View Full Version : General Turtle / Tortoise Forum

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  1. Updated outcome.
  2. Red Foot Eggs... HELP???
  3. loonie turtle?
  4. mud or musk turtles
  5. Box turtle laws
  6. Need Help!
  7. can you identify her
  8. best turtle?
  9. baby snapper
  10. names
  11. Incubation temperatures??
  12. Where to buy turtles/tortoises in Toronto
  13. Trying to contact Julie…
  14. problem, i think
  15. TurtleCrystal: look inside
  16. bird or turtle
  17. Basking time?
  18. Chelus fimbriatus
  19. Turtle Wiggle?
  20. A little help crossing the road
  21. is it boy or girl
  22. Outdoors Res???
  23. Please Help.
  24. What if?
  25. matamata turtle
  26. Help with RES.
  27. Beginner Tortoise?
  28. Pig-nose turtle
  29. sulcata homes
  30. Common Snappers
  31. What turtle/Toroise do you have?
  32. box turtle breeders
  33. Turtle hibernation
  34. where to find russian tort breeders
  35. Eggs!!!! We've got Yellowfoot eggs!!
  36. new tortoise
  37. Indian Star or Egyptian Tortoises
  38. Greek tortoise...
  39. Where to find turtles?
  40. Turtle order "on-line"....anyone tried?
  41. Devastated - loss of new pet - alligator snapper
  42. Imorting Turltes from Taiwan?
  43. Getting a turtle...HELP!
  44. rare Canadian hatching, Yellowfoots!!
  45. Three toed box turtle
  46. Egyptian Tortoises - Canada
  47. finding a home for my special red ear
  48. russian tortoise
  49. Waterland Tubs
  50. Multiple tortoise in one enclosure?
  51. leopard advice
  52. I know [ ] this much about turtles
  53. need help with all of my turtles
  54. tortoise help
  55. what is a good beginner tortoise for a 14 year old?
  56. What filtration system works for your turtle?
  57. Looking for...
  58. My Buddy Milo
  59. Milo VS Mouse (Vid)
  60. Common Snapper
  61. My New Snapper
  62. Baby Tortoises????
  63. New Shots of Milo.
  64. My RES
  65. common snapper
  66. Turtle help!
  67. Unhappy Snapper
  68. Slider Trouble.... Pink Belly
  69. getting second turtle
  70. New Leopard Tortoise Owner.... a bit of help?
  71. my sliders.
  72. red foot help
  73. Need ID
  74. box turtles??
  75. Shell Rot
  76. New to Tortosises
  77. turtle help needed
  78. problems with res
  79. More sick turtles...
  80. Southern Painted Turtles
  81. Master Splinter would be proud...
  82. Looking for tortoise
  83. red foot comming
  84. My red eared slider - Seeking husbandry advice.
  85. a good deed
  86. Asian Yellow pond turtle
  87. res
  88. What sort of ONTARIO turtle is this?
  89. Got me a tortoise.
  90. need urgent advice
  91. snappers n more snappers
  92. Tempting, very tempting
  93. Tortoises!
  94. My RES turtles.
  95. Just ordered my tortoise!!!
  96. It's March??!!!
  97. But I want one soooo badly...
  98. Intorducing... Blastoise!
  99. meet Mischa!
  100. tort table!
  101. my turtle
  102. Blastoise new pics
  103. What kind of turtle is this?
  104. Profile: Tortellini
  105. Questions Concerning Random Death of Young Cherryhead Tortoise
  106. Want to get a tortoise
  107. at the vets office....
  108. new tort came last night :)
  109. My Tortoises
  110. Alligator Snapping Turtle and Three toed box turtle
  111. Claudius
  112. Profile: Bowser
  113. New juvie Redfoot
  114. Common Snapper roadside rescue
  115. wild turtle
  116. Large Softshell Turtle
  117. Someone's getting bigger!
  118. Found a baby snapper..
  119. Aloe Vera for tortoise?
  120. Redfoot Breakfast Time
  121. 20,000 Leatherback Sea turtles killed
  122. Eastern Box
  123. Florida Soft Shell
  124. Kobe exploring the backyard
  125. When turtles attack...
  126. Tortoise Island...
  127. toad and tortoise
  128. Look what I found today
  129. Someone's napping!
  130. Meet Lobo
  131. Baby Snappers Hatching
  132. Hatchling Snapper
  133. Growing Like a Weed
  134. Who's makin' all that racket?!
  135. well they are't little cheeseburgers.......
  136. Turtle and Tortoise egg laying info????
  137. Me Chaco :D
  138. winter-izing tort cage....info needed
  139. Box Turtle Rescue
  140. Mouth Rot?
  141. Best Canister Filter for Aquatic Turtles?
  142. Piggy-backing!
  143. Sideneck Turtles, care, observations in wild
  144. Bowser cage-
  145. Turtle ID
  146. my 4 month old baby sliders =)
  147. My picks for the best turtle filters; any other suggestions?
  148. Horsefield pics.
  149. Photos: 205 lb. Alligator Snapping Turtle; 80 lb. Common Snapper
  150. new guy
  151. some of the shelled
  152. A few more pics of my tort.
  153. "Bionic" Sea Turtle.... (Artificial Flippers)
  154. New Outdoor Enclosures
  155. My Chacos New home.
  156. Russian Tortoise Breeder
  157. Is Golden Algae dangerous for brumating sliders?
  158. New tort Tub
  159. We moved the turtle tank!
  160. Screw my water bowl
  161. What type of Tortoise are these - are these healthy?
  162. New Redfoot: Meet Lola
  163. Aldabra Tortoise?
  164. Watermelons & new juvie pen
  165. Singing redfoots
  166. Salcata outside
  167. New rescue Painted Turtle :)
  168. Gretchen the common snapper
  169. New out door tortoise enclosure.
  170. Does anyone know what this is?
  171. Redfoot pen Renovations
  172. Red foot question
  173. The majestic turtle entering it's native habitat
  174. Ali Snapper
  175. New additions
  176. Turtle Care
  177. Anyone can help me determine what my turtle species are?
  178. Sharing my three
  179. Newest acquisition
  180. Best place to purchase Red Food Tortoise
  181. My new Tortoises
  182. Red-cheeked mud turtle
  183. Wounded Common Snapper
  184. Pond in the basement
  185. The Mary River Turtle (Elusor macrurus)
  186. Pics of sullys
  187. Bowser - approaching 2 years old :)
  188. Redfoot feeding
  189. New friend!
  190. predators?
  191. Found this no-so-massive snapping turtle
  192. new musk turtle:)
  193. Introducing Eli the Musk Turtle:)
  194. Iggy
  195. shredder the snapper
  196. Survey Thread - Best Beginner Turtle/Tortoise
  197. :( does anyone know what type of tortoise this was?
  198. Possible Painted
  199. Beautiful Eastern Box Turtle
  200. New Chelydra serpentina - Common Snapper
  201. Poki - Testudo Keinmanni
  202. Yellow Bellied Slider and Plant Life
  203. Elemental Exotic's newest additions. Box turtles.
  204. Update "pond in the basement" - common snapper
  205. Identifying this tortoise, help!
  206. Central American BOX Turtle?
  207. Mystery Turtle
  208. My snapper is growing (AST)
  209. Juvenile common snapping turtle
  210. Dying turtle need help
  211. Fruit for salcata?
  212. Florida Gopher Tortoise
  213. Look my pair of geoclemys hamiltonii
  214. New Pell pictures. Three Toed Box Turtle.
  215. Sulcata enjoying the weather
  216. Can you guess?
  217. My Eastern Box Turtles
  218. My Red-Eared and Yellow-Bellied Sliders(Pic Heavy)
  219. Wee Snapper
  220. Sulcata growth rate?
  221. New shelled additions to the Zoo.
  222. Sulcata
  223. Starsky :)
  224. Sulcata Tortoise at the Shop
  225. Massive Snapping Turtle
  226. sulcata story on news
  227. Getting a what? A TURTLE!!!
  228. My New Muddie Buddy!
  229. Turtle ideas.
  230. They're Here!
  231. Frantic!
  232. Cute Testudo graeca in my yard
  233. The Box turtle crew.
  234. Tortoise Playing With A Ball
  235. Identification HELP
  236. moving with map turtles
  237. Russian Tortoises in North Carolina
  238. Turtle Survival Center
  239. Which turtles do people like better?
  240. Kinixys homeana