View Full Version : Rhacodactylus

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  1. Just shot some pics.. wow can cresties hang!
  2. Post Your Crestie Tanks Here
  3. breeding Cresteds
  4. doesnt eat from the dish
  5. Baby pics.
  6. Not a crestie, but rhacs none the less....
  7. Partially pinstriped Harlequin - All colored up
  8. this is one way to get them to eat!
  9. a pic of my crestie
  10. Some new pics!
  11. Size reference pics...10 day old Crested
  12. Feeding Cresteds?
  13. a pic in the gallery
  14. A few pics
  15. Cresteds Celaning Themselves??
  16. Is this what I think it is??
  17. Crested getting it on!
  18. Crested laid an egg, HELP
  19. digging
  20. New addition.
  21. My New Additions
  22. ... and then there's this kind of digging ...
  23. cresties new home
  24. Is this something to be concerned about? (pics)
  25. some pics!
  26. My Cresties :)
  27. New Rhacs
  28. Crestie Pic
  29. Male Crestie Pics!
  30. A very sad day :( that turned out ok..
  31. New hatchling, and a misc. other pics
  32. Has anyone seen spots like this?
  33. growth rates
  34. got my first cresti
  35. Babies colors??
  36. incubation temps?
  37. Not getting down to business
  38. Some new pics of a Crested I've been raising.
  39. shed frequency?
  40. Your oppinion on a weird incubation procedure..
  41. Dinner Time !
  42. Fire! Fire!
  43. New crestie!
  44. Need Help On New Born Crested Geckos
  45. Crestie is digging
  46. It seems it's contagious....
  47. Incubating for gender?
  48. My new Crestie from Woodland Edge Herps
  49. Breeding Age/Weight
  50. Rhacodactylus book
  51. Mating
  52. Sexing my cresties, help me
  53. Another Egg Question
  54. what to feed?
  55. My one week old crested is not eating!!
  56. URGENT HELP NEW baby just hatched!
  57. not eating?
  58. New pics of a few cresteds.
  59. Look at this guy!
  60. Crestie Pics
  61. my new cresteds
  62. Crested Gecko
  63. My Crested!
  64. meat flavor baby food?
  65. Woopsie-daisy..
  66. Which morph is she?
  67. Egg Pic
  68. Hello everyone, I'm new here.
  69. finally.....
  70. my new Crested
  71. ESU Screen Cage
  72. New Leachianus :)
  73. Housing in groups....
  74. Mating, Eggs
  75. shedding
  76. Meet Casper (Rhacodactylus auriculatus)
  77. Sibling love...
  78. New (Better) Gargoyle pics...
  79. heating for cresteds
  80. my morph
  81. Partial Pinstripe
  82. Silkworms and Crested Geckos
  83. New Photos...
  84. Pinstripe
  85. Injured/Sick Gecko
  86. Handalability
  87. how much USA$$ for a male?
  88. Egg Proofing plant pots
  89. Baby Food/CGD how long does it last?
  90. my cresteds won't make babies!
  91. Breeding Organization/Methods
  92. Tiger Cubs
  93. Do colour changes indicate changes in health?
  94. Late night photos taken after feeding/misting...great color.
  95. A Few Of My Kids
  96. newbie
  97. New crested gecko book!!!
  98. The menacing jaws of a baby Cresty
  99. Pics of our first crestie!
  100. Still waiting for eggs
  101. European help
  102. Finally took the plunge!
  103. Advice on cresties shedding
  104. diseases
  105. Where can i get them?
  106. How do you breed your cresteds?
  107. Maybe a stupid question
  108. Im takin the plunge
  109. Crestie Color Change pics
  110. juvie/subadult size
  111. what am I
  112. Rhacodactylus sarsinorum
  113. New baby pics...
  114. New Baby (thanks DragnDrop!!!)
  115. Egg Laying Pics
  116. some questions about crested !!!
  117. More baby pics and then some....sorry
  118. Crstie Variation
  119. summer temperature
  120. similarity?
  121. Rhacodactylus egg, but what kind?
  122. Color change in gravid females
  123. any pics
  124. I got eggs.
  125. My Strange Incubator
  126. Dragon Drop! some pics for you!
  127. anyone use perilite for incubation?
  128. a couple pics
  129. more eggs
  130. More Pictures Newer
  131. Gravid Crested??
  132. who sells Geckos thru the mail?
  133. Blonde asking questions again
  134. Anyone seen this before?
  135. Help incubating crested eggs...
  136. My New Crestie
  137. Finally!!
  138. Vit C or citric acid
  139. photo's new cresties
  140. many baby crested pics (6)
  141. a couple questions
  142. A gecko documentary
  143. Crested Gecko Weight Help!!!
  144. Website update - New housing pics, info, etc.
  145. pics of my new cresties
  146. Big fan of KISS
  147. runt of the litter
  148. Red Harlequin/Partial Pinstripe
  149. 2nd Clutch
  150. how to weigh?
  151. And the eggs hatched! (baby pics)
  152. Do you house adults together?
  153. Babies!!!!
  154. rhaco book canada
  155. Few Cresti Pics
  156. A Big Thanks AnthonyC!!!!
  157. Breeding Question
  158. if only they'd stay still!....
  159. Our First Hatchlings
  160. New Crested Gecko Pics!!!
  161. Update photos (dial-up beware)
  162. New Crestie
  163. male bit my female
  164. Flower on fire
  165. round two....pics
  166. help sexing
  167. New Cresties!
  168. Some Crestie Pics!
  169. Crestie pic
  170. pics
  171. Chahoua
  172. 2nd clutch
  173. Dirt Eating
  174. can I sex yet?
  175. a couple pics
  176. first crested arrived today
  177. caught sleeping on the job ;)
  178. New Pics
  179. Four eggs?
  180. leo icd dust for crested geckos
  181. Anyone want some Chicklets??
  182. gargoyle gex
  183. trouble feeding
  184. housing hatchlings
  185. Look what hatched while I was away at the show today....
  186. The best part of keeping rhacs
  187. A couple pics
  188. Fruit Flys and Soil Mites
  189. Substrate
  190. my animals
  191. Need URGENT help, please!!
  192. Can CGD be used as a supplement....
  193. Feeding pinkies
  194. question bout CG pricing
  195. Rip
  196. What To Use For Enclosure
  197. Just had to share....
  198. My First Hatchling
  199. Not breeding??
  200. Male Crested wont eat fruit...
  201. Other than crickets....
  202. My first hatchlings! Pics
  203. Housing A Little Guy
  204. Crested enclosure.....
  205. crestie questions
  206. Egg-citing day/night!!
  207. 2 quick questions
  208. Cresteds: The ultimate killer of reptiphobia in girlfriends!!!!
  209. New book out??
  210. Crestie Books
  211. Finally My Hatchling Pics
  212. Question On Crestie Housing
  213. Dusting with CGD
  214. Should i get A crestie???Or a fire salamander(please reply)
  215. More New Cresties!!!
  216. "Sharing The Magic"
  217. size question
  218. New Crestie
  219. crested egg question
  220. Silk Worms,Staple for cresties???
  221. Crestie dropped his tail
  222. Help!!
  223. breeding
  224. stillborn crested?
  225. Cresties and lobster roaches?
  226. Do crested color changes indicate anything???
  227. Co-dominant, Co-recessive color in Cresteds?
  228. funky shaped eggs?
  229. sexing a crested
  230. milipede
  231. Pictures.
  232. bio active substrate
  233. update with pics
  234. Giant/Fur Article PLEASE READ
  235. More Coloured up Pics
  236. black lights
  237. Looking for input on this crestie setup..
  238. Female crestie and tank pics
  239. NEW(And my first) CRESTIE
  240. How to handle little crestie...
  241. How much Vit D3 To Put in A Baby Cresties Baby Food???
  242. How long does baby food last?
  243. Yet another Question,This time on humidity
  244. Should I have done this(Setup Help)???
  245. Baby Crested Geckos
  246. Crested Gecko Diet...Is This Stuff Flamable?
  247. More hatchlings
  248. How should i sell my crestie?
  249. "The Billy Idol Effect"
  250. well, it finally happened.