View Full Version : General Lizard Forum.
Pages :
- Expensive gecko?
- spiny tail iguana
- food for my tegu
- Jeweled curly tailed lizards
- Japalura care info??
- Sick Uro
- which is better??
- Spiny tailed Iguana
- reputable uro breeders in Canada?
- Leaf tail gecko's.
- Pic for species identification
- i need some info
- several new additions
- what do you do with your smaller herps?
- spiny tail iguana
- Uroplatus Henkeli * pics * any others ??
- Neat story
- uro's are horrible
- remember the purple gecko I was looking for?
- hygrometer inaccurate? Plz help me!
- water dragon lip
- Must Be Love
- tame tokay ??lol
- adopted a pictus, bad cage?, need input
- Fat Tail Feeding and Moist Hide Questions
- My newest aquisition,,, (and last for a while) pics!
- My newest addition
- Day Geckos
- blue tongue skink?
- Anyone in Canada working with these?? Xenagama taylori
- belly almost full of eggs..
- Finally, some fish scales!
- They're hatching.............*pic*
- What Is A Good Lizard...
- Ackie or Spiny Tailed Iguana
- Frilly care
- Maybe of intrest (Skinks)
- Canadian Uro Breeders?
- ......still hatching *pics*
- A few questions On Eastern Collards......
- Green Iguana's
- re water dragon lip
- where can i get a lizard?
- Signs of aging
- baby food and golden geckos
- Desert Spinys
- blood squirting lizards!
- ah yes, my first aboreal gecko ever to hatch
- 2 baby Water Dragons!
- Incubating helmeted gecko eggs?
- Water Dragons in Ontario
- breeders of white lined geckos, tokays, goldens...question!
- Phelsuma dubia (new addition)
- Shedding???
- omg is this a egg?
- water dragon leakage
- New Geckos
- Pictures of my tegu
- What to buy, just need an idea
- Albino fat-tail hatchlings from 2003
- monkey tailed skink??
- is my AFT cooling herself? or is it more serious?
- Day gecko shedding problem
- I was talking to someone...
- Giant Madagascar Day Gecko Eggs
- Most Wanted List?
- veiled v.s ackie
- Oreo's plight
- Red Heaede Agama breeding ??!!
- Lizards and Yoghurt?
- Just wanted to share a pic of my frilled
- Hopefully getting a BTS for free.
- Oreo Update part 3
- Anyone dealt with Wholesale at HBR
- plated lizards?
- what kind of lizard can be housed in a 20 gal?
- Need aboreal gecko breeding cage suggestions
- Mountain horned dragon breeding
- Care Sheet Curiosity
- G. luii, a couple months older
- Whos the lizard king?
- Picture of an unidentified lizard
- breeders of pink tongued skinks
- Chinese Water Dragons
- Yay I Got Spikes Pic Uploaded
- Need Help On New Born Crested Geckos
- Satanic photos:D
- Yellow belly!
- are they infertile? ((PICS))
- Bringing lizards back..??
- which lizard
- Frilled Dragon
- Day Geckos Types?
- Sunset lizards?
- butters +dragon+ cham= no dice
- some new pics!!
- Marisa, how is your Roxy doing?
- New Incubator is on its way!
- Who Lives With Who?
- Baby's first shed/Spikes done shedding
- How to make meds
- Flys can be annoying..
- My Frilled Dragon
- Albino Tokay
- might sound crazy but....
- What lizard should i look into?
- Question about water dragons..and setup
- Veggie Eaters
- Water dragon, shedding or ill!!?!?! please please please help :(
- Could thisenclosure work?
- Tokay Gecko
- banana gecko
- Gargoyle hatchling
- Another Update on Oreo
- Newest Addition! PICS
- brown anole
- Breeders in ontario, toronto??
- New Tokay Breeding Project!!!!
- Great New Iguana Information site
- looking for argentine bw tegus in toronto
- Day Geckos Have Mites!
- keeping nigerian uros alive!
- I know you missed her
- beaded lizards
- pictus?
- Golden & House Geckos!
- friend's uro
- buying an iguana
- Lets See Your Geckos!
- confusing monkey skinks
- i'm getting 2 geckos in 4 to 5 months
- Alligator lizzard?
- Viper Gecko
- Plant shelf?
- It's a bird, it's a plane
- my iguana
- pictus cage
- anerythristic blue tongue?
- Your Iguanas!
- Anoles- An Overlooked Species!
- Komodo & other lizard photos
- Uroplatus Ebenaui
- Any forums or books dedicated to Ameivas?
- What to get....what to get??
- Need help with trade
- Beardies or Uros?
- Barrie Area Reptile store
- Sex this gecko
- Iguana
- Bearded dragon or Chameleon??
- some of my gex PICS
- types of geckos...
- Tokay Gecko
- okay I got a Tokay need experienced help
- Really want a new rep.....suggestions please!
- just a few more...
- Can anyone help?
- Catching Geckos..............?
- New Lizard
- I need a domestic lizard...
- poisonous lizard..gila?
- uromastyx question
- Saharan Uromastyx photo
- No to Drugs (parasite)
- tank size sufficiant?
- b/w tegu
- My Tokay
- sick water dragon
- i might get some blue tongue skinks
- Anyone breeding nigerain uros?
- My first.
- I Have Eggs!!!!!!!
- HElp IDin these daygeckos
- Anole got me!
- Intro to my Stenos
- Madagascar day gecko ! Need help for incubation
- Collared Lizard
- Caiman lizard (Dracaena guianensis)
- White-Lined Gecko?
- Red Tegu *pic*
- Who would have thought these guys were fast.
- Anyone have any eye drops!!!:D
- Walking bamboo sticks!!
- gecko suggestions
- Color meanings
- My Easter Present
- Earwigs
- Uroplatus set-ups.
- Prehensile tailed skink info ?
- Feeder ants
- blue tongued skinks in Canada?
- How long do your crickets stay alive ?
- dragon meds
- Feeding Probs
- beginning of mating season collared lizard
- looking for breeder
- Herp Chat
- Fecal sample testing
- Identifing Lizard
- H20 dragon
- new dragon cage!
- white lined gecko
- It Finally Hatched!!!
- PICTUS EGGS!!! What to do??????
- black and white tegu
- New AFT Het. from Show
- Wonder Gecko Breeder?
- A couple new pics of my iggy
- Iguana xray
- New Blue Tongue w/Pic
- Crossing the US-CAN border
- Weird Uro activity..
- Macroshots (dialupwarning) dragon+collared+lpg
- BT pics and question
- Golden Gecko on ground
- help please (nothing live and death)
- Mouth Rot
- Iguanas and boys
- pic of tokays
- SouthWestern Fence egg hatching
- a pic of my juvi uros
- A pic of my iggie pair
- Here's my Nigerian uros!
- Here's my eggs too!!!
- Blue Tongue & Dog Food
- Lizard needs help...maybe?
- Digital Scale
- Pothos for PTS ??
- hmm...spiny tail pictus.....
- Optimal Enviernement
- FINALLY a pair of PTS...(pics)
- Fire Skink *many pics*
- do BTS need UV?
- Help! I just bought a pair of agamas!
- Oplurus cyclurus
- collard lizard breeding this year anyone?
- Viper Geckos
- gecko help (please)
- gecko help
- Satanic Leaf Geckos
- hosuing geckos together
- New Lizard?
- What agama species is this?
- stupidest question...
- i think you are right
- New Vipers!!
- girdled warren's lizard
- Need suggestions for a 10G
- please help my blue tongue
- Bibrons, a plain jane gecko I adore
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