View Full Version : Varanid
Pages :
- MarkB or any other Albig enthusiast -
- Beef Heart
- feeding two tegus at once
- Is my black throat shy or lazy ?
- reptile shows
- Black rough necks and mangroves
- largest savannah monitor you have seen?
- cage
- Nile monitor escape
- Question for Mark
- Breeding Ackie q's
- Yo, Spidersweb
- my new red tegu
- Video, Sobek eating a rat 12 inches long...
- petstore sav, warning, graphic!
- cage making
- Winnipeg herp keepers
- Goanna Ranch
- Monitor Pic
- goulds monitor (Sand Monitor)
- New question for MarkB
- ackies breeding
- Ackie Substrate
- hi
- what makes a monitor lizard a specialist?
- pattern and ecology: Varanids
- big sav
- Lizards and weather
- Guess what I found this afternoon???
- My baby ackies are here!!
- Any argus keepers???
- Canadian keepers of Timors......
- Look what I found this evening
- Water Monitors - Something to go all out on?
- constipated monitor?
- 101 days
- later people
- monitor tattoo / Lacie pics
- first peek at the world
- tree monitors
- Purchased a Savannah Monitor
- Needing savannah caresheet
- a new monitor...
- giant african land snails....
- monitor pics
- female savannahs
- Monitor Enclosures
- 3 More
- no weight gain
- earth worms?
- best monitor
- hi
- New Orleans Zoo/Aquarium needs your help! FYI...
- Monitors and UVB
- my new savannah
- new sav*PIC*
- help
- hi crocdoc
- Savanah Thats Hard To Handle
- suggested savannah monitor care sheets
- Thinking about getting a monitor
- info on black thoart or white
- my pets
- bath time *pics*
- black throat feeding question?
- hey crocdoc
- New black throat monitor. *with Pics*
- impaction with black throat?
- My little guys coming along (Water Monitor)
- who's the man?
- encloser pics wanted
- fat boys
- the Tiger and the croc
- feces
- Savanna Monitors
- I got a rock......
- any dumeril pics anybody?
- Need help !!
- size change in 3 months *PICs*
- Varanus Acanthurus Brachyurus
- Why mice?
- Reptile stores
- hi crocdoc
- New sav
- What happen?
- What is?
- savannah help
- Outdoor enclosure for peach throats?
- Water Monitor out for a climb...
- D N A
- crazy reptile trick
- SCORE !!! Caution lizard porn lol
- lookin for some help
- Ideas on a monitor
- Red Ackie / dwarf monitor
- hey,i need an opinion
- Monitor care
- Monitor Breeders Ontario
- my new best....
- just a few pics....
- bosc monitor was constipated
- monitor breeders?
- Savannah Monitor
- Ackies Missing Toes?
- Angry Sav
- tegus
- Female Nile
- Some questions needs to be answered asap....helP!
- Finally got my first monitor
- Question...
- Savannah Monitor
- Wood/Glass
- Savannah Monitor Enclousure
- Substrat
- Walking a savannah monitor?
- Its A Fly!
- Columbian Tegu questions
- my monitors
- I need help with a savannah monitor
- Columbian Tegu
- help SAV....
- Ackie Injury
- Tegu regurged
- how much can i feed my water monitors
- getting nile vrs a sav
- Twillight Monitor
- new monitors, new enclosure....
- Monitor fans
- hello agian just got my new semi rescue nile monitor :)!!!!
- nile monitor after day 1
- Meet Chomper - Our Savannah
- Savannah monitor care
- wanted: custom cage furnishing ideas
- nile update
- ok bad news back to square 1 with the monitor:(
- Silkworm moth vs. Monitor
- Savannah monitor in need of care!
- Substrate and impaction
- Recent Savannah Monitor
- my nile monitor update.
- parasite myth...
- What have we missed??
- Hello Arthur!!
- Jojo the sav
- Crocodile monitor
- Spiny Tailed Monitor Question
- Diet Variety
- Jojo's new cage
- Taming A Water Monitor
- Charlie the vicious - Savannah Monitor
- savs as pets
- Chomper my Sav !!
- Savannah Monitor
- monitor
- Asian Water Monitor - Custom Enclosure Help
- Sick Savannah Monitor???
- Check this idiot out - this is so sad
- finnaly got my sav!!
- New sav, going to put in 6 - 10 inches of dirt today BUT
- Varanus Varius (lacey)
- Sumatran Water Monitor Growth
- shredded newspaper as substrate
- Savannah Monitor VS Live mouse
- Obesity in wild monitors
- sav vs tegus
- Sav has mucus coming out of nostrils :(
- Indonesia Jones
- sav's water
- Savannah monitors tongue is blue!?!?!
- Cutest savannah monitor picture ever! :D
- Monitor thinks its a dog!!
- Anyone own a Black Tree Monitor?
- Savannah Monitor diet debate thread
- Rescued a Sav. Need some help.
- Captive Bred sav w/vid
- Sav Eating a treat
- Nile Monitors
- Profile : Arthur
- Can i have one PLEEEEEEEASSSSEEE!!!
- yoshi pics
- New Savanah Monitor Owner
- Is my savannah monitor constipated?
- Question!
- power feeding
- New Home for Chomper
- Heeeere's Darwin! (Pic Heavy)
- sizing of a bosc monitor
- Timor monitor questions
- Playing fetch with monitors
- My monitors/pics/stories. (DUW)
- savs for sale on kijiji
- Asian water monitor enclosure.
- Big Monitor!!!
- Close Call With Savanah Monitor
- Weirdest dream
- Golden Tegu
- nile's invade florida
- I would like a Tegu or a BT Skink, plz. KTHXBY
- Strange Monitor behaviour
- Can anyone identify this monitor?
- Monitor pics!
- Powder "The Spitzberg Beast" and Lrrr the Savannah monitor feeding!
- third eye
- Lrrr feeding on superworms, and he decides to attack me. ENJOY
- Sav. Monitor help
- Red Ackie (Varanus acanthuras)
- Monitor aggression and trust building.
- Monitor care: general advice/tips.
- Success!!
- Snails for monitors?
- Chomper as a Baby
- Lrrr has passed away
- While at the CRBE...(New Savannah Monitor)
- Sav biting tongs
- sumatren help
- Blue Tree Monitors
- There will be time for introductions later, but what is this!?!?
- Best way to get monitors eating?
- V. cummingi enclosure
- Savannah feeding
- Bosc's Monitor and Climate
- "I don't want crickets, what do you have?"
- Chompers Gone - Happy Endings!!!
- Thanks for the sav jay...
- Unfortunate Savannah monitor situation..
- My monitors
- new sav enclosure
- Savannah monitor pic
- Monitor attacking blanket
- Picture of Olive
- Getting ready for Littlefoot..Day 2. (more pics)
- A few photographs of my critters - part 1
- Littlefoot's digs - day 3
- Long term low level dehydration = Terminal Gout
- Sav Monitor delivery (Littlefoot) news.. updates
- I got my Camera back
- Some pics of my Argus
- Olive is not a girl
- Savannah monitor enclosure questions
- Littlefoot cage idea..
- Black Throat Monitor Care Sheet Discussion.
- My savannah monitor!
- Awesome links... Check it out.
- A wild Nile in Africa..(Video)
- First Thread Here! Quick Question
- my savannah monitor castiel
- Savannah monitor question
- One sweet Sav lady..
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