
- C and G
- My boy
- a few Q.
- Crested Gecko Breeders
- rach feeding?
- Cgd
- Crested Breeders
- Meet Gary
- Our new crested, Herman
- My Rhacs (pics)
- Can someone identify the morph of this little guy?
- CRBE pickups and more :D - photos
- Mixing Repashy Mix Diet
- Spots!
- Parthenogenesis in R. leachianus - articles
- hey yall just got 2 crested geckos, my first geckos
- went to my first reptile expo today!! look what i cant afford but got anyways lol
- Our baby Crested Geckos
- my crestie sticky-icky!!
- My cresties
- Finnaly got my Crestie
- Pics
- Im Really Worried
- What kind of crested am I
- Gargoyle Gecko
- New addition! (DUW)
- Crestie After Shed
- Crestie Question
- Another Crestie Question
- New crestie
- Profile: Zipper
- New pics of some cresties (DUW)
- Sick or Shedding?
- My First Crested Gecko on the Way!!
- my cresties
- Profile: Rodney [pic heavy]
- Hey everyone! I recently picked up a new 2 year old female Garg the other day. I'
- Cages, set ups ??
- My crested geckos (pic heavy)
- Charmander!
- Update on Crested Gecko
- two new baby crested geckos
- New cresteds.
- Removing Crested tail.
- New Crested Gecko Tank
- Friends New Cresties
- Crestie question
- Leachie gecko?
- Gary & Mikha
- Worrisome poop?
- New Little Crestie
- Cuteness Overload
- Crested Gecko babies on the way :D
- Eggs Hatched.
- Identification Help.
- Paublo Update
- Vacations
- Honey the Leachie Gecko
- My Rhac Collection
- New photos of new gargoyle
- Crested geckos eating
- Need Help With Crested
- Revision of the Rhacodactylus genus
- Juvie crestie enclosure
- Maui x Miami 2021-2013
- Cairo x Luxor babies 2012-2013
- Finally made a jump into Geckos!
- First real photoshoot with nameless female garg
- My first 2 Cresties!!
- New Crested Gecko, Treeko
- my cresteds
- Thinkin' about breeding, need some input.
- You guys should appreciate this.
- New gargoyle gecko - Griffin
- Getting my first crested tonight.
- Our New Addition
- Is this normal?
- Gargoyle gecko's and Dubia roaches..
- Update: Pablo
- Some of the rhacs
- new rescue
- Baby Crested Geckos!
- Enclosure Size
- Domino my first crestie
- first attempt at camouflage
- New Crested Gecko!
- Is this a red harlequin?
- Suitable for a crested gecko?
- Cresties!
- My new cresties.
- First hatchling of the year!
- Captain Jack [pics]
- Crested gecko help
- heating pads on bottom of cages?
- help with a few questions
- Darby
- meet buddy
- Why do Cresties "Fire Up"?
- few questions :)
- new gecko set up
- millipedes and crested geckos
- Domino putting on some size
- Name the color pattern of this little girl
- Long night of exploration makes a tiered gecko
- New arrival at Elemental Exotics! (Gargoyle)