- How to care for a baby lizard that was found?
- Plated Lizards
- Schneider Skinks
- no uvb, D3 supliments?
- cooling blue tongued skinks?
- pics(dial up warning)
- So you want an iguana?
- my chinese waterdragon is lazy
- Got A New Girl. :)
- Identify this lizard
- Home depot lizard
- Breeding Tockays>>
- Anyone with Uroplatus?
- Tuscon Banded Geckos?
- giant day gecko eclosure size
- purple gecko????
- Saw my first Monkey tail skink
- Appropriate Diet?
- 1.1 Bibrons?
- day gecko question
- Adopting an Iguana
- Iguana or Jacksons' Cham. ??
- gender, male or female ?
- new Eastern collard lizard
- velvet gecko(oderua monolis)
- Who owns U. Milii?
- talk me out of a uro...for now...
- Looking for a Uromastyx!
- UV light for BTS?
- Need help with Uromastyx
- Second Opinion
- Oplurus cyclurus
- Contemplating a lizard purchase...any suggestions?
- Uromastyx kick ***
- Getting a rescued iguana soon
- Sick water dragon
- Problem with the Vent
- Anole inclosure
- Whered my eggs go?
- Findind anoles
- Adult Uromastyx cages
- iguana
- fresh baby pictus
- What type of lizard should I get?
- MTS; PTS. anyone keep them?
- Reptile Show November 23rd Waterloo
- Officially starting breeding this spring
- crotaphytus collaris
- Paco is home!
- My New Girl
- Pictures of Paco!!!
- color change..wow
- Iguana Owners?
- my collared
- Anole
- A ? about Phelsuma
- new cresty
- Some of the Aboreals
- Ornate Uro Male
- fat tailed gecko breeding
- What unique lizards do u keep
- Need help identifying lizard!
- Need help identifying lizard #2
- Anyone have r. leachianus
- Hmm... Possible connection?
- Frilled Dragons
- morph/phase of AFT?
- what lizards does everyone have
- Can a Bearded Dragon live with any other lizard species?
- Green Iguana???
- hat woudl yourather breed
- HELP where to do a gecko's fecal check in Toronto
- second time my eggs were eatin
- Lookin for frilled dragon breeder
- Monkey-Tail Skink?
- Tokay i need help
- Spiny tailed Iguana info
- Disease question??!?!
- What should i buy for an empty 15 gal...
- another lizard
- sex check
- Vegetarian Lizards
- Need help with my Iggy please
- anerythristic BTS
- really imporant/urgent day gecko question
- Take a look at my newest additions.
- Importable Lizard Species?
- blue-tongued skink with no appetite
- The Urban Gecko Online Reptile Show! - NOW OPEN!
- Who Has Plateds?
- Lizard Suggestion
- 40gal low hmmm what should go inside?
- What got you into lizards?
- Tokay's Barking?
- Need Tokay Advice
- Finally!! (G. luii pics)
- what do you feed day geckos
- water dragon question
- Water dragon care
- Hives from iguana
- f/t crickets?
- pet store crulty or animal not feeding?:(
- my first tokay
- Fat Tail Breeder
- Calcium confusion
- Night Lizards (Lepidophyma flavimaculatum)
- can any lizards go into a land/water tank?
- Split nose on Iguana.
- Tegu diet
- Question for Iguana owners re: eggs and laying
- Roxy on pillow photos
- AFT breeders
- Help please
- WD Help w/mites??
- Symptoms of being eggbound in Iguana's????
- What kind of gecko is this.....
- just got back...
- Beardies v. Uros
- Suggestions for a 48"x18"x24" aquarium
- GIANT Iguana Enclosure
- Water Dragons
- suggested lizard
- Cuban Anole pic
- I got a new baby
- Bad news....I'm scared. Larry's surgery/MBD
- New Addition
- oscillated skink
- Larry's surgery (egg pictures)
- EMERGENCY....im new and i need help..
- Blue tongue skinks
- Substract for frilled dragon?
- What % humidity for frilled
- my new gecko!
- New Reptile
- Iguana pic
- tokay geckos
- Sexing a 6-7 months old water dragon?
- OMFG the level of neglect amazes me!
- night temps for mali uro????
- taxonomy
- Which one is hardier??
- Update on my iggy Lar
- Need Help with Species Ident.
- Question about babies frilled, need help!
- My scrawny lil girl (iggy)
- Water dragon
- grren anoles!
- mossy leaf tailed gecko?
- Newbie with some questions
- Merry Christmas To Me!!!
- day gecko care
- Cricket Care
- pinky question
- Drako lizard
- Tokay prices??
- From not eating (my iggy)
- mali uro?
- Uroplatus lineatus
- Help me with my new water dragons!
- frilled lizards
- Ok To Add A Friend?
- vietnamese calote
- Introduction
- Mali uro feeding ?????
- crickets
- Uro question
- Blue Tongued Skink shedding
- AFT Substrate
- I had the camera out again - Fat Tail pics
- Spiny tailed skinks?
- can these gecko's be housed together?
- Monkey tailed skink
- Larry has turned aggressive...helppppp
- Iguana NEEDS home ( free adoption )
- uro food
- Blue tongue or Bearded?
- Whats Cuter Than This?
- is this a good price?
- I am so upset/angry (VENT)
- mali uro clicks
- hmmm......
- Blue Diamond And Normal Iguanas?
- holy cr@p
- thorny devils
- Fantoed Gecko
- natural vivarium
- Marble Geckos
- Marble Geckos and Anoles
- what should i get?
- Feeding Marble Geckos and Anoles?
- marble geckos
- question. please help :)
- Petrie Geckos
- Merry Christmas!
- my friends iguana
- marble gecko isnt eating!!!!HELP!
- My Christmas gift from Wuntu Menny
- what i get for myself for xmas
- Mountain horned dragons?
- great new resource
- Tanzania Spiny Tail lizard
- Sharing some SATANIC photos
- Rough Knobtail shots
- AFT pics*
- lizard potty training
- Ig bite pic
- What am I? (ID needed)
- Dwarf African Fat Tail???
- Anyone have Iguana bite pics to share?
- Some newer, better pics for you! (lots o' pics!!)
- Israeli Dune Gecko??
- housing geckos
- getting new herps soon!
- !SALE! Healthy marble gecko, eating great!
- How to ship one
- my tokay geckos are weird
- New Baby Pictus
- Blue tongue breeding
- lercetus lizard
- iguana movie
- hey
- HELP!something is wrong with my anole!
- Iguana Questions
- Ozonol on Lizards?
- what can i breed in a 100gal?
- got a new kid today
- mixed species terra...
- Blue Tongue Skinks and UVB???
- Tokay!!
- Helmeted Geckos?
- Help with mites?
- Leaf tails?
- spiny-tailed wont eat .. help
- Fly Gecko ???
- Banana gecko.
- determine sex ?
- uromastyx breeders??
- Tails from the Wicked Witch ( Larry )
- does anyone breed flying geckos here?
- feeding times ?
- prettiest orange iggy i've ever seen
- Is anyone keeping these in Canada…
- frilled dragon
- baby blue tongues!
- Good lizard
- looking for pictus geckos
- my male dragon, nice pics
- young uromastyx
- Gila Monsters/Beaded Lizards