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  1. Anybody able to tell the sex of my Sav? this one has me stumped..
  2. Looking to get pair or red ackies :)
  3. Hands-on handling, positive and negative experience question
  4. Organic Soil
  5. Tri-crosses
  6. Just sharing some photos of my sav
  7. just some pictures
  8. Naga
  9. I held Toothless today!!!
  10. Growing nicely
  11. Tripod and Tongue shot all in one.
  13. Nile vs. Ornate?
  14. Savannah Monitor Decomposition
  15. Attempt at storri photoshoot
  16. sav vs tegu feeding behavior
  17. Savannah problem??
  18. problem with basking light
  19. tegu bites
  20. Raven Vs. Lacie (V. varius) - Herping photo
  21. Sardines?
  22. Monitors say hello
  23. Perentie! From the Northern Territory Australia
  24. My savannah monitor is making some weird noises.
  25. R.I.P. Mojo - Misinformation mascot
  26. How long is ok without basking lights?
  27. New additions on the way
  28. Sad but true (food for thought)
  29. Curious about costs
  30. Curious George
  31. Dirt freshening - tilling the soil
  32. The UVB Varanid debate !
  33. Turns out my sav is a male :D
  34. Bark background
  35. What monitor is this?
  36. Tegu loves beetles
  37. sav stay in burrow all day
  38. Birthday Boy Lenny!!
  39. Tegu loves beetles
  40. Varanus bengalensis - Kills a human
  41. Emerald mouth injury
  42. gotta love christmas!
  43. New Year babies and eggs
  44. Lost a friend today - R.I.P. Vinny
  45. Photo blast update from Vital Exotics!
  46. Stage 3 (Dry Season)
  47. marijuana and Savannah monitor!
  48. V salvadorii breeding and photos from Vital Exotics!
  49. Work those legs!!
  50. Varanids Counting and other intelligent things
  51. Savannah Monitor Longevity Survey
  52. Savannah Monitor, Az
  53. Kimberely rock monitor enclousure
  54. Reputable
  55. Identify Please?
  56. UVA/UVB HID upgrade complete
  57. Anomalies
  58. Water monitor growth
  59. Timor Monitor Diet
  60. Some quick Varanid related reading
  61. Sav ate duct tape
  62. Not burrowing
  63. Dendrostreptus macracanthus as food?
  64. Rudis
  65. Bonding session from today.
  66. Damn... Monitor hunting skills
  67. Komodo Dragons at Moody Gardens
  68. couple of pics from other night :)
  69. poor monitor
  70. just a question about savs
  71. Africa's Greatest Thief
  72. A Food Question
  73. Playing Catch
  74. My tax return
  75. V. Rudicollis copulating
  76. Toothless and Astrix photos :)
  77. Monitors and veggie diets?
  78. New monitor (salvator)
  79. Nothing to say, he's just so damned CUTE
  80. Newbe
  81. A quick 6!!
  82. Ackie breeders?
  83. Ant problem
  84. Meet the new family memberw
  85. Proud owner of a komodo dragon
  86. Gilleni, Naultinus, and O. cataphractus!
  87. I've Had Enough!!!
  88. Ackie sex determination?
  89. My first monitor.. Varanus tristis orientalis (freckled monitor)
  90. Live planted viv for V.tristis orientalis (black head/freckled monitor)
  91. Experienced owners thoughts on feed?
  92. Argus still growing!
  93. Anerythristic Nile Monitor Lizard
  94. ackies
  95. Black roughneck enclosure in works.
  96. So I got my sav few questions
  97. Rudi eggs
  98. maggoty things in viv
  99. Help! Dissimiliar sized ackies.
  100. Mouth rot?!
  101. V. Melinus Taming
  102. Finally!!VTOs
  103. Some natural light
  104. Cool Croc Monitor Enclosure
  105. help!! i don't know why he's being like this..
  106. Suitable diet for ridge tailed monitors (ackies)?
  107. 2 ft Savannah Needs New Home
  108. Help please. Burn on black throat
  109. Juvenile Savannah free to good home
  110. looking for red ackies!
  111. White inside nostrils? What is it.
  112. Tripod pics
  113. Argus monitor vid
  114. Ackie questions
  115. Quick lighting question
  116. LLL Reptile/backwaterreptiles/reptilecity! WHICH ONE! HELP
  117. Bio-active substrate cultures?
  118. where to find a tall basking platform??? help plz!
  119. Monitor help
  120. Underground reptiles
  121. Ackie enclosure help!!!!
  122. NEw monitor! thoughts?
  123. Possible Ackie Enclosure questions
  124. Possible Ackie Enclosure questions
  125. build.
  126. Yoshi
  127. interested in monitors
  128. Timor Monitors?
  129. Yoshi
  130. Help to stop biting?
  131. Asian water moniter
  132. Looking for opinions and advice!
  133. Tame adult nile monitor
  134. HELP!!! Monitor ate crab shell!
  135. Lenny and bubble & Squeak
  136. Some pics of my Argus/goulds Pajaaamas
  137. Monitor seems off help please.
  138. Meet Morgan
  139. I finally got some Kimberley Rock monitors
  140. CBB Black Throat Monitors
  141. Nice tripod pose :)
  142. Reptile vet help for monitor!
  143. Hand Feeding V.s Tong Feeding
  144. Anybody keep blue tail monitors?
  145. thinking of getting a savannah water monitor need some incite.
  146. V. Melinus
  147. How To Build Trust
  148. Pajaaamas brought home 1st place!
  149. savannah monitor not eating, suspected impaction
  150. Have you target trained your reptile?
  151. Argus action (Lenny)
  152. Craigslist monitor rescue
  153. So my varanus panoptes horni turns 17 years today...
  154. Adult monitor transport advice?
  155. Couple of pics as he matures
  156. Looking for Savannah Monitor Breeders?
  157. Need help
  158. Savannah monitor care question.
  159. Komodo Dragon Experience
  160. I need so sav help!
  161. Anyone else can't get to varanustalk/ varanus forums?
  162. Croc monitors?
  163. Where do I dump all the dirt??
  164. Human interaction?
  165. Dwarf Monitors....anybody have one?
  166. Getting a poorly Nile monitor
  167. My Peacock Monitor
  168. Tree monitor enclosure
  169. Acckies, Red vs. Yellow
  170. Ackie Questions
  171. Wild Caught Prey?
  172. All Varanids Burrow
  173. Update on the Peacock Monitor
  174. lost water monitor
  175. Argus sexing?
  176. Ackie Monitor help.
  177. Are there any differences in intelligence between the various breeds of monitors?
  178. bosc monitor set up, looking for improvements.
  179. Peacock Monitor
  180. V.gilleni and V. storri pics.....
  181. Cera chasing me
  182. Basking myths dispelled.
  183. Komodo Dragons hatch from hidden eggs at Virginia Aquarium
  184. Kingsnake.com vendors
  185. Savannah Monitor Skin Problems
  186. Varanus panoptes horni care guideline
  187. Lace Monitors in the US?
  188. Good Monitor Lizard to own?
  189. New here, have a couple nile questions
  190. How much sleep should a Baby Ackie Get?
  191. New Sav arriving Friday
  192. Deciding on Savannah monitor or Black and white argentine tegu
  193. Anyone in the Western WA area looking for a baby Savannah?
  194. What Dirt and Sand Combo to use for Ackies?
  195. My sick Monitor is at OVC in Guelph, needs blood ttransfusion
  196. Putting water monitors together?
  197. Nile Monitor joining the family
  198. Water monitor
  199. Is it ornate or nile? Help?
  200. Built a new enclosure for my Savannah.
  201. Mangrove Monitor
  202. Night Niles from BHB
  203. Ackie Monitor Care
  204. Meet my new pair of Yellow Ackies
  205. New Ackie Monitor :)
  206. Savannah monitor soil question, please help
  207. Building 8x4x4
  208. Sexing Black throat monitors
  209. Hoping to learn
  210. New to monitors and seeking advice
  211. baby savannah monitor advice
  212. Mangrove monitor egg
  213. My Enclosure
  214. Help with baby water monitor
  215. Asian Water Monitor Sub Species...
  216. Getting some ackie monitors, help building cage that can be taken apart
  217. 2nd monitor species
  218. 2nd monitor species
  219. Constipated Sav
  220. Baby Ackie, gaining trust.
  221. Trying to save the information from herpcenter
  222. Varanus salvator macromaculatus
  223. What happened to Little Foot and Sarah?
  224. Varanus storri
  225. Rudi questions
  226. Nile monitor behavior
  227. Help sex ackies