View Full Version : General Invertebrates Forum

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  1. Scorpion drowns in tiny water dish
  2. Citharischius crawshayi Babies
  3. Fire...
  4. Profile of the week- Week #10
  5. exploding scorpion?
  6. OT insect question
  7. Getting bigger!
  8. Big Hairy Spiders Abandoned at Airport
  9. Arachnomania's NEW & SUPER BIG price list!!
  10. scorpions as pets
  11. Legs..My Rose Hair
  12. Some T Pics
  13. Profile of the week- Week #11
  14. New Tarantula! <-- Mexican Red Knee
  15. cobalt blue
  16. walking stick
  17. quick molting question
  18. Profile of the week- Week #12
  19. Finally got bit for the first time!
  20. Same Rosey, New tank
  21. Only WC Pet (signature spider)
  22. anyone?
  23. Profile of the week- Week #13
  24. Rio Grand Gold T Male
  25. Picture Test
  26. Goliath molt pic
  27. Crabs
  28. What type of spider is this?
  29. right after molt>>
  30. Please look, rosy not moving quite
  31. maybe you can help.!.?...
  32. Question on care
  33. Profile of the week- Week #14
  34. Mantids??
  35. a few of the locals
  36. An Unusual Looking Spider
  37. Millies from the home front...
  38. please help me please
  39. Walking Stick?!?!??!?!
  40. University of Guelph contact? I have a dangerous spider that needs a place to live
  41. Help if possible?
  42. a well fed rosie...
  43. "Molting Mantids!"
  44. Chinese Mantid pic
  45. I'm Back
  46. Pink Toe Questions
  47. wierd spider *PIC*
  48. GreenBottleBlue pic
  49. Cripes! T's drive me nuts.
  50. Assassin Bugs????
  51. Some Pics Of My New Pink Toe
  52. Our own Canadian Scorpion *pic*
  53. All my **new** Scorps
  54. thinking about tarantulas
  55. a bit different view
  56. Poecilotheria ornata
  57. Pamphobeteus ultarmarinus
  58. Poecilotheria rufilata
  59. Pamphobeteus sp. Bolivia
  60. Xenesthis intermedia
  61. Hadrurus arizonensis
  62. Hapalopus triseriatus
  63. anybody have these?
  64. Black Pine Sawyer????
  65. Avicularia spp.
  66. recent emperor photo>>
  67. Baby Pictures
  68. T blondi mating pics
  69. Getting An Emperor Scorpion Soon...
  70. Chiliean Rose T.
  71. beginner mantids?
  72. G rosea mating pictures
  73. Thinking about getting a T!
  74. G pulchra mating pic
  75. C Cyaneopubescens mating pic
  76. Plesiopelma longisternale
  77. hissers
  78. Poecilotheria spp.
  79. feeding s'lings
  80. World record attempt: 28 days with 1000 centipedes
  81. scorpions
  82. ? about T care
  83. Ephebopus cyanognathus
  84. Show me your Asian species...
  85. desert hairy price question...
  86. Got my new Ts!!!!!
  87. Megaphobema genus
  88. G. rosea question
  89. Pink Toe "T" Help
  90. slightley unusual
  91. nuther grand canyon black look
  92. Baby pink toes
  93. Can you identify me?
  94. Vermiculite
  95. Who is going Mtl. insect show
  96. which 1 is best for newbie?
  97. My kick a** scorpion set up!
  98. cave spiders on fear factor
  99. Interesting Article From Yahoo Newspage
  100. I'm Addicted...
  101. Brachypelma spp.
  102. One of my favourites...
  103. Another question!
  104. first tarantula
  105. Xenesthis immanis
  106. Best scorpion substrate
  107. Arachnomania will be temporarily offline!!!!!
  108. I Did It Again.....
  109. Shiny Grey Trapdoor Pic
  110. About PNG insects…
  111. Dumb question but...
  112. Help, white mites???
  113. Heterometrus longimanus w/ babies on back
  114. Still haven't been officially announced..
  115. African Mantis Question
  116. Come see us at the Mississauga reptile expo
  117. Any suggestions?
  118. How to keep Avicularia in groups?
  119. Lil' collection - my T
  120. Vietnamese centipede
  121. What inverts does everyone keep?
  122. The Prettiest T
  123. cricket dusting
  124. 1st year anniversary is NOW on!
  125. House spiders
  126. Need help identify this spider
  127. Newbie Scorp Owner
  128. How's this for a surprise
  129. hipocrit?
  130. Pic of Figaro
  131. pregnant scorp
  132. Back in da biz! *pic*
  133. What happens when an arachnophobic visits Emily?
  134. My New Baby!
  135. ? about pink zebra beauty...
  136. Poecilotheria housing?
  137. what I want for next scorpion
  138. adult male curly hair tarantula
  139. Tanzanian Tailless Whipscorpion...PIC!!!
  140. one of the locals I keep
  141. Blaptica dubia in USA?
  142. too fun
  143. anyone know where i can get lobster roaches?
  144. Rosehair pics
  145. New: AGB **pics**
  146. Where's the Add Video button.....?
  147. Black Widows in Grapes....*PICS*
  148. new little B. smithi
  149. A not so happy lady...
  150. Help!!
  151. I Did It!!!!!!!!!
  152. Problems with baby kricketes?
  153. just another B. smithi pic
  154. Does anybody supply 'em or breed 'em?
  155. Your non-arachnids
  156. What's a nice scorp to have?
  157. Arachnomania's visit to the Jungle cat world
  158. sick? scorp.. please help
  159. My slings!
  160. How often should you feed slings?
  161. Dragoon did it...
  162. littl story about my Goliath (T blondi)
  163. How Offen do i lubricate the ocvarrium??
  164. my scorpion!
  165. eating problem
  166. L. parahybana no appetite
  167. Web composition?
  168. Emp scorpions
  169. question about scorps
  170. walking stick bug
  171. Substrate
  172. Sexing Rosey Hairs
  173. Any breeders in Calgary or area?
  174. mexican red-knee spiderling...(advice needed)
  175. Pink-Toe Tarantula Pic.....
  176. R.I.P. Sally
  177. Black Widow Egg Sac!! *PICS*
  178. Advice Needed..........
  179. Meet Courtney!
  180. Mantids
  181. spinning web around itself...
  182. R.I.P. Osiris
  183. Too big?
  184. web blanket....
  185. B. smithi shed dial-up warning
  186. Tarantula Mansion
  187. he died....:(
  188. Black Widow and Prey *VIDEO*
  189. What are some causes for digging?
  190. Opinions needed on a specie
  191. Antilles Pinktoe
  192. emeror scorp. pic...
  193. a new red-knee....
  194. Fungus, mold and mushrooms.
  195. new tarantula
  196. Tarantula Q's
  197. Emp. Scorp Preggo?
  198. Pinktoe - pic
  199. Red Trapdoor Spider
  200. well, I'll believe them
  201. A Half Decent Pic
  202. Looking For Pics Of Scorpian Setups
  203. Substrate Question??
  204. black spot on abdomen...
  205. quiz.....lol
  206. Invertebrate room in the making
  207. had a surprise this morning
  208. The most incredible video I've shot.....>>>>
  209. Cute little babies...
  210. I want to see some blue...
  211. My OBT is orange already
  212. New T keeper!
  213. What do you have? Want?
  214. freshly molted!:)
  215. hermit crab care
  216. Lasiodra parahybana cage cleaning
  217. Cyriocosmus elegans
  218. YAY! My two new additions!
  219. great book on Tarantulas!:)
  220. Tarantula pic, london free press
  221. Tarantula Care
  222. Another eggsac
  223. caught her pigging out!...
  224. Some of my Invertebrates
  225. What do you feed your Millipedes
  226. Lobsters
  227. Spiders can chew through!?
  228. Rose Hair pic
  229. Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion. Hadrurus
  230. Scorp form the expo
  231. For Vanan and all who want to see my "Arachnomania" painting
  232. Guess how many eggs! *PIC*
  233. Can't find emperors!
  234. Scorpions and Arachnids in Saskatchewan
  235. eupalaestrus campestratus pic
  236. a whole bunch of stuff....:)
  237. Rose Hair ate his first fuzzy
  238. Question about T's drinking.
  239. My Charlotte's last molt. Warning: LOTS of pics!!
  240. Who said a moustache was not nice!
  241. Waiting for the prey...
  242. I'm back and I have the urge!
  243. witnessed a molt for the first time...
  244. Oh, happy day!
  245. A previous post motivated me to........
  246. Help me find a T dealer...
  247. Spiderlings!!! *pics*
  248. Couple new Tarantulas
  249. rose hair still wont eat!
  250. First T