View Full Version : General Venomous Forum

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  1. Venom discussion thread
  2. Albino Naja Naja
  3. New snake!
  4. Snake City watchers? Settle an argument?
  5. Forest Cobra
  6. Help!! Western Diamond Backs stopped eatting!!
  7. Crotalus m. Pyrrhus (not the white locale everyone likes haha)
  8. Crotalus ornatus
  9. Cerastes cerastes
  10. Spectacled Cobras (Naja naja)
  11. Supposedly Extinct Sea Snakes LIVE!
  12. Eastern Green Mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps)
  13. Bowl of Buzztails
  14. Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis)
  15. Mexican Beaded Lizard (Heloderma horridum)
  16. baby gaboon viper & spitting cobra
  17. Puff Adder (Bitis arietans)
  18. Papuan Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus canni)
  19. East African Gaboon Viper (Bitis gabonica)
  20. Unique Delivery Systems
  21. Western Bush Viper (Atheris chlorechis)
  22. CopperHead Shedding Problems.
  23. The closest to a rattlesnake or cobra without venom?
  24. Northwestern Neotropical Rattlesnake (Crotalus culminatus)
  25. Mexican Beaded Lizard (Heloderma Horridum Exasperatum)
  26. Spit in eyes
  27. Show ME!
  28. 2016 Heloderma Clutch
  29. Hot Keepers/Prospective Keepers: Goals for 2016
  30. Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum)
  31. Article on possible broad spectrum 'Antidote' to snake envenomations.
  32. Snake Vemon Compounds & Alzheimer's Treatment
  33. Just a few new critters I've aquired.
  34. Shield-nose Cobra (Aspidelaps scutatus)
  35. Small success story with a C. m. Pyrrhus
  36. Eyelash viper bad shed
  37. Fwc
  38. Crotalus Willardi
  39. After 16 years.
  40. My new Tree viper!
  41. Built an outcrop for a couple rattlers.
  42. Impulse buy
  43. New "Hot" Girl To My Collection
  44. 2 men and a selfie stick
  45. 2 men and a selfie stick #2
  46. Boiga Dendrophila
  47. Crotalus Enyo Bowel Blockage
  48. King cobra care sheet
  49. Trimeresurus macrolepis
  50. Trimeresurus Albolabris
  51. Is this a rattlesnake?
  52. Venomous (and 2 non venomous) Snakes room tour
  53. Loophole keeps cobras on Florida reality star's property after scare last year
  54. Atheris squamigera - Deinagkistrodon acutus - Agkistrodon contortrix
  55. Cantil viper setup and feeding
  56. Blue Coral Snake Venom Article
  57. Milos viper (Macrovipera schweizeri strikes on rat)
  58. Hoping, Learning and Learning
  59. Agkistrodon contortrix
  60. Any Crotalus horridus Keepers?
  61. Unexpected Crotalus Atrox pickup
  62. New Addition - False Water Cobra
  63. A Few Questions?
  64. Boomslang?
  65. Video: Beaded Lizard Hatchling's First Moments
  66. Bitis gabonica
  67. Boiga breeders in Europe
  68. Urgent Harrisburg area venomous vet
  69. Offering A Drink To A King Cobra
  70. Red Rattler
  71. Rescued Cobra Drinks Water From Bottle
  72. Shore Pit Viper
  73. Gold King Cobra
  74. Albino Cobra
  75. Agkistrodon b. bilineatus
  76. Gila Monster
  77. Idiots that ruin it for the rest of us
  78. Need Help Please.......
  79. Please help me find....
  80. Cobra Feeding Time
  81. Shift Box?
  82. Show off
  83. What is this snake?
  84. Death worm
  85. A small video of my Agkistrodon b. bilineatus
  86. Does anybody keep/breed rear fanged species?
  87. Anybody on here from Pennsylvania who keeps hots?
  88. Another Visit at the home of Venomous Animals
  89. Agkistrodon contortrix
  90. Starting off hot
  91. Color Localities
  92. In which country can you own a venomous snake without any certificate?
  93. Western Green Mamba (Dendroaspis viridis)
  94. First hot, I need help please
  95. Timber Rattlesnake
  96. Copperhead spotted in N.Y.C
  97. My baby Eastern Green Mambas
  98. My Black Mamba
  99. First Rattler
  100. Crotalus molossus shedding?
  101. Copperhead Not Eating
  102. Milking Western Hognose for Research Purposes
  103. Baby hognose is biting a lot
  104. Help ID this snake I saw twice over the past three weeks - South Africa Western Cape