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Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9

  1. Help with Cass urgent
  2. Humidity and Air Quality
  3. Cass progress!!
  4. Just more questions
  5. More pics of my sav :)
  6. Female right? Savannah monitor
  7. It may be time to rethink a little (Savannah Monitors)
  8. Worried about Cass :(
  9. My sav :)
  10. A pic of Olive chillin
  11. Update on Cass. Male of female aswell
  12. Age of my sav?
  13. Philodendron plant
  14. I should not have went there today
  15. More pics of Cassie
  16. SDZ Diet for Savannah Monitors
  17. My beautiful sav
  18. Short update.
  19. A couple pics of my sav Cassie
  20. Experienced sav keepers
  21. Rare Daniel Bennett video of wild Savs
  22. Ackie vs tristis
  23. Cassie my sav pics
  24. Cool Savannah.
  25. Some more Monitor morph stuff.
  26. A crappy cell phone pic, BUT....
  27. varanustalk.com / varanusforums.com
  28. Monitor pictures needed
  29. The last dragon Special - Fruit eating Monitor
  30. An interesting Savannah Monitor read
  31. A few from tonight.
  32. Olive (Savannah Monitor) only poops in the bath
  33. new front page almost done
  34. Video progress with Cassie
  35. Trying out the new lens. (Varanus exanthematicus)
  36. off to gather goodies...
  37. Savannah Monitor Cage upgrades..
  38. Monitor enclosure discussion thread
  39. My savs progress :)
  40. Savannah Monitor Survey
  41. Littlefoot & Cera (New video & pictures) 2013!
  42. Littlefoot's first swim
  43. Rodents to savs
  44. I think it's about time for some updated Cumingi Pics!!!
  45. Pounding food - New video added
  46. Cassie update!
  47. "Leucistic" Varanus kingorum eggs on the ground!!!
  48. MonitorS
  49. Another Cassie thread
  50. Profile: Chomper
  51. Please look this over.
  52. Over weight savannah monitorS
  53. Absolutely amazing Lace Monitor footage
  54. Beginner's Varanid Question
  55. Signs of an unhealthy sav.
  56. Savannah Monitor Diet help?
  57. A Few more pics of Olive
  58. planing a reptile extension on side of house
  59. Spence takes a bath!
  60. I hate this..
  61. Sav enclosure
  62. Savannah monitor project.
  63. Savannahmonitor.net is online
  64. please tell me what you think of this chart
  65. Hades! my Savannah Monitor
  66. A live feed question
  67. I just don't get it
  68. I finally have this page dialed in!! (new tricks)
  69. Savannah monitor abuse
  70. The importance of safe wiring (Silly Sav)
  71. V. cumingi Breeding
  72. the coolest minute I ever filmed
  73. Sav monitor intestinal parasite test?
  74. Silvia and Houdini- Varanus prasinus (green tree monitors)
  75. good reading...
  76. Hades Feeding time
  77. Savannah Monitor
  78. Jimmy The Savannah Monitor
  79. I want to go find this guy
  80. Littlefoot hissing at me
  81. First time owner
  82. Savannah Monitor book now an E-book
  83. varanidae.org
  84. just a question on lighting
  85. Pro Exotics PE-2 Temp gun review
  86. Ackie eggs hatched :)
  87. New monitor species found??
  88. What I see every morning
  89. Spencer made himself a hat
  90. tristis tristis breeding
  91. monitors are smart
  92. sealing my tank
  93. Who says Friday the 13th is an unlucky day?
  94. ID please?
  95. Blue Tree video.
  96. Tong feeding
  97. Some rare Savannah Monitor hatch pics
  98. My sav hunting
  99. Lizard Kings - NOVA (awesome broadcast)
  100. More cumingi action
  101. Trust begins...(walking on hand) + 1
  102. When will it get here?
  103. Worst feeling the world
  104. 15 ackie eggs :)
  105. Cassie eating a fuzzy.
  106. Pics and Updates
  107. Baby sav question
  108. Cage update
  109. New pic.
  110. Impressive learning capacity
  111. Never expected this one....
  112. Helping us help Harley! Pic heavy
  113. Another enclosure question.
  114. Playfull savannah monitor
  115. Hemipenal Transillumination as a Sexing Technique in Varanids?
  116. croc egg and snake eggs
  117. A little cass update :(
  118. Harley pics
  119. Now tristis eggs
  120. nightmear
  121. Cassie looks healthy!
  122. Harley temps and eating etc help please
  123. Flesh Eating monsters!!
  124. todays pics of Harley
  125. Monitor Pics
  126. Names Names Names?
  127. Dumeril's Monitors
  128. Pictures of Cassie
  129. A baby sav... So cute
  130. First to hatch!!!
  131. The Gang
  132. Monitor trust building
  133. Blast from the past: Titan the sav
  134. Where to get dirt?
  135. Getting My First Monitor
  136. Lost Monitor
  137. A new page for the web site..
  138. Good monitors
  139. Parasites in Nightcrawlers
  140. OMG I GOT A KOMODO DRAGON! (Varanus komodoensis)
  141. Harley pics again...
  142. Savannah monitor burrowing
  143. Godzilla and tinkerbell ate from tweezers!!!!!!!
  144. varanus melinus Breeding
  145. Anyone from the NYC area
  146. Max
  147. Holy crap surprise monitor
  148. One AWESOME Croc Moniotr (Varanus Salvodorii)
  149. Spencer's first time out!
  150. I found Amusei!!!
  151. Flesh eating monitors?!
  152. wierdest thing with cassie
  153. Amazing sav video
  154. Sav Monitor food enhancement? (Suppliments)
  155. cuttlefish
  156. Melinus Feeding
  157. New sav enclosure
  158. Red/yellow Ackie advice/info
  159. BerelyBreathing.
  160. Sad :( Savs at pet store.
  161. V.Dumerlii pics
  162. Sex my Savannah?
  163. Handling cassie the sav.
  164. new cumingi pics and update
  165. Sav enclosure HELPG
  166. Harley update
  167. Found some older pictures of Chomper
  168. Btm
  169. V. Indicus (Mangrove monitor)
  170. Bluetail Monitor
  171. Monitor food!!!
  172. V. Melinus pics
  173. Guess this monitor
  174. A little update
  175. one of my monitor pics wins contest
  176. Cage update for amusei
  177. Help
  178. First pictures of Sindel and Kahn
  179. First time hatch in the US!!!
  180. Melinus Skiddish
  181. All the way out of the egg.
  182. Cute video
  183. Devastating cumingi update & good news
  184. Newbie....
  185. New savannah in water dish a lot.
  186. Help! Sick Savannah!!
  187. Nile Monitor rescue...have some questions.
  188. The quest for trust continues...
  189. Steve The Lizard
  190. what are some of the smaller monitor breed?
  191. Biawak Journal
  192. fresh out of the oven
  193. Save your Monitor Lizards!
  194. When are hatchlings available?
  195. More Varanus kingorum hatching out.
  196. Megalania (Varanus priscus)
  197. Outside Enclosure
  198. help on the sex of my sav / sitting in water all day
  199. Awesome male Varanus pilbarensis
  200. Question about burrowing
  201. Varanus albigularis subspecies question
  202. Sav Eating Her Own Eggs?
  203. Savannah Vomitting.
  204. Ackie care requirements
  205. Cera hostility video.(Camera Attack!)
  206. Soil PH & Nitrogen content
  207. Harley Update.
  208. oh oh sav for sale on craigslist..
  209. CB baby croc monitor
  210. Growth of Savannah Monitors
  211. Thoughts on proper monitor weight..
  212. New hatchlings
  213. My respect for snakebytesTV is gone!!
  214. The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors
  215. V. salvadorii
  216. Here is my Savannah Monitor
  217. Kimberly Rock Monitor
  218. Stunning Albino Savannah Monitor.
  219. New Savannah Monitor owner
  220. Getting a Savannah Monitor
  221. Levels of Retes Stack for Baby/Juvie Savannah Monitor?
  222. Pictures Of Savannah Monitor Baby
  223. New Sav Owner Needs Help!
  224. getting ready to build a BIG O'l cage for Godzilla
  225. another pic of godzilla
  226. I see a big problem here.
  227. The Savannah Monitor Diet thread..
  228. Get out of the road!!
  229. WANTED - Crocodile Monitor Lizard Owners
  230. Been way to long!
  231. Cage cleaning day-pic warning
  232. Godzilla of Tokyo
  233. Monty+Pregnany fiance=salmonella baby?
  234. A few of my collection
  235. Holy leapin' lizards!!!
  236. Bosc Monitor advice, please.
  237. Basking Temps and Materials
  238. Hootinanny and Tinkerbell(updates often)
  239. Kimberly Rock monitor
  240. Dumeril's monitors?
  241. savannahmonitor.net launched!
  242. Cassie update
  243. CBB savannah Monitors in action.
  244. poor ornate
  245. Varanids and Tegus
  246. Ackies Hatched pics
  247. hatchling ackie vs month old ackie
  248. I must have done something right.
  249. What exactly is going on here?
  250. Getting Ackies Need Advise and Suggestions