View Full Version : General Lizard Forum.

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  1. Sleeping croc skink pic
  2. Would this put you off buying an Ackie??
  3. Missing a day or 2
  4. super excited
  5. Hydrosaurus Pustulatus
  6. Monster Spit
  7. Mini red eyed crocodile skink photo shoot
  8. Magic
  9. Ziggy, The Green Ig :)
  10. Lizards from the Past (DUW)
  11. Red eyed croc skink defense sound
  12. Stick Insects as Feeders
  13. I got a new super salmon boa!
  14. Icarus my green ig
  15. Green Iguana Rescue
  16. Water Dragon not eating
  17. Tegu (Mr. Thundercleese) on Animal Planet
  18. Jeweled Lacerta, looking for some info from any owners!
  19. Sailfin Dragons
  20. New Animal Time :)
  21. Unknown Gecko
  22. Colombian Tegus
  23. Bearded Dragons
  24. Tokay Gecko
  25. Lizards in my yard?
  26. Managed to get a couple of pics.
  27. Colourful critters
  28. Knob tail keepers check in!
  29. crested geckos
  30. Lizard Ideas
  31. Lizards for Kids
  32. Decisions Decisions
  33. New Croc Skink's temporary enclosure
  34. More urban lizards!!!
  35. New Uro
  36. acrylic sheet and question
  37. Gold tegu
  38. ceramic tile
  39. Help me choose PLEASE....
  40. Help me choose
  41. Cuban knight anole, shedding and angry
  42. Got 2 new Leo's !
  43. Does moist hide go on hot spot or cool side
  44. Starting a dubia colony ... Finally!!
  45. Uromastyx question?
  46. Luke's photo update (Chinese Water Dragon)
  47. Halogen lighting, not halogen bulbs. Have you tried it?
  48. Blue Tongue Skink
  49. Toad headed agamas (phrynocephalus arabicus)
  50. Feeder lizards?
  51. Satanic leaf geckos?
  52. hydration of new imports
  53. Thirsty Bluetongue
  54. Jaeger the Argentine Black & White Tegu
  55. My new pick ups
  56. What are these??
  57. bearded dragon but?
  58. 1st Time iguana
  59. Bob the free romaing iguana
  60. BTS substrate Ideas...
  61. Tangelo x raptor?
  62. Ugly duckling
  63. Am I feeding enough
  64. Off to the vet this Friday!!!
  65. What type of Uromastyx?
  66. What Do You Think I Should Do?
  67. Kirby the Tegu
  68. Second thoughts on Best Lizard for kids?
  69. Water Dragon Vs Frilled Dragon
  70. Ornate Uromastyx
  71. Uggie the Uromastyx
  72. To The Dwarf Gecko Breeders.
  73. green iguana
  74. Updated Photos of my Tegu
  75. New rescue
  76. Introduction Of The Water Dragons.
  77. Magic is angry
  78. Tankmates
  79. Nuu-Ana Leachieanus Gecko
  80. New Chinese Water Dragon
  81. Frilled Dragon Hatchling
  82. What sort of lizard (gecko?) is this?
  83. Shedding Problem
  84. Iguana Update.
  85. What does your tegu do during brumation?
  86. New Tokay Gecko
  87. Santa Clause is Coming
  88. panther gecko question?
  89. Leopard Gecko for 10 yr old?
  90. Gecko diet
  91. My Baby Tegu "Chunk"
  92. Paroedura pictus
  93. Commercial Cages
  94. Itty bitty
  95. Basiliscus plumifrons (Plumed Basilisk)
  96. Feed video of my Fire Skink
  97. Communal skinks; new colrful skink found
  98. Recommended misting system?
  99. An Example Of How Unfair Life Is.
  100. Iguana food
  101. I got my panther gecko!But need name ideas
  102. Skink diversity
  103. A Christmas Miracle! (LOL)
  104. BT Skink Shedding
  105. Mountain lizard question.
  106. Need advice quick - Green Iguana laid eggs
  107. Adoption
  108. 2009 1.0 Jewelled Lacerta
  109. Question about the Colombian Tegu
  110. Profile: Emily Dickinson
  111. DUMÉRIL'S MADAGASCAR SWIFT (Oplurus quadrimaculatus)
  112. Question ???
  113. Tegu enclosure
  114. BTS Shed
  115. New Gargoyle geckos :)
  116. Introducing iggys
  117. Photo Book- Lizards Needed!
  118. Post Shed
  119. Water dragon pictures
  120. Plumed basilisk
  121. The tegus and iguanas
  122. The other lizards
  123. The other geckos
  124. Dwarf Caimans
  125. Which to get?
  126. Recommended BTS Caresheet?
  127. Dog Food vs Whole Prey
  128. Green Iguana
  129. Ever seen a Banded Galliwasp? Seriously cool.
  130. Pair of IJ blue tongue skinks
  131. My new Baby
  132. Sandfish : Scincus scincus
  133. Feeding Pinky Rats to CWD?
  134. Found a Tiger Salamander!
  135. Target trained Day gecko!
  136. Uromastyx: healthy?
  137. Egg Massacre
  138. Great deal on levis levis
  139. New Chinese cave gecko- locality ID please
  140. Found this in my yard
  141. Deep sleep gecko
  142. Tokay.
  143. Keek-a-boo
  144. Smartest lizard?
  145. Ackie, BTS, or Frillie?
  146. First Tokay
  147. HELP with Tokay
  148. A Little Question for the Gecko Breeders
  149. Sexing a Tokay
  150. Pictures of Speedy the blue tailed skink
  151. Uromastyx
  152. Frilled Dragon Update
  153. Argentine Blck/Wht Tegu Update
  154. Amyae have arriveddddd
  155. I wonder if monitor lizards can love back?
  156. Green Iguana
  157. Green Iguana part 2
  158. My Gravid giga giga skink :)
  159. a couple new pics of George
  160. Golden tailed - Strophurus taenicauda
  161. My Fiancee's new tokay.
  162. Monitors vs. Tegus?
  163. New Pics Of Speedy And Friend (Blue TAIL Skink)
  164. Zip at 2 weeks old
  165. red iguana info
  166. Uromastyx philbyi
  167. Help Identify please.
  168. Adding to collection
  169. Breeding Anoles?
  170. "bigger" Reptile?
  171. n. amyea gecko
  172. Looking into a new addition
  173. Cave gecko addiction (Goniurosaurus)
  174. Paper Substrate
  175. Achievement unlocked: Acquired skink.
  176. Blue Tongue Skink ? cause of illness
  177. My Chinese Water Dragon is sick, vet not an option...
  178. Thoughts on this behavior?
  179. Wanting a BTS
  180. Any clued up chameleon keepers here?
  181. iguana advice?
  182. need some help sick egauna
  183. New cage for Lilly My Chinese Water Dragon
  184. My New Blue Tegu "Wapo"..."Pic Heavy"
  185. Update on Gargoyle Gecko, Blind
  186. Mountain Lizard question
  187. Desert Spiny advice?
  188. Iguana Bite...
  189. Thinking about a Leach's Giant Gecko
  190. Monitor vs. Beardie basking temps?
  191. ID on this little guy?
  192. My Tokay pair
  193. Proper general lizard care?
  194. Tegu prices rediculous, why?
  195. Baby Beardie
  196. Uromastyx
  197. ID for the ignorant snake-lover
  198. Anyone know what this lizard is ?
  199. blue tongued skinks?
  200. Type of lizard
  201. Uromastyx care?
  202. Need some help deciding what I want
  203. Need some help deciding what I want
  204. Padma
  205. Pygmy's :)
  206. Bad News...
  207. A.felinus (Malaysian cat geckos)
  208. Help me I.D. this gecko?
  209. Out with the old, in with the new
  210. Uncommon geckos...
  211. My Tanimbar BTS
  212. New enclosures, New addittion
  213. help!!!
  215. looking into a basilisk
  216. TEGU: Dietary and Trust Building Tips Needed
  217. Anyone in the UK breeding Anguis fragilis?
  218. Good Lizard?
  219. eggss
  220. Peacock Day Geckos
  221. Help with Frilled Dragon?
  222. Help with good first lizard for a child
  223. 2 New Mountain Horned Dragons
  224. Tokay Gecko
  225. Gravid? Please help!
  226. Fertile?
  227. Can they still hatch???
  228. Collared Lizard - Concerning Black Coloration on Body
  229. Know any good Gargoyle Gecko breeders?
  230. Pachydactylus vanzylii
  231. New, Improved Tokay Gecko
  232. Juvenile Red Iguana
  233. Goniurosaurus Hainanensis love!
  234. shingleback skinks
  235. The uros
  236. woops
  237. Chacoan Extreme Tegu
  238. The tail is strong in this one.
  239. new skink setup
  240. considering a lizard
  241. Loveridge's Legless SkinK
  242. Rehabbing a juvenile savannah :(
  243. Golden geckos?
  244. New basilisk
  245. Spoiled
  246. Cujo
  247. Five lined skink(blue tailed skink)
  248. Absorption of water through the vent/cloaca
  249. I want to get a gecko, can you guys help?
  250. Basilisk not eating