- White lineds breeding question
- OUr Water Dragon
- Chinese Cave Gecko
- Afts!!!
- Vitamin D3 in lighting
- Reptile Vets
- Meet Teelo!
- Gecko is eating coco bark
- Bluffer....
- Sad to announce
- speaking of Fat Tails.........*pics*
- Suggestions?
- Joining the Photo club... Fat tail pics inside.
- frills.
- New pictures
- Crotaphytus collaris
- Fat tails!
- Uroplatus
- New Tegu
- Pics of some of my Geckos
- Chinese Cave Gecko shedding Q's
- Tegu Taxomony
- Big Scare
- My new uromastyx!
- Here's another pic!
- 'Natural' enclosure
- 1.1 frilled dragon breeding info please????
- Help!
- Tokay feeding questions
- Phelsuma Madagascar Grandis: Sex?
- do not buy this "sweet little guy"...
- R.I.P. Loki.
- My new Lizard
- To Frilled Dragon keepers:
- Totally new...
- something diffrent
- newest addition
- gecko and brown anole
- Can anybody help me?
- how much uvb
- Lengths...How are they measured?
- Wtf?
- Iguana Not Eating
- Respiratory Infection
- pictus eggs: Lookin' good, but that's about all...
- Exciting News!
- My lizard likes to burrow.
- Question...
- I want a Uro. Now what?
- Day Gecko?
- has anyone heard of this species?
- Sunday Surprise.....
- Slugs!!!!!!!!!!
- Uro bedding
- leaf geckos do weird things
- nephurus milli
- What should my friend get?
- Fat?
- New BTS owner, some diet questions
- hi!
- New lizard
- Feeding time...
- Baby Water Dragon
- Fire Skinks
- Day geckos
- Colorations
- Pictus eggs.
- pictus female?
- Baby beardie and Emerald Swift-housing together?
- BTS Breeders?
- male iguanas
- please help.....
- Knobtail Breeders?
- Quick question....
- xanthic pictus question
- Helmeted Gecko question
- Wall gecko?
- new fat tailed geckos
- mould and phantasitcus
- Uro Help
- Day Gecko brown???
- Gluers???
- BTS- feeding
- HTD's?
- Viper Geckos
- Frilled Lizards
- escape artists...
- Collared Lizards....
- ornate uromastyx
- a couple pictus egg questions.
- U. Pietschmanni.
- Tiger Geckos!
- Sick?
- Iguana feeding
- The Impaction Issue.
- Need help getting started
- Water Dragon
- Uroplatus Lineatus
- Help: Baby Emerald Swift
- fat uro
- What kind of Geckos do you keep?
- My first Hatchling!
- my newest addition!
- you learn something new everyday!
- my new little guy!!!
- New pair of Nephrurus milli!
- Anyone keep Cyclura?
- Gold Dust Egg Laying?
- Day Gecko Pics and more
- Help!
- NO!! my lizzie....
- collared lizard
- Help! Want to get into Geckos
- gila monster
- Pictus
- What plants do lizards like?
- GE Geckos
- Fat-tails (pics)
- Gargoyle Gecko (pics)
- Pic of my Hatchling...
- my newest addition/addiction
- tuatara
- HELP!! Do nto know whats wrong!
- can u house these 3 together?
- Emerald Swift
- Linus
- Please help ID this lizard
- Another lizard to ID
- Viper Gecko...
- gecko please help
- How do you catch them?
- New Mali Uro - Glass scratching
- New Gecko...
- My Savannah And Beardie
- N. levis levis....price drop?
- what next?
- Phants are really aggressive
- couple leaf tail questions
- frilled dragon not eating
- Wee pics
- My favroite herp!
- Crocodile Skinks
- new setup for uroplatus
- Corucia zebrata
- My Bluey and her new home...
- Nothing special..... but a good pic nonetheless
- frilled problem
- need help finding a uro site...
- Sub-family Diplodactylinae anyone?
- Teens in the house
- after over 100 days...
- Good Uroplatus pic.
- what's cuter than a sleeping puppy?
- What to get...?
- New Guinea legless lizards
- The latest AFT addition.
- Pluc Lizard Gecko?!
- water dragon
- uros
- My first baby
- Australian "Barking" gecko
- talking uros?
- HELP. Pictus hatchling
- lizard selection for my 80 gallon tank?
- T. s. keyserlingii "Giant Frog-eyed Gecko" Pictures
- tokay gecko
- Gotta love when frilled dragons show off
- Urgh, they're at it again!
- Eastern Collard Lizards
- Canadian frilled breeders?
- Lets see em!
- Another!
- Heat/light bulbs - other options???
- "True" Fire Skink
- lizard search
- mites and ticks
- A Christmas gift from my geckos
- Crocodile Geckos
- My Mali won't come out!
- New Tokay Gecko
- Collard Help...
- 8 Good Years
- New Egg(s?)
- Damn..
- Fairly new to reptiles, What is easy to care for?
- My new frillie!
- Tokay pic
- fat tail not eatin
- what kind of swift
- WD humidity
- Pictus Gecko
- Quarantining
- striped tegu
- Gecko Feet and "Ouchless" Bandages
- rankins help!
- Africans...
- Just another pic.
- Caught In The Act
- Gecko Restraint
- Morrish geckos
- My old male beardie
- green tree frogs and anoles?
- this is my only lizard for now
- Tokay Gecko breeders
- African Fat-tail Enclosure (lots of pictures)
- Frog-eyed Gecko enclosure (pictures)
- New WD enclosure...pic
- Yellow Throat plated lizards
- Mrs Green Anole..boy she was old...
- My Birthday Present Arrived
- breeding sudan plateds
- Boy those marble geckos can bite
- New Uromastyx
- Speaking of uromastyx, how many uro keepers are there out there?
- A few pics...
- Mites?!?!?
- 72 gallon tank - What to put in. hmmmm
- Updated pic...
- Signs of egglaying, what do I look for?
- ID Please
- Pictus!!
- One More family photo
- Frilled Dragon help
- Angry Dragon
- Got Eggs?? LOL
- Community Tank?
- update: uroplatus pics!
- Mali Uro's - Canadian Breeders?
- Water monitor. who works with them in canada?
- guess what these are...
- Basement Buddy
- Tokay geckos
- Question about humid hides
- Might have to do it....
- Ready, set....lay!
- Pristurus gecko are ready to go!
- last year's find - this year's treasure
- Hairy toes (Teratoscincus species)
- best way to keep geckos
- Mali Uro - Spotted Tail?
- Search for PTS owners.
- I need snails!!
- Nolie- pet for a day:)
- shipping lizards
- Argentine B&W Tegus
- My first Rescue Project. Gecko ID?
- rackin aft's
- A New Iguana
- Pictures of your Iguanas