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  1. Shirley 1 month later
  2. panther or veiled?
  3. First cham??
  4. Heat lamp substitute?
  5. Pic of my Veiled.
  6. I get my maroanestera (sp???) pantehr tomorrow!
  7. House Flies?
  8. Back From Toronto With My Maroantsetra
  9. Spraying
  10. how much to feed?
  11. My new Chameleon
  12. Finally - PICS OF MAX!
  13. Young Female Veiled Eating Mealies?
  14. question for cham owners
  15. Montium hatchling pic
  16. Gus is here!
  17. A few general questions
  18. Screen Cages
  19. Mold
  20. Cricket Size
  21. Best First Chameleon???
  22. Care sheet??
  23. panther cham??
  24. my cham isnt eating much
  25. Not going to the bathroom?
  26. Eating some food!
  27. Evil Evil Petstore
  28. Finally...
  29. For all the pics of my chameleons ...
  30. need help with veiled female...
  31. a senegal pic 2 share with you guys :P
  32. Hungry Cham
  33. Eggs ... again
  34. Free Roaming Crix
  35. We TOTALLY need a chameleon 'Club' here in the great big O-DOT (ottawa .. lol)
  36. Only so much i can do
  37. Female Veiled on the floor?
  38. Pothos and feeding veggies
  39. Not good..
  40. ***NEW*** Pictures of MAX
  41. sad day
  42. Ceph Pictures
  43. Stink Eye
  44. Gus is very pushy and not very patient!!!
  45. sick chameleon?!?!?
  46. sa lesson i learned
  47. best place to buy chameleons in ottawa
  48. I got my chameleon(need help)
  49. a little ... weird
  50. eye wont open
  51. reptile show
  52. Help - Pics
  53. I think my chameleon is dying! Please help!
  54. leaning cham
  55. Hydration
  56. cham doesn't eat on his own...ideas?
  57. my chameleon has sunken eye
  58. amount of food
  59. Anyone in canada breeding?
  60. max is shedding yet again
  61. new pic of max ... warning HUGE pic
  62. Pic of my chameleon i got at the last show
  63. Veggie tips
  64. Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs
  65. Eating Pothos?
  66. My cage steup--*trace*
  67. Pooping Frequency
  68. crazy chameleons
  69. What does a cham bite feel like?
  70. Hey Trace
  71. For Choriona - pics of the females
  72. Ficus tree(leaves gone?!?!)
  73. Everyones Favorite Chameleon!
  74. Skinny or Fat ?
  75. Panther Chameleon Breeders BC
  76. set up
  77. Chameleon Reference Book
  78. Need Info. Please
  79. Does Anyone In Ottawa Have Crix I Can Borrow/have - I Will Pay You If You Want
  80. screening
  81. Ontario Panthers?
  82. Silkworms and Zoe
  83. feeding the blind
  84. fell of is branch :(
  85. Chameleons Hugging?
  86. Son of a b****!!!!!!!!!
  87. Pigmy Cham
  88. eats well but less... normal ?
  89. wanting ot gaping mouth..
  90. Semi - Cham Hug
  91. Neo's introduction
  92. Max's Adult Cage
  93. :( screen2
  94. UV Bulbs
  95. Female Veiled forgot to wipe?
  96. Woo Hoo...I got a veiled chameleon
  97. Max;s stumble
  98. watering your cham?
  99. Products...
  100. Sexual Maturity
  101. Horn worms???
  102. I Noticed My Dwarfs
  103. cage
  104. Found a website on Chams.
  105. Is there a cham that can live in a 22 gallon rept, and does not require a heat lamp?
  106. Jason the f***ing idiot
  107. GREAT Dusting Regiment
  108. New cham cage
  109. veileds. aka. the dirt eater
  110. Look what I found today!
  111. Viable Chameleon Eggs?
  112. Questions in my head?? need answers
  113. Skin problem
  114. Nose be or Ambanja
  115. I'm back with some more ???'s
  116. Importing Chams from US
  117. Travel Regulations..CRAP!
  118. Max's Skin
  119. more reptiles
  120. Pictures for website
  121. is it true
  122. senegal care
  123. Max the famed chameleon
  124. Restlessness/over friendly Gus
  125. New pardalis pair
  126. Planning on getting a baby cham
  127. veileds veil a resonater
  128. My Webby ... Continued
  129. Pink Panthers - Wild
  130. egg bound
  131. Breeders etc
  132. How to re-root a plant?
  133. New Ambanja
  134. Morph identification
  135. Couple of ?s
  136. best handling method
  137. heres a pic of a panther
  138. a few questions???
  139. Another Cage Question
  140. Count the Chameleons!
  141. What's the best *first* chameleon?
  142. kidneys vs elastics
  143. Trace: some ?'s about a couple of your chams
  144. Parson's Chameleons...?
  145. Plant and other ?s please
  146. Purple Jew (plant)
  147. Gus again lol
  148. New Cage set up
  149. I've got the blues!
  150. help
  151. Buying on the INternet
  152. Hey All Look Got One
  153. Females ?
  154. Curing Edema
  155. sunburst chameleon
  156. Cham died :(
  157. colours
  158. rainmaker
  159. New Male not doin so good
  160. Found this at a pet store
  161. Free Chameleon
  162. Humidity
  163. I need some opinions and tips on veiled Chameleons...
  164. Veilded Chameleons
  165. Veiled colors??
  166. Meal worms
  167. Fischer's Chameleon
  168. Nosey Be Panther
  169. Safe plant list
  170. Stress?
  171. Prices too high??
  172. Not eating
  173. Max in shed
  174. Color variations
  175. Which locale changes the most colours?
  176. Don't he just look so pathetic!!! lol
  177. Please Help Me!!!! Please!!!
  178. Escape Artist
  179. Here are some pics of Jade
  180. Butter worms, mealies, crikets, and silk worms
  181. chameleons in love
  182. I got the bluezzzz :)
  183. What Else can I Feed Him????
  184. Egg laying hole
  185. Bamboo
  186. Max is sleeping .. shhh
  187. sleeping ambanja male and veiled male
  188. UV lights
  189. Ok, whats going on????
  190. Here lies Omar, rest in peace.
  191. Veiled Care?
  192. Cup Feeding(Long)
  193. Misters
  194. New additions to the misting system!!
  195. Ok, give me some input please.
  196. Breeding Questions (panther)
  197. Got more pygmy's!
  198. RIP Halle
  199. I Just Got My First Veiled Cham.........
  200. shedding
  201. Godzilla
  202. Nyah! I did it! *pic warning*
  203. update
  204. sexing
  205. First chameleon.. what do I need???
  206. Plants for chameleon enclosures
  207. A few questions for a newb
  208. Where can I find jacksons in canada???
  209. Plant Question.........
  210. Max Stopped Eating >>> More
  211. HELP veild blister cancer?
  212. Why does Gus have a shark fin now?
  213. general "thank-you"
  214. More Pic's had to share...(warning for dial up)
  215. Ouch!
  216. The only pet store in ottawa that had knowledgable cham staff just got ruined
  217. still not laying - any suggestions
  218. Question on silkies
  219. Jacksons Chameleon Pic
  220. chameleon question/help
  221. Choking !
  222. chameleon bug soup
  223. soil for eggs?
  224. Huzzah! Fertility!
  225. Help! Baby not eating!
  226. RIP new girl
  227. ? about Jade
  228. My Silkies just arrived!!
  229. got my first chameleon
  230. MDB ahhhh (sorry long)
  231. A cham kids' Christmas
  232. Quick Question
  233. plant cage?
  234. Panther breeders?
  235. Geriatric veiled
  236. largest veiled clutch?
  237. Max Courting Female
  238. Jades sleepy
  239. Settling in Great!!!
  240. How much?
  241. ficus tree ????
  242. safety of my cham
  243. Scale?
  244. Type expletive here
  245. Jades one Eye? Need Help
  246. Who says Veiled Chameleons are grumpy?
  247. Newbie here! question??
  248. Captive Chameleon Bloodline Tracking Database
  249. english ivy
  250. Egg retention in older chams