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  1. Varinid enclosure thread (picture based)
  2. What kind of monitor is this?
  3. better then dubia
  4. baby ackie updates
  5. varanus yuwonoi
  6. Blue spot timor?
  7. Savannah Monitor Gout page
  8. poor Sav Wish I had more room
  9. Please help support this kind woman
  10. Monitor substrate....
  11. juvie quince pair set up
  12. V.Rudicollis
  13. V. rudicollis enclosure
  14. my little monitor
  15. building for Godzilla- help?
  16. new sav :)
  17. Roaches, crickets, worms and confusion, oh my
  18. Kudos to LLL reptile.
  19. Australian Goannas by Matt Vincent and Steve Wilson
  20. Amazing CBB Savannah Monitor pics
  21. helpful/insightful books on monitors
  22. New Baby Water Monitor
  23. Mr. Kipling
  24. female quince?
  25. 15 ackie eggs of delight
  26. sav on temporary 100% rodent
  27. Some randoms of my four Savs
  28. new female
  29. Dubia Roach Colony and Breeding Mice.
  30. Discoids for a Savannah Monitor?
  31. Bottom heat in large vive??
  32. Sliding glass doors for Varanids?
  33. finding the perfect monitor
  34. Rain system DIY
  35. Thinking about an Ackie.
  36. all moved in but bad news
  37. Caution for Cabinet Style Doors
  38. My monitors are here!!
  39. Sav interaction
  40. upgrading the DIRT..
  41. Ackie attack
  42. Another obsession of mine
  43. Liam Video Thread - New Enclosure
  44. Help! A Male Sav - Possibly Getting One
  45. More wrestling footage
  46. Savannah Monitor excavating snail egg site.
  47. sick Savannah monitor help
  48. Cassie
  49. Good for handling???
  50. random photographs
  51. Kimberly rock attack
  52. snuck up on the quinces!
  53. Have some available Monitor
  54. Is this Soil Appropriate?
  55. Ackie Pair
  56. Been keeping this one quiet.
  57. update on the newer sav
  58. Blue Tree head shot.
  59. Lizard Ladder (second video)
  60. Appropriate supplies for monitor?
  61. bad news
  62. my nightmare-blood and tears :)
  63. Kimberley Rocks and ackies!
  64. tackling nesting/options
  65. lol hydrometer attack
  66. v. melinus swimming/diving
  67. Crocodile monitors new climbing logs
  68. Help Me ! (Figure out Sav cage costs)
  69. DIY: Monitor Enclosure
  70. warming up nesting areas
  71. My Savannah Monitor
  72. V. salvadorii
  73. what you guys are missing video
  74. How the fever grows....
  75. grr, SEPARATE!
  76. Savannah Monitor. What Substrate/soil?????
  77. Sav Swimming
  78. Sump Area of Savannah Monitor Enclosure
  79. The chase is on
  80. New arrival
  81. Sav monitor
  82. Peter Parker
  83. Intro/Feeding
  84. Argus/Goulds monitor questions
  85. Handling
  86. Please read this post !!!!!!!!!
  87. Basking spot
  88. Night Nile
  89. Salvators wrestling.
  90. Temps/Humidity
  91. For ReptileSeeker...
  92. Herpetology
  93. Feeding a Savannah Monitor
  94. Interesting Sav
  95. Juvenile Savannah Monitor Photos
  96. CBB Savannah Monitor Photos
  97. Feeding Giblets - Yum (gross)
  98. Ornate monitor enclosure question
  99. Introduction to my Varanus salvator Collection
  100. Vital Exotics' Crocodile Monitors
  101. Vital Exotics' CBB Salvator Hatchlings
  102. Vital Exotics Water Monitor (Varanus salvator) Care Sheet
  103. super obese ornate monitor
  104. Overly active monitor lizard?
  105. Wild Savannah Monitor pics in Ghana
  106. baby bosc not growing need help
  107. Monitor Training
  108. Update on New Savannah Monitor
  109. Lace monitors have finally started mating
  110. One of the Leucistic kingorums we hatched.
  111. Reptile Guru Line Male x Black Dragon Female Clutch at Vital Exotics
  112. Raw meat
  113. Lady and the tramp anyone?
  114. Newbie who needs help...LONG
  115. Quick question about temps.
  116. Made big progress today
  117. Savannah monitor book, ebook and Kindle
  118. Hello All! My Savannah Monitor Photos
  119. About how old is my sav
  120. How much and how often should I feed
  121. Updated Picture's of my Savannah Monitor
  122. Reptile Shops Not properly housing Savannah's?
  123. Why won't my sav dig burrows?
  124. Monitor's Toe Talons
  125. Black Dragon X Black Dragon Clutch!
  126. Substrate - Dusty?
  127. Savannah Monitor, Too Close For Comfort!
  128. How to remove a thrashing lizard from its enclosure
  129. Slept in Water Bowl?
  130. Goanna Lizard Wanted !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  131. Black Dragon Male X Sumatran Female Clutch
  132. Finally... BLUE TREE EGGS!!!
  133. Few Pics !
  134. Older Pics, Look and see.
  135. Female Savannah Monitor - Eversion
  136. pole dancing lace monitor
  137. Merry Monitormas
  138. Ornate monitor enclosure updgrade
  139. very big black throat monitor
  140. Should I dig him out?
  141. Update on T+ albino sav.
  142. Possible Savannah rescuer with questions.
  143. Some pics
  144. Nile monitor question
  145. sametrin water monitor care?
  146. I Introduced My Savs...
  147. Salvadorii VS T-Rex what really happens....
  148. Hey! updates on the Quinces :)
  149. Urgent Help!! Not breathing Sav
  150. heres this one
  151. doing what they do best
  152. possiable ackie morphs
  153. Crocodile rolls
  154. My Sav will be leaving me soon :(
  155. Monitors: Deserving of respect (xrays included)
  156. Savannah Monitor enclosure build (pics)
  157. Another newb question(s) xD
  158. White Fluff Substance?
  159. BHB Reptiles monitors
  160. My New Savannah! Pics & Possible Name?
  161. Sav water bowls
  162. My Boscs never drink.....
  163. Rescued Nile Monitor. Need advice.
  164. A few wild water monitors, Varanus salvator
  165. Monitor understanding
  166. monitor bites ?
  167. Musty cage smell?
  168. Is this a sav monitor?
  169. V. timorensis
  170. Perentie babies!!!
  171. Help with humidity
  172. Savannah Monitor Behavior - Dominance Display
  173. Poor thing, hope it finds a better home ...
  174. Question on new enclosure build
  175. Halogen Flood Light Sockets UK?
  176. Burrows have water! Help \;A;/
  177. Idea for a bosc enclosure
  178. Mr Rex, Fussy Eater when it comes to Rats.
  179. Post Pictures Of Your Monitor And Setup :D
  180. Monitor Care & Natural History; Zoo & Pet Experiences
  181. Django the Nile Monitor
  182. Uvb
  183. Littlefoot and Cera - tailbase shots
  184. A few pictures of my varanus sp collection
  185. Photo Book- Monitors Needed!
  186. Ornate monitor update
  187. Interesting ackie behavior
  188. "I am filthy...
  189. Argus Monitor in Ontario?
  190. humidity
  191. Argus Monitor Thread.
  192. To keep in groups, or not to keep in groups..
  193. Varanus Acanthurus (Ackies)
  194. Ventilation, acidosis and blood chemistry
  195. quick question concerning new flexarium
  196. Varanid lizards never cease to amaze...
  197. New wild Savannah Monitor footage - in a tree
  198. Varanus exanthematicus - Scientific data & interesting finds
  199. New Clutch of Vital Exotics' CBB High Yellow Water Monitors hatching.
  200. Ackie Enclosure Build
  201. Incubator Build
  202. Prehensility in the tails of Varanids (Monitor Lizards)
  203. monitor has gas?
  204. some of the monitor family
  205. "Lizard Kings" & Nat Geo videos
  206. Ceramic broke, flood light problem.
  207. possiblity of ingesting stones!
  208. striped ackies
  209. update.
  210. Importing Lace Monitors?
  211. Getting a Savannah Monitor is this a good Temp tank?
  212. And so it begins.
  213. Demon, the Savannah Monitor :D
  214. whole shrimp
  215. Ackies having some fun...
  216. New enclosure, broken glass
  217. Humidity Loss
  218. Timor monitor questions
  219. chillen on the tree branch
  220. Hand feeding Green Trees (prasinus)
  221. A few pics of the bosc enclosure so far
  222. Ambient Air Temperature Control?
  223. Moving a monitor across the country?
  224. Lace monitor and others
  225. NEW savannah monitor cage
  226. Introducing timmy, our savannah monitor
  227. Crabs diet suplement
  228. Savannah - sore behind back leg?
  229. My pair of trees
  230. Black Roughneck Issues
  231. Varanus Gilleni
  232. savannah monitor
  233. Suggestiong on filling up my Sav Enclosure?
  234. the big 20
  235. Varanus Dumirili
  236. Raw eggs for a Sav?
  237. What is the smallest monitor species
  238. Cera Everted! - Graphic photos
  239. Green Tree group at 6 months old- video
  240. Here's a really dumb question..
  241. Video of Toothless, and feeder question
  242. feeding baby sav on soil, safe?
  243. Soil mold? Bio-Active Substrate
  244. Pics of my little roughneck
  245. Price for similis
  246. Fr ?
  247. Togo Savannah monitors?
  248. My Rudi
  249. Savannah Monitor Redemption
  250. Selling my Roughneck