View Full Version : Rhacodactylus

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  1. Question....
  2. Couple Questions
  3. I think he's coming along..
  4. More New Friends!
  5. A question on pricing & trade of males
  6. Rhac pics..
  7. Crested Eggs.......
  8. Over Dusting?
  9. baby food
  10. Need a hand
  11. I got a baby! !!!
  12. How do you get yours?
  13. just got one!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. so how do they do that?
  15. pics of my colony
  16. Sniffing or Sneezing
  17. Babies!!!
  18. breeding from A to Z
  19. My first hatchling!
  20. red with blue eyes?
  21. Cgd?
  22. cested question
  23. She Took A Bad Fall
  24. Hilde diet with yogurt??
  25. Twitching
  26. Exo terra question...
  27. Quick Photoshoot
  28. Changing Morphs
  29. New Crestie Questions
  30. Hatchling Care
  31. 9 month old male
  32. Exporting/Importing??
  33. Books
  34. how to put some weight on my female crested?
  35. is she actually eating the dirt?
  36. Our Little Emmikins thinks shes a crestie!
  37. Some questions ????
  38. housing a 2 month old pair
  39. Updated pics of Tequila
  40. Question About Tank Sizes
  41. Red Crested Geckos?
  42. If you need Exoterras, go to Super Pet
  43. How do you gauge?
  44. The Rhac I Got
  45. i just got a crestie :D
  46. How Do You Ship Your Geckos?
  47. crested question
  48. Normal?
  49. A new hatchling last night!
  50. Pic
  51. feeding method 4 cresteds
  52. big reptiel store in brandon
  53. just got a little fire
  54. blue berries???
  55. Eco Earth
  56. then and now crestie
  57. A couple pics
  58. mites??????
  59. Grenadine in crested mixture
  60. Breeding and enclosure types
  61. Pics of My New Crested
  62. Moonglow??
  63. Gargoyle Diet help please
  64. IS it okay to keep gargoyles together
  65. White fungal problem
  66. developing pattern
  67. Typical Adult Crested's Weight?
  68. posting good quality pictures
  69. hump back?
  70. Pics of my Red Baby
  71. What would you call this crestie?
  72. How and when to handle Gargoyles?
  73. How long do i wait before cutting an egg open?
  74. Come On Turn Up The Sun!!
  75. Gargoyle Love!
  76. Thank You
  77. Soon to arrive cresties
  78. blue/white spots on head
  79. is he eating dirt
  80. Clarks Gecko Diet
  81. interesting idea
  82. pic of one of my newest babies and granddaddy
  83. dirty dirty lizards!
  84. injury or mbd?
  85. Where do you buy your Calcium with no D3?
  86. Will female crested's fight
  87. Male Crested Breeding, Is Weight or Age More Important?
  88. crested and flying gecko hydrib * pic *
  89. Where do you buy your crickets?
  90. My baby Gargoyle!
  91. Baby/Juvie Photos
  92. Talking Geckos
  93. Feeding Info
  94. Breeding Breaks
  95. Droped its tail :(
  96. Male crested & prolapse?
  97. New crestie to-be owner
  98. They're here!
  99. My youngest Cresties.
  100. Still not eating... :S
  101. sexing cresteds
  102. Quick Help Please - Why Is She Eating His Tail?
  103. finally got my feet wet.
  104. New Crestie+Question
  105. Multiple Personalities
  106. Finaly Pics
  107. Creastie lover
  108. Biteing?
  109. moss?
  110. Sleeping position?
  111. Early Xmas present
  112. Creasted eggs
  113. My creastie`s eye
  114. Sexing a crestie
  115. Lavendar Harlequin
  116. Fooled by a creasted
  117. New Additions!!
  118. Eggs!!!!
  119. Sharing some holdback pics
  120. necessary lights
  121. Crestie Surprise!!!!
  122. bedding for cresties
  123. breeding wieght
  124. 4 females almost ready for breeding
  125. Meet my six new Juveniles
  126. First Baby!
  127. Fooled by a crestie, again!!!
  128. I heard the Leafs got a new mascot
  129. Herpaddiction.ca website up and running
  130. Banana Gecko?!?!
  131. First Crestie Hatchling of My Season!
  132. more eggs, no male involved?
  133. Updated Pics of 4 Month old Crestie Comet
  134. new addition!!!!!
  135. temp= crested sex
  136. Gravid
  137. Paper towel + misting
  138. The Masked Bandit....
  139. What happened?
  140. what's going on?
  141. My Rhacs
  142. Rachs
  143. anyone know a breeder in ontario
  144. cleaning a cage
  145. egg incubation
  146. C and G
  147. My boy
  148. a few Q.
  149. Crested Gecko Breeders
  150. rach feeding?
  151. Cgd
  152. Crested Breeders
  153. Meet Gary
  154. Our new crested, Herman
  155. My Rhacs (pics)
  156. Can someone identify the morph of this little guy?
  157. CRBE pickups and more :D - photos
  158. Mixing Repashy Mix Diet
  159. Spots!
  160. Parthenogenesis in R. leachianus - articles
  161. hey yall just got 2 crested geckos, my first geckos
  162. went to my first reptile expo today!! look what i cant afford but got anyways lol
  163. Our baby Crested Geckos
  164. my crestie sticky-icky!!
  165. My cresties
  166. Finnaly got my Crestie
  167. Pics
  168. Im Really Worried
  169. What kind of crested am I
  170. Gargoyle Gecko
  171. New addition! (DUW)
  172. Crestie After Shed
  173. Crestie Question
  174. Another Crestie Question
  175. New crestie
  176. Profile: Zipper
  177. New pics of some cresties (DUW)
  178. Sick or Shedding?
  179. My First Crested Gecko on the Way!!
  180. my cresties
  181. Profile: Rodney [pic heavy]
  182. Hey everyone! I recently picked up a new 2 year old female Garg the other day. I'
  183. Cages, set ups ??
  184. My crested geckos (pic heavy)
  185. Charmander!
  186. Update on Crested Gecko
  187. two new baby crested geckos
  188. New cresteds.
  189. Removing Crested tail.
  190. New Crested Gecko Tank
  191. Friends New Cresties
  192. Crestie question
  193. Leachie gecko?
  194. Gary & Mikha
  195. Worrisome poop?
  196. New Little Crestie
  197. Cuteness Overload
  198. Crested Gecko babies on the way :D
  199. Eggs Hatched.
  200. Identification Help.
  201. Paublo Update
  202. Vacations
  203. Honey the Leachie Gecko
  204. My Rhac Collection
  205. New photos of new gargoyle
  206. Crested geckos eating
  207. Need Help With Crested
  208. Revision of the Rhacodactylus genus
  209. Juvie crestie enclosure
  210. Maui x Miami 2021-2013
  211. Cairo x Luxor babies 2012-2013
  212. Finally made a jump into Geckos!
  213. First real photoshoot with nameless female garg
  214. My first 2 Cresties!!
  215. New Crested Gecko, Treeko
  216. my cresteds
  217. Thinkin' about breeding, need some input.
  218. You guys should appreciate this.
  219. New gargoyle gecko - Griffin
  220. Getting my first crested tonight.
  221. Our New Addition
  222. Is this normal?
  223. Gargoyle gecko's and Dubia roaches..
  224. Update: Pablo
  225. Some of the rhacs
  226. new rescue
  227. Baby Crested Geckos!
  228. Enclosure Size
  229. Domino my first crestie
  230. first attempt at camouflage
  231. New Crested Gecko!
  232. Is this a red harlequin?
  233. Suitable for a crested gecko?
  234. Cresties!
  235. My new cresties.
  236. First hatchling of the year!
  237. Captain Jack [pics]
  238. Crested gecko help
  239. heating pads on bottom of cages?
  240. help with a few questions
  241. Darby
  242. meet buddy
  243. Why do Cresties "Fire Up"?
  244. few questions :)
  245. new gecko set up
  246. millipedes and crested geckos
  247. Domino putting on some size
  248. Name the color pattern of this little girl
  249. Long night of exploration makes a tiered gecko
  250. New arrival at Elemental Exotics! (Gargoyle)