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  1. sav monitors??
  2. pipeing/tubeing...
  3. Justin please email me RE: female sav. Thanks.
  4. black ant question....
  5. Varanus Jobiensis
  6. Care Sheets..
  7. Eating dirt
  8. CHOMP ! oooowwwww!!!!
  9. Monitor Pics PLZ
  10. Sexing a BT monitor
  11. Acco *lots o' pics*
  12. Baby sav and Acco pics
  13. Hatchling Pics
  14. My HUGE! Savannah monitor pic
  15. She didn't make it...
  16. Monster Clutch of Yellow Ackies!
  17. 17 baby ackies all from the Monster clutch!
  18. ....finally
  19. Sanvannah's cage sizes? Plz help me out!
  20. What shoud is get!HELP!
  21. savanna lizard???
  22. weird nile
  23. Incubation medium
  24. Reproduction Question
  25. Handling??
  26. Responce to TK2 (if you ever whant to breed Varanids read this!
  27. pics of my Mangrove Monitor
  28. Need help to I.D a lizard
  29. water monitors
  30. Yellow Ackies
  31. I need help
  32. forums
  33. Whats new and sexy in the world of varanids?
  34. Salvator sniffles
  35. Varanus Finschii sharing a photo np
  36. Help me god Satan is my baby…
  37. a monitor tale......
  38. HELP Monitor to Monster
  39. A day in the sun…
  40. Best starter monitor?
  41. Can't Win :(
  42. coming to toronto
  43. nile monitors
  44. Problematic with cheep imports(African Varanids)
  45. Why you never feed 2 monitors in same cage (warning dead monitor pic)
  46. are these good
  47. I am new here
  48. Argantine Black-White Tegu
  49. To Steeve
  50. Wiegeo Jobiensis or Sorong?
  51. A dwarf among dwarfs!
  52. Baby Storri Basking!
  53. a nice bite
  54. To the Nile advocates
  55. Funny threat display
  56. Question for Steve B
  57. Best Bite Release Technique?
  58. my Orange Doreanus are breeding today!
  59. cbb niles
  60. Good Book????
  61. For Mark, about the rudicollis
  62. Giant Ackie, Red, Yellow ????
  63. Questions?
  64. Hey Dragoon, about my roughneck!
  65. Ackie...
  66. checklist of the varanidae available
  67. Checklist of African Varanus distribution available
  68. My New Sav.
  69. just a photo
  70. Steeve need to talk to you!
  71. timmor monitors
  72. Ackie breeding
  73. bathing a sav
  74. Can someone tell me the difference?
  75. Niles
  76. heat rocks?
  77. Wierd Breathing?
  78. monitor foods
  79. peat moss
  80. Awesome looking hatchlings!
  81. Varanus Indicus
  82. Question for Vh.B....
  83. Burrowing Sav???
  84. croc monitors
  85. Natural UVB rays
  86. Koko - Komodo Dragon St. Lous Dies...
  87. Mangroves
  88. UV lighting question
  89. Nile monitors in Florida - erradication project
  90. Not Growing
  91. niles and niles
  92. What else can I feed my Nile?
  93. Took my Nile out for some real sun today!!!
  94. Do you have the ability to care for a 6+ feet Varanids…?
  95. water monitor
  96. Just Wondering...
  97. Need Opinions...
  98. Question about green, blue, yellow-gold V. rudicollis
  99. Finding papers
  100. Steeve the crocs are here with me!
  101. australian water monitor
  102. New Adventure of Naga& Zulu (crocs)
  103. Unhealthy Sav??
  104. OK let’s have some fun,
  105. slugs/snails for sav's?
  106. Drainage System
  107. skinny
  108. What body part is best to feed?
  109. Savannah Monitors
  110. black throat cage
  111. What do they look like when they shed?
  112. Here's my Mikey
  113. hatchling ackies! :) FINALLY!!
  114. Chicken Gizzards(sp)?
  115. BARE Minimum!?
  116. Peach throat caging?
  117. Public apologies…
  118. Lucifer, my sav
  119. Question for Monitor Boy
  120. Heat Source for Savs
  121. Earth Worms?
  122. Gree Tree Frogs?
  123. Enough space?
  124. Warning against feeding frogs and grass hoppers…
  125. Updated: Lucifer & tank
  126. Need to know a few thing bout tank...
  127. Temps
  128. My peach throat cage. Any suggestions?
  129. Feeding problems...
  130. I get funny emails sometimes…
  131. RIP: Lucifer
  132. Nile of Sav?
  133. Is this ok for a Sav?
  134. trough/tub questions
  135. one more stock tank question...
  136. OMG...I found lucifer
  137. Wanting a Sav Monitor but...
  138. Savannah won't eat pinkie
  139. Mean Sav!?
  140. what kinda substrate?
  141. Sav eating pics
  142. Hows my path toward owning a monitor?
  143. Bernd Eidenmueller’s Varanids new Book is released….
  144. well I gone and done it now...
  145. Pharoah loves her sushi
  146. monitor relocation project underway
  147. hey baz
  148. My tots on venom and varanids…
  149. Oak leafs needed
  150. No Australian varanids aren’t easier to breed…
  151. Monitor Relocation : Ryan's close call
  152. Monitor relocation update
  153. About Arboreal varanids and rocks…
  154. New varanid Book...
  155. Too emotional or plain stupid?
  156. black throat monitor
  157. asian water monitor
  158. Pics of Big Monitors
  159. Calming down Harvey
  160. Milk for the breeders…
  161. Observations, of both others posts, and my own at home
  162. Lucifer is being a bad boy
  163. egg problems.........*pics*
  164. monitor cage finishing touches
  165. Mangrove Monitor enclosures
  166. monitor and water
  167. humidity
  168. tegu pool?
  169. feeding?
  170. Monitor.... which one??
  171. Condro Python
  172. Varanus Blaini…no joke!
  173. Question for steeve, or markb or anyone that would know!
  174. Sav and House centipedes?
  175. Monitors Establish Bonds?
  176. Hey SteveB someone wants to hay Hi!
  177. Savannah - which substrate??
  178. Emotions and varanids…
  179. mangrove substrates?
  180. Diet question, purely out of curiousity..
  181. Scared the living sh*t outa me, but kinda funny
  182. Monitor Auction??
  183. Steve's Microstictus are sold!
  184. General opinions about feeder items wanted.
  185. Croc feeding
  186. Turkey diet
  187. Baby pics.......
  188. nile monitor
  189. This is Ridiculous...
  190. My monitor
  191. Re: Mouth colour
  192. WHat do u think of this???
  193. UV lighting for savs, and retes hide burrows
  194. Nile Monitors Ornate vs. Common
  195. Remember how I said the season was just beginning????
  196. Large bugs for monitor
  197. The virtues of patience
  198. Monitor Keeper Tools
  199. PC Problems
  200. My new addition
  201. Monitor Keeper Tools: Temp Guns
  202. Monitor Keepers Tools: Spare Tanks
  203. To "Yim & Julie", Kyle and Ryan.....
  204. CBB Jobiensis...
  205. My First Monitor
  206. My black Throat Monitor
  207. Croc photo
  208. tegu help
  209. EGG Retention
  210. Monkey Chow???
  211. breeding monitor lizards
  212. Last weeks' action........*pics*
  213. impacted sav.. any suggestion
  214. free rooming NO MORE!
  215. Nile
  216. One teeth in my thumb… from a croc
  217. not eating???
  218. Monitor's sexing
  219. salvator
  220. argentine, columbian or golden(i highly doubt its golden though)
  221. Pic with full grown nile?
  222. nesting cage for jossé...
  223. Mangrove pic
  224. savahnaa monitor question
  225. beautiful ackies
  226. Anyone in Ontario or even Canada working with albigularus?
  227. Black Throats
  228. About force feeding!
  229. Monitor Advice
  230. White/black throated monitors
  231. Tail injury inquiry?
  232. Ornate Nile, wont sit still!
  233. tegu cage
  234. Video in the bath and question on mangrove
  235. Varanus exanthematicus's food
  236. Mangrove questions
  237. show me your monitors and tegus
  238. Sushi?
  239. monitor tegu?
  240. Blackthroat sexing Q.
  241. can someone help me...im 13!
  242. savanna monitor help
  243. good diet for sav?
  244. Hemipenes everted...Won't invert...?
  245. Jayapura salvadorii
  246. About Salaweti croc,s
  247. feeding sav
  248. Disgusting shipping incident...
  249. 95 days later. Check it out!
  250. Feeding Nile