- Soils
- Crickets in Tank, safe?
- Captive feeding?
- Savannah Monitor shedding question
- Cricket and Superworm Gut load
- What should Varanid husbandry practices be like?
- Wild monitors I encountered!
- Outside Pics from today.
- Stealth Rudi
- varanus griseus
- Foreign bacteria/parasites
- savannah monitor markings
- Causes for differing amounts of dirt staining
- Interested in scholorly and scientific information on varanus?
- Axanthic Savannah Monitor...
- Emulating Wild Sav Growth
- Progress on adult Sav enclosure build
- Varanus Preservation
- Circular troughs?
- First monitor.
- Sex determination in Varanids?
- Log Heaven
- "Best trained Savannah monitor"
- Height of Enclosure for Savs
- 1.1 Crocodile Monitor (For Sale)
- feeder lizards/geckos
- Mangrove Monitor questions
- UVA (not B) lights
- Savannah Monitor skin issue
- New Setup..ish
- Deadly Nile monitor!
- moving for employment
- The mangrove eating shrimp
- Ants and Scallops
- Stupid lizard
- Sale Thread ?
- Setup Costs Thread
- Looking for some advice (Savannah Monitor)
- savannah monitor cage design
- Glauerti pics and an ackie clutch.
- Killing Live prey
- Bad news and worse news
- Croc Monitor for sale
- Monitor lizard husbandry survey- your assistance needed!
- How to tell?
- Adult enclosure FINALLY finished and Toothless moved in!
- Loud noise kill monitors
- Kink
- How can i make my nile monitor grow faster
- New Salvator photos from Vital Exotics
- Update
- Strange behavior
- Another stupid housing question
- Whats a good small monitor
- Quick question.
- Are Amevias monitors?
- Monitor Lizard Enclosure Build Questions
- Extra Small chickens at 19 cents each!
- Getting a yellow Ackie?
- Silly Monitor!
- White bugs???
- Time to sell my monitor
- white discoloration on sav
- Holy cow that's a strong tail! (and pics)
- Finally the build is done!
- So I've been experimenting
- V. Melinus
- the ultimate lightweight monitor enclosure
- Why isn't he burrowing??
- Topender Ackie
- opinions on new scripts
- My local pet store surprised me!!
- How to "tame" a nile monitor?
- Mental stimulation?
- Sav Personality changed
- sav nail problem
- Feeding Practices Discussion
- different kinds of savs?
- Male vs Female
- Ackie feeding?
- Weird eye defect
- Roly-Polies
- poo poo time
- poison monitors
- Outdoor time?
- Whole fish
- Sav Mauling Horn Worm
- Video of Toothless and Poo question :)
- V. Dumerlii feeding pics
- Big boy V. Dumerlii
- V. Rudicollis
- Ackie clutch and cornsnake
- CBB Water Monitor UPDATES from Vital Exotics!
- Exciting development- at least for me
- Live Monitor Left in Dumpster
- Ackie troubles
- Reputable monitor breeders? (Peach Throat wanted)
- Little dude getting bigger.
- Malnourished
- too big a cage?
- solomon the savannah monitor
- updates
- v.Salvator update
- pics
- Thinking about getting an Ackie!
- A question about plants
- Free monitor food for 6 weeks..
- Toilet habbits
- What do you think?
- Value added burrow
- Help me!!!!!!!!
- Soil/Substrate Tempretures
- Burrowing substrate temps
- Does anyone hibernate their Sav?
- V. Kingorum & V.Storri
- My new hatchling Bosc
- fishing a sav
- ready made sleeping hides for Savs
- just a few questions.
- Eye Sight & Color Sight
- Huge Hornworm Moth!
- Photos of Toothless :)
- Sav endurance
- sav only like his tank
- Varanus melinus husbandry (help!)
- Snails for Sav
- A few questions for a possible first timer with varanids
- V. salvadorii video
- Please help me out... if you can.
- Yes I'm that new guy that got an Indonesian Water
- Balancing hydration in Savs
- Sunglasses for monitors
- Mice size
- Humidity question
- 2 sets of siamese twins. What are the chances?
- Kimberly rock monitors
- What's up with this extra hole
- Blue spotted Timor monitors?
- Black throat help please
- Ants in enclosure.
- Recent Komodo postings of Dr. Bryan Fry
- 14 baby ackies-a tub full
- Black/White throat questions
- Hoping for some advice and perspectives
- Zazu's new cage
- Day with the Gilleni
- a couple of quick savannah questions
- BIAWAK - Volume 8 Number 1 is now available
- BIAWAK - Volume 7 Number 1 is now available
- Argus monitor having tea. :)
- cage sealing idea
- Black Dragon and High Yellow X Black Dragon clutches hatched at Vital Exotics!
- baby ackie pics :)
- nile monitor cage
- Savannah Monitor DIY enclosure (and questions)
- Cute video you don't see often
- v. yuwonoi and full stripe ackie
- Help deciding on a monitor.
- What Constipates Savannah Monitors
- Savannah's nose is turning white??
- Komodo Dragon as a pet..?
- ackie pics
- Corvo the Savannah monitor
- Just showing off....
- Savannah food
- monitor in the yard
- Can Someone Please Help! My Monitor Escaped His Cage!
- STRIPED ACKIES (pic heavy)
- Pet store Owner lied
- Varanus spinulosus.
- Need some help.
- 6500K lighting.
- Zadkiel Azriel
- Lizard kings on TONIGHT at 9:00 PM
- New Photos of my big guy
- Zazu my savannah
- 16 ackie whites
- UV question
- How to convey poor husbandry
- Not pooping?
- safe to use?
- Red Ackie-Who breeds/Where to buy one?!
- Introduction and inquiry
- Is It safe if theres polyurethane on the basking spot?
- emerald photos
- I have a qeustion about lighting and soil.
- smashed uv tube dangers?
- Sav loves mouse
- Rudi dietary improvement help
- feeding eggs
- How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?
- Ackies hatching
- Seafood in detail
- Savannah Monitor activity level?
- Savannah monitor size
- Ackie lighting/enclosure
- Holy grail of varanids.
- CBB water monitors CBB ackies
- Interesting new whole prey item...
- rubbermaid container
- Travelling safely
- Adult Mertens.
- The Perentie Lizard by Steve Irwin (Vivarium Magazine 1997)
- lost sharp screw
- chlorine in water
- sav lost interest in crickets
- Dustin's Ackies
- No wonder Savannah Monitors get the bad homes
- Dreaming of Ackies!
- New Salvator and Salvadorii photos from Vital Exotics.
- Is my monitor ok?
- stunted growth-
- no soil and low basking temps
- Baby Salvator. Picture Heavy! Lots of Questions!
- Grow up enclosure for baby savannah
- Sav eating poo?
- fish for sav
- What kind of monitor is this?
- Need some ideas
- Salmonella!
- argus locust hunt vid
- BHB Melaninistic(Night) Nile Monitor
- Sav in new cage
- How do i breed nightcrawlers.
- Excited!!! Madagascar Hisser babies!!
- Pair in 8x4x4
- breeding boscs
- Parthenogenesis in an Ornate Nile Monitor
- Finally got my yellow ackie!
- Sammy the Savannah!
- Sav hurt his head
- Monitor diet
- Cheap build for the impaired
- How much do i feed my sav?
- package arrived today
- Godzilla shots
- V. dumerilii pics
- fly infestation
- Small Yellow Croakers
- Baby tegu
- cool website
- Night Nile update
- Melinus updates
- Monitor Lizard Decomposition
- V. Ornatus pics
- Meet Mecha and Zukie
- Timor Monitor Care
- Is my sav too fat?
- What is this?
- video: Slinky our Indonesian Water Monitor