- Help with Cass urgent
- Humidity and Air Quality
- Cass progress!!
- Just more questions
- More pics of my sav :)
- Female right? Savannah monitor
- It may be time to rethink a little (Savannah Monitors)
- Worried about Cass :(
- My sav :)
- A pic of Olive chillin
- Update on Cass. Male of female aswell
- Age of my sav?
- Philodendron plant
- I should not have went there today
- More pics of Cassie
- SDZ Diet for Savannah Monitors
- My beautiful sav
- Short update.
- A couple pics of my sav Cassie
- Experienced sav keepers
- Rare Daniel Bennett video of wild Savs
- Ackie vs tristis
- Cassie my sav pics
- Cool Savannah.
- Some more Monitor morph stuff.
- A crappy cell phone pic, BUT....
- varanustalk.com / varanusforums.com
- Monitor pictures needed
- The last dragon Special - Fruit eating Monitor
- An interesting Savannah Monitor read
- A few from tonight.
- Olive (Savannah Monitor) only poops in the bath
- new front page almost done
- Video progress with Cassie
- Trying out the new lens. (Varanus exanthematicus)
- off to gather goodies...
- Savannah Monitor Cage upgrades..
- Monitor enclosure discussion thread
- My savs progress :)
- Savannah Monitor Survey
- Littlefoot & Cera (New video & pictures) 2013!
- Littlefoot's first swim
- Rodents to savs
- I think it's about time for some updated Cumingi Pics!!!
- Pounding food - New video added
- Cassie update!
- "Leucistic" Varanus kingorum eggs on the ground!!!
- MonitorS
- Another Cassie thread
- Profile: Chomper
- Please look this over.
- Over weight savannah monitorS
- Absolutely amazing Lace Monitor footage
- Beginner's Varanid Question
- Signs of an unhealthy sav.
- Savannah Monitor Diet help?
- A Few more pics of Olive
- planing a reptile extension on side of house
- Spence takes a bath!
- I hate this..
- Sav enclosure
- Savannah monitor project.
- Savannahmonitor.net is online
- please tell me what you think of this chart
- Hades! my Savannah Monitor
- A live feed question
- I just don't get it
- I finally have this page dialed in!! (new tricks)
- Savannah monitor abuse
- The importance of safe wiring (Silly Sav)
- V. cumingi Breeding
- the coolest minute I ever filmed
- Sav monitor intestinal parasite test?
- Silvia and Houdini- Varanus prasinus (green tree monitors)
- good reading...
- Hades Feeding time
- Savannah Monitor
- Jimmy The Savannah Monitor
- I want to go find this guy
- Littlefoot hissing at me
- First time owner
- Savannah Monitor book now an E-book
- varanidae.org
- just a question on lighting
- Pro Exotics PE-2 Temp gun review
- Ackie eggs hatched :)
- New monitor species found??
- What I see every morning
- Spencer made himself a hat
- tristis tristis breeding
- monitors are smart
- sealing my tank
- Who says Friday the 13th is an unlucky day?
- ID please?
- Blue Tree video.
- Tong feeding
- Some rare Savannah Monitor hatch pics
- My sav hunting
- Lizard Kings - NOVA (awesome broadcast)
- More cumingi action
- Trust begins...(walking on hand) + 1
- When will it get here?
- Worst feeling the world
- 15 ackie eggs :)
- Cassie eating a fuzzy.
- Pics and Updates
- Baby sav question
- Cage update
- New pic.
- Impressive learning capacity
- Never expected this one....
- Helping us help Harley! Pic heavy
- Another enclosure question.
- Playfull savannah monitor
- Hemipenal Transillumination as a Sexing Technique in Varanids?
- croc egg and snake eggs
- A little cass update :(
- Harley pics
- Now tristis eggs
- nightmear
- Cassie looks healthy!
- Harley temps and eating etc help please
- Flesh Eating monsters!!
- todays pics of Harley
- Monitor Pics
- Names Names Names?
- Dumeril's Monitors
- Pictures of Cassie
- A baby sav... So cute
- First to hatch!!!
- The Gang
- Monitor trust building
- Blast from the past: Titan the sav
- Where to get dirt?
- Getting My First Monitor
- Lost Monitor
- A new page for the web site..
- Good monitors
- Parasites in Nightcrawlers
- OMG I GOT A KOMODO DRAGON! (Varanus komodoensis)
- Harley pics again...
- Savannah monitor burrowing
- Godzilla and tinkerbell ate from tweezers!!!!!!!
- varanus melinus Breeding
- Anyone from the NYC area
- Max
- Holy crap surprise monitor
- One AWESOME Croc Moniotr (Varanus Salvodorii)
- Spencer's first time out!
- I found Amusei!!!
- Flesh eating monitors?!
- wierdest thing with cassie
- Amazing sav video
- Sav Monitor food enhancement? (Suppliments)
- cuttlefish
- Melinus Feeding
- New sav enclosure
- Red/yellow Ackie advice/info
- BerelyBreathing.
- Sad :( Savs at pet store.
- V.Dumerlii pics
- Sex my Savannah?
- Handling cassie the sav.
- new cumingi pics and update
- Sav enclosure HELPG
- Harley update
- Found some older pictures of Chomper
- Btm
- V. Indicus (Mangrove monitor)
- Bluetail Monitor
- Monitor food!!!
- V. Melinus pics
- Guess this monitor
- A little update
- one of my monitor pics wins contest
- Cage update for amusei
- Help
- First pictures of Sindel and Kahn
- First time hatch in the US!!!
- Melinus Skiddish
- All the way out of the egg.
- Cute video
- Devastating cumingi update & good news
- Newbie....
- New savannah in water dish a lot.
- Help! Sick Savannah!!
- Nile Monitor rescue...have some questions.
- The quest for trust continues...
- Steve The Lizard
- what are some of the smaller monitor breed?
- Biawak Journal
- fresh out of the oven
- Save your Monitor Lizards!
- When are hatchlings available?
- More Varanus kingorum hatching out.
- Megalania (Varanus priscus)
- Outside Enclosure
- help on the sex of my sav / sitting in water all day
- Awesome male Varanus pilbarensis
- Question about burrowing
- Varanus albigularis subspecies question
- Sav Eating Her Own Eggs?
- Savannah Vomitting.
- Ackie care requirements
- Cera hostility video.(Camera Attack!)
- Soil PH & Nitrogen content
- Harley Update.
- oh oh sav for sale on craigslist..
- CB baby croc monitor
- Growth of Savannah Monitors
- Thoughts on proper monitor weight..
- New hatchlings
- My respect for snakebytesTV is gone!!
- The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors
- V. salvadorii
- Here is my Savannah Monitor
- Kimberly Rock Monitor
- Stunning Albino Savannah Monitor.
- New Savannah Monitor owner
- Getting a Savannah Monitor
- Levels of Retes Stack for Baby/Juvie Savannah Monitor?
- Pictures Of Savannah Monitor Baby
- New Sav Owner Needs Help!
- getting ready to build a BIG O'l cage for Godzilla
- another pic of godzilla
- I see a big problem here.
- The Savannah Monitor Diet thread..
- Get out of the road!!
- WANTED - Crocodile Monitor Lizard Owners
- Been way to long!
- Cage cleaning day-pic warning
- Godzilla of Tokyo
- Monty+Pregnany fiance=salmonella baby?
- A few of my collection
- Holy leapin' lizards!!!
- Bosc Monitor advice, please.
- Basking Temps and Materials
- Hootinanny and Tinkerbell(updates often)
- Kimberly Rock monitor
- Dumeril's monitors?
- savannahmonitor.net launched!
- Cassie update
- CBB savannah Monitors in action.
- poor ornate
- Varanids and Tegus
- Ackies Hatched pics
- hatchling ackie vs month old ackie
- I must have done something right.
- What exactly is going on here?
- Getting Ackies Need Advise and Suggestions