View Full Version : Varanid
Pages :
- Grouping Ackies
- nile
- Sobek 6ft 2 inches 2.5 years old...
- awwwwww
- Timor Breeders?
- Water Monitor Taming... revisited
- Sexing a yearling savannah
- They replaced C.I.T.E.S with D.U.C.T.A.P.E
- hes getting worse, not better?
- Introducing Two savannahs
- Mr. Bayless please
- Gravid Blackthroat
- How much do u spend for food, monthly?
- Monitors senses
- Poll?
- My Komodo Dragon Experience
- Savannah Monitor--- Shedding/problem/questions????
- Sav, dirt, and burrowing
- The amazing dentition of Varanus salvadorii
- Hello Everyone!
- Burrow but no entrance
- feeding time
- Newb question
- Varanus melinus LOT of pics!! :)
- Just some tree monitor pics..
- I guess I'm trustworthy enough....
- Ornate Nile Monitors
- Nice to Nasty
- varanus salvator
- Deciding to keep him
- Harnesses and Leashes
- ok, i was going to take a break posting some pics..but.....
- Shipping Monitors
- a big boy indeed....pic
- Feeding time for Varanus Albig.
- Tegus & Import Restrictions
- looking for lost toes
- immediate help please
- my sav
- Post your monitor pics!
- 80 lb, 7'+ water monitor
- Mark Bayless, if you can, where did this little gem come from?
- Tegus?
- new baby tegu
- Quick ?
- Moisture an issue?
- Nice buy for Beaner
- V. boehmei pic
- Steeve B.- Dracaena question..
- ackies
- sneezing
- Varanus exanthematicus
- Godlfish
- Snails
- nile monitor??????
- Misting
- Nile Pics
- identify this monitor from vietnam someone?
- Mangrove monitor
- monitors for sale anyone?
- Pic I took today...
- Story for you monitor people
- Worming Question....
- Savannah's and plants
- Rescue
- Close Call. Feeding Habbits?
- sorry for the multiple posts
- White Throat Diet
- Hemipenis- Varanus beccari pic...
- Care Sheet
- blue, green, black, yellow tree monitors
- Red Tegu Substrate
- Any Suggestions?
- Read First!: Forum Rules
- Hercules Hercules Hercules
- Cage Top
- Does anybody else here keep tree monitors?
- Black tree monitor
- Ridge tail Monitors
- black tree monitors
- Blue and Green Tree Monitors
- breeders
- shipping from US to CANADA
- Some new Red Ackies =)
- sexing ackies
- Twitching
- Black Throat's Swimming
- nile monitors
- Peach Throats again
- Finally some clarity
- black tree monitors
- My First Monitor
- awesome new addition
- Quality time with my little nile
- Respiratory Infection
- I've got an itch
- Strange behaviour???any ideas
- Red Tegu...bad Shed!
- diet options
- Monitor price
- Good places to aquire a savannah?
- black head monitors
- Varanus glauerti
- Caudal luring in Ackies
- varius
- My Savanna
- Ridge tail Monitors
- monitor diet
- Water Monitors!
- yellow ackie
- Winter substrate
- My savannah is not eating right now .. ?
- A stupid but serious question
- my harley
- I did it!
- Your Monitors!
- 80 pound water monitor
- Where is a good place to get an ackie
- Black roughneck monitor
- tree monitors
- sav pic
- sav tank
- DWarf monitor Pictures?
- Yellow Ackie questions
- Velociraptor?
- Mbayless and Crocdoc
- Success rate?
- Black Dragons
- new
- Monitors may be natural inbreeders…
- Monitor Intellegence
- Monitor observations .. from a new owner
- temps
- Tegus
- Ah... does it get any better than this?
- bath time
- herp tattoos?
- Need Help!!!
- Anyone keep niles?
- which small monitor is the best?
- i posted about my monitor a few months ago...
- Pics of my Savvy Raven *HUGE pics*
- Length Without Food
- Savannah - Pics
- Ornate vs. "Ornate Nile"
- Is it a problem?
- Introducing Tegus-Tips PLS
- Tegu Pics
- merry christmas
- have a very merry Xmas
- Pic of Nasty Nile lol
- HIgh Humidity?
- Growth of a Nile
- Question - Monitor Substrate
- someone elses picture - just wanted to share
- ouch
- Which Monitor?
- Any monitors that dont bite
- Some albigularus observations
- New York laws
- Stunted?
- New additions here at strictly exoticc reptiles (Monitors)
- New pics, differences in my albigs...
- Peachthroat monitor
- clarification plz - monitor diet
- 16' x 6' x 3'
- savannah getting agressive!!!
- timors in canada
- just a feeding question regarding meat/chicken
- Dave and his Hemi
- feeding eggs?
- Black and white tegu availability?
- Food???
- can you identify...
- Recent pics of my Water Monitor
- heres some pics of my black thoat
- Weird looking Argus monitor - for DK
- Cage Size?
- Bath
- Rug O Love
- some pics V. acanthurus
- Sheds??
- Please read.
- what would you want to read about.......
- Blisters!!!
- Some new pics...
- Ornate or Regular Nile Monitor? Keeper preferences?
- Diet Question
- Non-cricket diet?
- New pair of yellow Ackies Thanks Matt
- Rubbermaid?
- Varanid photos from Busch Gardens
- can cat food for monitors
- Dino (My blackthroat)
- New pic, shes a big girl..
- what monitor breed whould be the best to keep as a pet!!!
- Couple pics of feeding time
- tegus
- our new ackies
- Ackies
- Sometimes you think they are so smart....
- New pics for you Nile lovers
- What a handfull!
- Newest Critter
- black throats.
- Yo DK
- Got the pair
- Female Ackie you can"t see me
- my nile(2 pics)
- introducing blackthroats
- Monitor Questions
- My new Baby Lenny
- Sexin Boomer
- sexing black throats
- black and white
- tegu help?
- When you look into their eyes...
- Slow Grower
- Pine Bedding?
- crossing tegu species
- Don't hand feed the Ackies lol
- It was neat to watch
- Ants!!
- Merten's Water Monitor (Varanus mertensi)
- my new monitor
- How to build a cage
- croc monitor
- New addition V.KOMODONESIS
- Feeding Question
- New pics of the lizards..
- NC reptile ban
- White stuff from A savannah?
- sexing savannahs
- water monitor
- Fluffy showing his size
- Interesting obsevations
- tank pics????
- smurfs
- More pics of growin Water Monitor
- Where Is Mark B?
- substrates
- savs and why ya love em
- setups
- handling monitors?
- my new monitor
- how big
- hi
- why arent there any new posts?
- Ok, I'll start a new topic, input/feedback wanted- "alternative sexing technique"
- Pics of Ackie
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