- piggy red belly
- Feeding Tort's Turtles?
- Supplemental heat question?
- re sick red ear
- Hiding - pic
- aloe vera?
- Help Needed!!! Red Eared Slider In Trouble!!!
- Because I suddenly found myself with Veng's camera in my hands...
- Picture of Alligator Snapper
- Small tortoises?
- I finally borrowed a digicam, turtle turtle!!
- good size?
- huh, why so cheep?
- painted with growth rings?
- Tortoises Illegal in Saskatchewan??
- Need red foot Info
- elongated tortoises
- Basking Area
- Looking for tortoise
- Common and Alligator Snappers
- what the heck??
- Please help: Red ared slider needs good home (FREE)
- Turtle sick?
- RIP Little Turtle
- feeding red belly
- box turtles
- Maybe a sulcata?
- BC Chelonian breeders
- Good News!
- Flowers for food?
- Giant Tortoises ?
- red foot enclosure
- flipped tortoise
- alligator snapper with a rubbed snout ,,help
- Guess what my res does....
- Leopard Tortoise needs some help ...
- How Long???
- African Side necked turtles
- Couple questions
- Meet the reses
- Feeding My Red Foot
- turts new tank
- Clemmys guttata (spotted turtle)
- Some pics of Seymore :)
- Wildlife herpin Question
- Sweet Pea
- Cooter?
- evaporated water
- Toronto Turtz
- recent tort pics
- outdoor tort enclosures?
- turtle
- Feeder Guppies for my False Map Turtle
- My res are making babies
- edible flowers??
- dumb question
- Some turtle photos
- hieroglyphic turtle care
- stink pots
- A large female softshell has passed
- help me stop houdini!
- Hello, My new is Hootie and I'm a Worm-Aholic.
- Tortois availability in the Calgary area
- TO Zoo Alligator snapper
- mannitol
- Bazil pigging out
- best light source for tort...
- Question regarding Sulcata's urine
- Price for Ornate Box Turtle
- quick tortoise question
- hard to breed torts?
- substrate for box turtles
- need some verification
- 3 toed box turt care
- need good tortoise breeding sheet
- Sick Red-Eared Slider
- how to hibernate torts?
- Box Turtles?
- Sulcatta Tortise....
- sexing sulcatas
- biggest sulcata in Canada??
- fish for turt
- Importing?
- My new Florida box turtle
- Picture of tanker the snapper.
- South American
- Soft Shell Injury
- sulcatta
- mata mata info
- Albino Sulcata
- tortoise?
- Help please!!!!!!!!
- Help please! (long...sorry)
- Canadian Mata Mata
- canadian breeder
- sexing snappers
- Turtle Mites?
- mixing species
- Are Fly River Turtles a species of softshell?
- florida snapper vs common
- Yellow Bellied Slider
- buy
- help identify me
- Picture of our Florida Softshell Turtle
- Red ear slider help please
- Baby red foots....pics
- Lookign for turtles in canada
- Baby red ear slider set up
- Outdoor Pool
- yellowbellied slider caresheet
- pregnancy signs??
- Help with tortoise identification
- Box Turtle Sexing...
- new one eyed rescue gets second chance
- Roadkill massacre!!
- Albino Snapping Turtle - 'Terrible-Twos' portrait!!!
- Eggs
- RES care sheet?
- RES rescue setup
- Mud Turtle Pics
- RES rescue
- box or sulcatta?
- hI! iM NEW
- Setting the record straight
- Endangered Species (BowSprit) Tortoise, Chersina Angulata (BowSprit)
- New Three toed pics
- res for adopt in ottawa
- Box Turtle (PICS!!!)
- Toying With The Idea
- Help
- What do you feed your...
- Lighting
- uhhh......??
- Too bad they're both male!!
- found eggs...help
- Tortoise eggs!!!!!!!
- Hi everybody, Its been a while!
- Soft shelled turtle
- Turtle People
- Red Ear Sliders for sale
- Proven Breeder Sulcatas Available
- can a tortoise go into Canada?
- how do you ship a tortoise?
- Where to buy / adopt Alligator snapper / matamata turtles in canada
- Shipping turtles ? HOW?
- Today is a very sad day for me
- tank size
- Ornate box turtles
- 3 Toed and setup
- Russin Tort Bredders in Canada??
- Russian Tortoise Aquarium
- fertility question
- Why are my turtles fighting?
- My newly adopted RES Children
- need pics
- This goes with the previous post...verilux 48" tubes
- Picky Boxie
- my post in the general dicussion
- underweight and overweight RES
- where can i feed a reputable breeder for chelonians?
- Wood Turtle Rescue...
- ornate box
- Eastern Box, Malaysian Box or Wood....
- Mike
- watcha think?
- Turtles in New Brunswick?
- help! my new turtle has a runny tummy :(
- Gotta give this guy an E for effort.....
- Turtle Spay pic
- albinos??
- cichlids with a miss map?
- Redfoot & Cherry Head - Difference?
- shell problems
- Spiny Softshell Turtle nests stolen from research site in Ontario
- Thanks Beth...
- Read First!: Forum Rules
- terrapins
- Introducing my new Alligator Snapper
- tank size
- Egyptian Tortoises in Canada
- sulcata growth question
- prices
- Canadian matta matta breeders?
- laws for importing turtles ?
- Found a snapper, need help
- Ornate Woods
- Various Species Of C/b Tortoises Available
- importing Turtles to Canada
- how do canadians keep tortises in the winter?
- New Substrate...appropriate or no?
- What type of tortoise
- Red Foots
- lets see some pics of you turts/torts
- post shipping stress....?
- Successful turtle resuce operation
- Tortoise growth rate
- Gopher Tortoise
- Road side injury (Graphic)
- Tortoise Hibernation
- A question I can not find info for
- What do you think.......
- coloration of hatchling
- Box Turtles
- Food for red-foots??
- Red foot torts... Sorry!
- Redfoots and Pyramiding...
- my sulcata story
- Eastern Box Turtle?
- Anyone working with russians?
- Ontario Turtle and Tort Society
- Radish Greens
- help...newbie for turtles..
- West Coast turtles?
- sulcata
- Spengleri Zoo pics
- Yellow foot I'm trying to rehabilitate.*pics*
- Parasites from earthworms
- turts in canada
- question
- Yellow foot breeding pictures
- Two weeks later. Can you see a difference?
- russian tortoise
- shell chipped?
- 75 days later with very awesome news..
- HELP with 'abnormal' shell!!
- Feeding Turtles
- turtle
- Woody and Buzz
- Alot of questions about Paninsula Cooter
- Dirty Turtles
- Tortoise pictures
- Tortoise - Pictures
- some updated pics of my turtles
- RES photo
- Res tank size
- Red foot tortoise enclosure question
- Red foot growth rate
- Any other rescuers in this forum?
- food question..
- tortoise eating own feces
- Sex?
- Sex?
- Need to know
- Common Snapper
- new snapper
- Number of Toes on E. Box Turtles
- Baby Res
- Some general info
- Chelonian Pictures - Dial up warning!
- re aquaried RES