- Updated outcome.
- Red Foot Eggs... HELP???
- loonie turtle?
- mud or musk turtles
- Box turtle laws
- Need Help!
- can you identify her
- best turtle?
- baby snapper
- names
- Incubation temperatures??
- Where to buy turtles/tortoises in Toronto
- Trying to contact Julie…
- problem, i think
- TurtleCrystal: look inside
- bird or turtle
- Basking time?
- Chelus fimbriatus
- Turtle Wiggle?
- A little help crossing the road
- is it boy or girl
- Outdoors Res???
- Please Help.
- What if?
- matamata turtle
- Help with RES.
- Beginner Tortoise?
- Pig-nose turtle
- sulcata homes
- Common Snappers
- What turtle/Toroise do you have?
- box turtle breeders
- Turtle hibernation
- where to find russian tort breeders
- Eggs!!!! We've got Yellowfoot eggs!!
- new tortoise
- Indian Star or Egyptian Tortoises
- Greek tortoise...
- Where to find turtles?
- Turtle order "on-line"....anyone tried?
- Devastated - loss of new pet - alligator snapper
- Imorting Turltes from Taiwan?
- Getting a turtle...HELP!
- rare Canadian hatching, Yellowfoots!!
- Three toed box turtle
- Egyptian Tortoises - Canada
- finding a home for my special red ear
- russian tortoise
- Waterland Tubs
- Multiple tortoise in one enclosure?
- leopard advice
- I know [ ] this much about turtles
- need help with all of my turtles
- tortoise help
- what is a good beginner tortoise for a 14 year old?
- What filtration system works for your turtle?
- Looking for...
- My Buddy Milo
- Milo VS Mouse (Vid)
- Common Snapper
- My New Snapper
- Baby Tortoises????
- New Shots of Milo.
- My RES
- common snapper
- Turtle help!
- Unhappy Snapper
- Slider Trouble.... Pink Belly
- getting second turtle
- New Leopard Tortoise Owner.... a bit of help?
- my sliders.
- red foot help
- Need ID
- box turtles??
- Shell Rot
- New to Tortosises
- turtle help needed
- problems with res
- More sick turtles...
- Southern Painted Turtles
- Master Splinter would be proud...
- Looking for tortoise
- red foot comming
- My red eared slider - Seeking husbandry advice.
- a good deed
- Asian Yellow pond turtle
- res
- What sort of ONTARIO turtle is this?
- Got me a tortoise.
- need urgent advice
- snappers n more snappers
- Tempting, very tempting
- Tortoises!
- My RES turtles.
- Just ordered my tortoise!!!
- It's March??!!!
- But I want one soooo badly...
- Intorducing... Blastoise!
- meet Mischa!
- tort table!
- my turtle
- Blastoise new pics
- What kind of turtle is this?
- Profile: Tortellini
- Questions Concerning Random Death of Young Cherryhead Tortoise
- Want to get a tortoise
- at the vets office....
- new tort came last night :)
- My Tortoises
- Alligator Snapping Turtle and Three toed box turtle
- Claudius
- Profile: Bowser
- New juvie Redfoot
- Common Snapper roadside rescue
- wild turtle
- Large Softshell Turtle
- Someone's getting bigger!
- Found a baby snapper..
- Aloe Vera for tortoise?
- Redfoot Breakfast Time
- 20,000 Leatherback Sea turtles killed
- Eastern Box
- Florida Soft Shell
- Kobe exploring the backyard
- When turtles attack...
- Tortoise Island...
- toad and tortoise
- Look what I found today
- Someone's napping!
- Meet Lobo
- Baby Snappers Hatching
- Hatchling Snapper
- Growing Like a Weed
- Who's makin' all that racket?!
- well they are't little cheeseburgers.......
- Turtle and Tortoise egg laying info????
- Me Chaco :D
- winter-izing tort cage....info needed
- Box Turtle Rescue
- Mouth Rot?
- Best Canister Filter for Aquatic Turtles?
- Piggy-backing!
- Sideneck Turtles, care, observations in wild
- Bowser cage-
- Turtle ID
- my 4 month old baby sliders =)
- My picks for the best turtle filters; any other suggestions?
- Horsefield pics.
- Photos: 205 lb. Alligator Snapping Turtle; 80 lb. Common Snapper
- new guy
- some of the shelled
- A few more pics of my tort.
- "Bionic" Sea Turtle.... (Artificial Flippers)
- New Outdoor Enclosures
- My Chacos New home.
- Russian Tortoise Breeder
- Is Golden Algae dangerous for brumating sliders?
- New tort Tub
- We moved the turtle tank!
- Screw my water bowl
- What type of Tortoise are these - are these healthy?
- New Redfoot: Meet Lola
- Aldabra Tortoise?
- Watermelons & new juvie pen
- Singing redfoots
- Salcata outside
- New rescue Painted Turtle :)
- Gretchen the common snapper
- New out door tortoise enclosure.
- Does anyone know what this is?
- Redfoot pen Renovations
- Red foot question
- The majestic turtle entering it's native habitat
- Ali Snapper
- New additions
- Turtle Care
- Anyone can help me determine what my turtle species are?
- Sharing my three
- Newest acquisition
- Best place to purchase Red Food Tortoise
- My new Tortoises
- Red-cheeked mud turtle
- Wounded Common Snapper
- Pond in the basement
- The Mary River Turtle (Elusor macrurus)
- Pics of sullys
- Bowser - approaching 2 years old :)
- Redfoot feeding
- New friend!
- predators?
- Found this no-so-massive snapping turtle
- new musk turtle:)
- Introducing Eli the Musk Turtle:)
- Iggy
- shredder the snapper
- Survey Thread - Best Beginner Turtle/Tortoise
- :( does anyone know what type of tortoise this was?
- Possible Painted
- Beautiful Eastern Box Turtle
- New Chelydra serpentina - Common Snapper
- Poki - Testudo Keinmanni
- Yellow Bellied Slider and Plant Life
- Elemental Exotic's newest additions. Box turtles.
- Update "pond in the basement" - common snapper
- Identifying this tortoise, help!
- Central American BOX Turtle?
- Mystery Turtle
- My snapper is growing (AST)
- Juvenile common snapping turtle
- Dying turtle need help
- Fruit for salcata?
- Florida Gopher Tortoise
- Look my pair of geoclemys hamiltonii
- New Pell pictures. Three Toed Box Turtle.
- Sulcata enjoying the weather
- Can you guess?
- My Eastern Box Turtles
- My Red-Eared and Yellow-Bellied Sliders(Pic Heavy)
- Wee Snapper
- Sulcata growth rate?
- New shelled additions to the Zoo.
- Sulcata
- Starsky :)
- Sulcata Tortoise at the Shop
- Massive Snapping Turtle
- sulcata story on news
- Getting a what? A TURTLE!!!
- My New Muddie Buddy!
- Turtle ideas.
- They're Here!
- Frantic!
- Cute Testudo graeca in my yard
- The Box turtle crew.
- Tortoise Playing With A Ball
- Identification HELP
- moving with map turtles
- Russian Tortoises in North Carolina
- Turtle Survival Center
- Which turtles do people like better?
- Kinixys homeana