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  1. MarkB or any other Albig enthusiast -
  2. Beef Heart
  3. feeding two tegus at once
  4. Is my black throat shy or lazy ?
  5. reptile shows
  6. Black rough necks and mangroves
  7. largest savannah monitor you have seen?
  8. cage
  9. Nile monitor escape
  10. Question for Mark
  11. Breeding Ackie q's
  12. Yo, Spidersweb
  13. my new red tegu
  14. Video, Sobek eating a rat 12 inches long...
  15. petstore sav, warning, graphic!
  16. cage making
  17. Winnipeg herp keepers
  18. Goanna Ranch
  19. Monitor Pic
  20. goulds monitor (Sand Monitor)
  21. New question for MarkB
  22. ackies breeding
  23. Ackie Substrate
  24. hi
  25. what makes a monitor lizard a specialist?
  26. pattern and ecology: Varanids
  27. big sav
  28. Lizards and weather
  29. Guess what I found this afternoon???
  30. My baby ackies are here!!
  31. Any argus keepers???
  32. Canadian keepers of Timors......
  33. Look what I found this evening
  34. Water Monitors - Something to go all out on?
  35. constipated monitor?
  36. 101 days
  37. later people
  38. monitor tattoo / Lacie pics
  39. first peek at the world
  40. tree monitors
  41. Purchased a Savannah Monitor
  42. Needing savannah caresheet
  43. a new monitor...
  44. giant african land snails....
  45. monitor pics
  46. female savannahs
  47. Monitor Enclosures
  48. 3 More
  49. no weight gain
  50. earth worms?
  51. best monitor
  52. hi
  53. New Orleans Zoo/Aquarium needs your help! FYI...
  54. Monitors and UVB
  55. my new savannah
  56. new sav*PIC*
  57. help
  58. hi crocdoc
  59. Savanah Thats Hard To Handle
  60. suggested savannah monitor care sheets
  61. Thinking about getting a monitor
  62. info on black thoart or white
  63. my pets
  64. bath time *pics*
  65. black throat feeding question?
  66. hey crocdoc
  67. New black throat monitor. *with Pics*
  68. impaction with black throat?
  69. My little guys coming along (Water Monitor)
  70. who's the man?
  71. encloser pics wanted
  72. fat boys
  73. the Tiger and the croc
  74. feces
  75. Savanna Monitors
  76. I got a rock......
  77. any dumeril pics anybody?
  78. Need help !!
  79. size change in 3 months *PICs*
  80. Varanus Acanthurus Brachyurus
  81. Why mice?
  82. Reptile stores
  83. hi crocdoc
  84. New sav
  85. What happen?
  86. What is?
  87. savannah help
  88. Outdoor enclosure for peach throats?
  89. Water Monitor out for a climb...
  90. D N A
  91. crazy reptile trick
  92. SCORE !!! Caution lizard porn lol
  93. lookin for some help
  94. Ideas on a monitor
  95. Red Ackie / dwarf monitor
  96. hey,i need an opinion
  97. Monitor care
  98. Monitor Breeders Ontario
  99. my new best....
  100. just a few pics....
  101. bosc monitor was constipated
  102. monitor breeders?
  103. Savannah Monitor
  104. Ackies Missing Toes?
  105. Angry Sav
  106. tegus
  107. Female Nile
  108. Some questions needs to be answered asap....helP!
  109. Finally got my first monitor
  110. Question...
  111. Savannah Monitor
  112. Wood/Glass
  113. Savannah Monitor Enclousure
  114. Substrat
  115. Walking a savannah monitor?
  116. Its A Fly!
  117. Columbian Tegu questions
  118. my monitors
  119. I need help with a savannah monitor
  120. Columbian Tegu
  121. help SAV....
  122. Ackie Injury
  123. Tegu regurged
  124. how much can i feed my water monitors
  125. getting nile vrs a sav
  126. Twillight Monitor
  127. new monitors, new enclosure....
  128. Monitor fans
  129. hello agian just got my new semi rescue nile monitor :)!!!!
  130. nile monitor after day 1
  131. Meet Chomper - Our Savannah
  132. Savannah monitor care
  133. wanted: custom cage furnishing ideas
  134. nile update
  135. ok bad news back to square 1 with the monitor:(
  136. Silkworm moth vs. Monitor
  137. Savannah monitor in need of care!
  138. Substrate and impaction
  139. Recent Savannah Monitor
  140. my nile monitor update.
  141. parasite myth...
  142. What have we missed??
  143. Hello Arthur!!
  144. Jojo the sav
  145. Crocodile monitor
  146. Spiny Tailed Monitor Question
  147. Diet Variety
  148. Jojo's new cage
  149. Taming A Water Monitor
  150. Charlie the vicious - Savannah Monitor
  151. savs as pets
  152. Chomper my Sav !!
  153. Savannah Monitor
  154. monitor
  155. Asian Water Monitor - Custom Enclosure Help
  156. Sick Savannah Monitor???
  157. Check this idiot out - this is so sad
  158. finnaly got my sav!!
  159. New sav, going to put in 6 - 10 inches of dirt today BUT
  160. Varanus Varius (lacey)
  161. Sumatran Water Monitor Growth
  162. shredded newspaper as substrate
  163. Savannah Monitor VS Live mouse
  164. Obesity in wild monitors
  165. sav vs tegus
  166. Sav has mucus coming out of nostrils :(
  167. Indonesia Jones
  168. sav's water
  169. Savannah monitors tongue is blue!?!?!
  170. Cutest savannah monitor picture ever! :D
  171. Monitor thinks its a dog!!
  172. Anyone own a Black Tree Monitor?
  173. Savannah Monitor diet debate thread
  174. Rescued a Sav. Need some help.
  175. Captive Bred sav w/vid
  176. Sav Eating a treat
  177. Nile Monitors
  178. Profile : Arthur
  179. Can i have one PLEEEEEEEASSSSEEE!!!
  180. yoshi pics
  181. New Savanah Monitor Owner
  182. Is my savannah monitor constipated?
  183. Question!
  184. power feeding
  185. New Home for Chomper
  186. Heeeere's Darwin! (Pic Heavy)
  187. sizing of a bosc monitor
  188. Timor monitor questions
  189. Playing fetch with monitors
  190. My monitors/pics/stories. (DUW)
  191. savs for sale on kijiji
  192. Asian water monitor enclosure.
  193. Big Monitor!!!
  194. Close Call With Savanah Monitor
  195. Weirdest dream
  196. Golden Tegu
  197. nile's invade florida
  198. I would like a Tegu or a BT Skink, plz. KTHXBY
  199. Strange Monitor behaviour
  200. Can anyone identify this monitor?
  201. Monitor pics!
  202. Powder "The Spitzberg Beast" and Lrrr the Savannah monitor feeding!
  203. third eye
  204. Lrrr feeding on superworms, and he decides to attack me. ENJOY
  205. Sav. Monitor help
  206. Red Ackie (Varanus acanthuras)
  207. Monitor aggression and trust building.
  208. Monitor care: general advice/tips.
  209. Success!!
  210. Snails for monitors?
  211. Chomper as a Baby
  212. Lrrr has passed away
  213. While at the CRBE...(New Savannah Monitor)
  214. Sav biting tongs
  215. sumatren help
  216. Blue Tree Monitors
  217. There will be time for introductions later, but what is this!?!?
  218. Best way to get monitors eating?
  219. V. cummingi enclosure
  220. Savannah feeding
  221. Bosc's Monitor and Climate
  222. "I don't want crickets, what do you have?"
  223. Chompers Gone - Happy Endings!!!
  224. Savannahmonitor.org
  225. Thanks for the sav jay...
  226. Unfortunate Savannah monitor situation..
  227. My monitors
  228. new sav enclosure
  229. Savannah monitor pic
  230. Monitor attacking blanket
  231. Picture of Olive
  232. Getting ready for Littlefoot..Day 2. (more pics)
  233. A few photographs of my critters - part 1
  234. Littlefoot's digs - day 3
  235. Long term low level dehydration = Terminal Gout
  236. Sav Monitor delivery (Littlefoot) news.. updates
  237. I got my Camera back
  238. Varanus.us
  239. Some pics of my Argus
  240. Olive is not a girl
  241. Savannah monitor enclosure questions
  242. Littlefoot cage idea..
  243. Black Throat Monitor Care Sheet Discussion.
  244. My savannah monitor!
  245. Awesome links... Check it out.
  246. A wild Nile in Africa..(Video)
  247. First Thread Here! Quick Question
  248. my savannah monitor castiel
  249. Savannah monitor question
  250. One sweet Sav lady..