- pictus hatchling
- Eastern Collared lizards? Any Keepers?
- Leopard and African Gecko together
- more babays
- Blue Arabian Uromastyx
- Photos: Mack Snow Albino
- Benign reptile bites
- What to get - first lizard
- New to this forum .. Looking for some help with leopard geckos
- Identify This Skink!!
- Nosy Be panthers
- Knobs!!!
- Beardie stunt growth!
- Pastel pink/orange poop?
- Cave gecko babies :)
- Survey Thread - Best Beginner Lizard
- Knobtail breedings
- green iguana food
- Weird Iguana Behavior?
- help green iguana!!!!
- New Paroedura androyensis
- My Jeweled Eyed Lacertas
- wild eggs
- Meet Skinky the Blue Tongue Skink
- Update Jeweled eye Lacerta pictures
- Armadillo Lizard
- Of Paroedura and leaves...
- Tegu pics
- The free-roaming tegu - Macgyver
- Melanistic
- blue tailed two tailed skink
- Frilled dragon with metabolic bone disease. Help
- Baby Ambilobe
- Tripoli Geckos - Tropiocolotes tripolitanus
- Writhing Skinks - Lygosoma sp.
- Indo. Blue Tongue Skink
- Chinese Water Dragon vent Help
- Thinking about getting a frill neck
- captive bred Emerald swift new addition
- Captive bred Emerald swift pics!
- My skink had mites all over him
- Morty- The ornate uromastyx approx 1 year
- Emergency need help!
- Iguana resdue- looking for tips/advice!
- Introducing Biscuit my new Chahoua Gecko!
- Lathergic beardie???
- New crested gecko hatchling!
- Caiman Lizards
- A couple shots of my Electric blue day geckos (Lygodactylus Williamsi)
- Fiji iggi
- Blue-tongued skink or Crested gecko?
- Want a good and highly educational read.
- Meet asterix my red tegu.....
- Need a Name!!
- Water dragon info
- my columbian tegu :)
- New set up with new geckos!
- Rip
- looking for a blue tongue.
- 1st Eggs!
- Need help choosing a Lizard
- squeaky skink. Is this normal?
- omg, best 'impulse' buy so far!
- Mooch is moody
- Need help with gecko issue
- whats the best way to build trust?
- Tribolonotus gracilis
- Please help, skink has mites....
- Anyone Keep Uroplatus Fimbriatus Specie?
- Saying goodbye to insects for good
- Fat-tailed geckos - questions
- Good beginner lizard?
- Blue tongue skink enclosure
- Adult male rhinoceros iguana.
- Curly tail lizards (Leiocephalidae) :D
- My Chahoua Gecko
- 2nd baby, 1st holdback!
- Small Lizards/Geckos
- Help identifying a lizard?
- I could get a Shinisaurus...
- What kind of food alternative I can give to Uromastyc lizard?
- Desert Iguana
- Screen clips?
- xenagama taylori
- Venturing into Geckos
- XL reptibreeze screen cage..What can go in it?
- Sister's Iguana
- Recognize This Lizard?
- Any Advice?
- Anoles
- Secret toad headed agama questions
- Are Mosquitoes a Problem?
- What is this?
- Abronia taeniata
- anyone know what this is?
- Intoducing Twitch.
- Uromastyx help!
- CBB Frilled Dragons
- I dont know why I do this to myself...Iguana
- Houston, Texas reptile shops?
- Can a younger male leopard gecko breed with an older female leopard gecko?
- New Lizards
- Help needed! Viviparous lizard!
- Meet Julius - Timon Lepidus
- Considering a lizard
- Blue Tongues [The Addiction Begins!]
- Gastropholis Prasina
- A lizard with the same feeding habits as a snake...
- 20 Gallon Paludarium for some kind of lizard?
- 20 Gallon Paludarium for some kind of gecko?
- salad for norbert
- Available 9 different Tokay geckos morphs for sale
- Legless lizard owners
- Shinisaurus crocodilurus care sheet
- leopard gecko shed and retained eye cap help!
- leopard gecko shed and retained eye cap help!
- Golden Tegu care sheet
- Hibernating a lizard
- Sauromalus ater care sheet
- RIP Carlos the bearded Dragon
- Butterfly Agama Lizard: Adult?
- Collard Lizard
- Bacteria from bearded dragon fatal to uromastyx?
- Blue tough skink
- To cute
- Good place to buy chahouha geckos for relatively inexpensive prices.
- Leachie or Chahouha?
- Paroedura masobe and Lygodactylus williamsi profiles
- House Gecko
- Blue Tailed Skinks
- Nile monitor (very mad at how he was treated)
- Maybe Buying a Blue Tongue Skink?
- Coleonyx Care guideline
- Odyn help!!!
- green anole lizards
- crested geckos are here
- Need some help with bearded dragon set-up
- Blue tongue skink tank/care?
- emerald swifts
- Choosing big lizard (no money/space restrictions), tegu or sailfin?
- Timon lepidus update (Julius)
- Got A Beardie!
- Blue Tongue Skink questions
- flat-tailed house gecko ( Hemidactylus platyurus)
- Leopard Geckos
- Does snake experience translate to lizards?
- Mourning geckos!
- Unknown Species
- Desert Iguana question?
- B&W G.kuroiwae cave gecko update
- Bearded Dragon with cryptosporidium, anybody use azithromycin?
- Desert Iguanas
- Blue Tobgue
- Lizard Help
- Baby Gargoyle Gecko not moving but still breathing
- Sick Blue Tailed Skink?
- Lizard identity?
- Eastern fence lizard behavior
- Creating new lizard/reptile collections but lack the funds to do so
- Fence Swift / Eastern Fence Lizard / Blue belly (Sceloporus undulatus) Juveniles
- Urgent !!!!!
- Argentine Tegu Taming Help
- Moving an Untame Giant Day Gecko
- Iguana not eating
- Viper Geckos!
- Red Eyed Crocodile Skink social behavior
- Breeding Red Eye Crocodile Skinks
- wanting to look at getting a blue tounged sink
- Tokay Gecko Help
- Where to Find Fire Skinks
- Crested gecko feeding
- Lizard Identification
- Lizard Identification-Please
- Parthenogenetic Gargoyle Gecko Egg
- Newcomer
- Lizard Identification in Oregon
- Swift eye scabbed
- Help Identify my Uromastyx
- Blue Tongue Skink Identification Question
- Feeding leopard gecko
- Mourning Geckos
- Sick Leopard Gecko
- Leopard Gecko screaming at tail
- Geckos tail cut
- Looking for 3 species
- Please Help! Mountain Horned Dragon Eye Problems!
- need help sexing Ginat Day Gecko [Phelsuma Grandis]
- need help sexing Ginat Day Gecko [Phelsuma Grandis]
- Advice on helping Female Leopard Gecko gain weight
- What is wrong with my lizard? Starting to worry
- Anyone Breeding These?
- Eurydactylodes agricolae
- Water Dragon eye gunk help
- Worlds cutest geckos.
- Cuban False Chameleon Housing!
- Hey, it's been a while! Here's updates on my big vivarium and its inhabitant
- First time I will feed a lizard I need your help
- First time I will feed a lizard I need your help
- Help, i think my basilisk has dental problems
- Ackie Monitor: tail rot?
- 911 Need some advice
- Both leopard geckos not eating
- New Reptile Bab - Wanting Advice and Opinions