View Full Version : General Enclosure Discussion

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  1. how about a rack.
  2. zilla digital thermometer
  3. Humid Hide?
  4. reptile carpet?!
  5. cage heating question- need advice
  6. fountain/waterfall
  7. Upgrades.
  8. General BRB Enclosure Info...
  9. beardie enclosure
  10. Automated Misting System
  11. Tank setup
  12. Humidity problems..
  13. New to Snakes, with a few questions!
  14. built a new enclosure
  15. EXO-Terra or Zoo Med Waterfalls or Fogger
  16. Terrariums and backgrounds
  17. Large Polyethylene Enclosure Upgrade Opinions Needed
  18. proposed enclosure
  19. For those who use racks/tubs..
  20. DIY Misting/Rain/Waterfall?
  21. Raven's Tank!!!
  22. custom lid solved my humidity problem
  23. Suitable Light for carpet?
  24. my new diamond tank
  25. Sweaterbox Q's!
  26. Enclosure ideas/questions
  27. Enclosure Disinfectant?
  28. Your Building a Cage?
  29. Canadian but rather shop in the U.S.A
  30. Enclosure Plans
  31. can please someone help me (Enclosure questions)
  32. Glass
  33. List of Toxic Material
  34. Ok, this sucks!
  35. Rough prices??
  36. Sliding Glass Doors
  37. Soo I have a problem...
  38. Thermostats
  39. Power Blackout???
  40. Enclosure Decorating / Modifications - Need SAFETY tips and advice
  41. cleaner for glass enclosure
  42. outdoor snake pen
  43. Vision cages...
  44. My Custom Enclosure (56k Genocide within)
  45. Substrate
  46. vision cages/tub/aquariums???? help
  47. question on terrariums...
  48. brazillian raibow set up??
  49. BRB update
  50. We're picking up bad vibrations!!
  51. Heat radiating
  52. New enclosure!!!!
  53. New Cage!! and NEW questions :p
  54. V.Large vivarium keepers
  55. Starting large enclosure build... should I insulate?
  56. Wow!!!!
  57. Radiant Heat Panel for 4x2x2
  58. Bulb wattage
  59. aquariums or rack/stacked
  60. new enclosure
  61. i need glass runners for 1/4" glass?
  62. cage size
  63. tank plans
  64. change from tub?
  65. snakeroom disaster
  66. get humidity level up. Help!
  67. Lola's new home
  68. Need help finding my cage!!!!
  69. Baking a wood pie
  70. New tank, need to make a lid.
  71. dumb idea?
  72. Cork Bark and Manzanita
  73. tank cleaning day...questions...
  74. New to snakes, substrate question
  75. Thermometers
  76. Cage making and setting up service
  77. Need help making rack for my BP's
  78. JCP set up
  79. humidity
  80. Cant get a gradient temp
  81. Small hiding decoration..
  82. Plans for a new build
  83. How to secure branches?
  84. Hognose tank. This an ok size?
  85. help with heating at night.
  86. ANy snake able to fit in this tank?
  87. DIY Snake Enclosures Heating
  88. remodel for Dakotas home
  89. How to treat rocks and branches ??
  90. Larvae in the substrate..
  91. my cage
  92. how to save money keeping reptiles..
  93. Light fixtures
  94. custom glass
  95. Where to find IRIS containers
  96. Heating Options
  97. Building a JCP enclosure, Please help.
  98. Newspaper, humidity and hygeine
  99. Modular heat tape and rack idea, some questions?
  100. There's this 55 gallon tank for sale but...
  101. What is this called and where can one be purchased?
  102. need help please
  103. thermostat issues
  104. DIY Wood Cage Build Guide
  105. Which Enclosure Brand is the Best?
  106. Eco earth
  107. awesome setup
  108. Exo Terrible? [Heatpads]
  109. Beach Sand for Substrate
  110. Quick Setup Question
  111. Light on all night?
  112. Water Snake Tank Build Log
  113. PVC pipe frame for GTP/JCP vivs
  114. substrate in Toronto
  115. What can go in the Exo Terra 12x12x12?
  116. Ball Python Setup.
  117. the great tank swap
  118. Sand Boa Terrarium
  119. New mini Jungle Exo Terrarium
  120. New Cages
  121. heat lamps
  122. Building my first enclosures...
  123. housing together?
  124. Scarletts new home
  125. YAY new cages
  126. Petco.com Coupon Codes For 2011
  127. Garter Snake Natural Tank
  128. Setting up 2 new enclosures
  129. PVC Climbing frame for snakes
  130. Sand Vs Carefresh
  131. switching rack heat source maybe...
  132. cage ideas
  133. Caging discussion
  134. From the DOH! files
  135. Heat tape
  136. Cleaning day, safe cleaning products?
  137. glossy paint and clear coat
  138. Attaching PVC to enclosure walls? (And other enclosure questions)
  139. Screen Top? Need help finding one
  140. thermometer
  141. rack questions..
  142. Today is a good day :)
  143. New condo construction, Scarletts getting spoiled
  144. Recycled furniture cage project #4
  145. Burm cage
  146. any where else to buy clips?
  147. led
  148. Best aspen deal ever?? Wal Mart has it.
  149. Custom Screen Top.
  150. opinions on supplies for Royal Python enclosure..
  151. Friggin cold in my room... Tin Foil to the rescue!
  152. Bulb guards
  153. Zilla Temp Gun
  154. Covering Tank Relieve Stress?
  155. new boaphiles
  156. enclosure questions
  157. $400 enclosure.
  158. Floating Boxes as Reptile Home
  159. Lighting Tips from Me
  160. Warning - lesson learnt - bulb guards
  161. Another homemade terrarium.
  162. Anyone have experiance with foggers?
  163. When is an enclosure too big?
  164. Enclosure questions
  165. How Accurate is Accurate?
  166. Greg's Enclosure thread
  167. radient heat panel help
  168. UTH fail?
  169. want rack but room is too cold........
  170. Cypress mulch in the water
  171. Is this a sufficient heat tape kit?
  172. painting my rack ( progession pics)
  173. Does this kit have everything I need?
  174. Terrarium Backgrounds?
  175. Humidity Advice For Water Snakes?
  176. where else to get flexwatt clips...
  177. Substrate options?
  178. When is it time for a bigger house?
  179. what about this sort of viv
  180. Water snake not basking, is his tank too cool or too hot?
  181. LAST QUESTIONS for enclosure questions!!!!!!!
  182. Keeping water snakes in semi-aquatic habitats?
  183. Beginniner
  184. just bought a zoo med under tank heater
  185. How is this for a Cornsnake enclosure setup?
  186. New snake
  187. 40 Gallon Long Aquarium
  188. Cages from HerpCages.com???
  189. Auto adjusting thermostat for lights, do they exist?
  190. long lasting water solution?
  191. A few boaphile questions
  192. Exo Terra substrate heater question.
  193. JCP viv question
  194. sterilising/bleaching bark
  195. First timer enclosure questions
  196. Building (2) enclosures, both 4x2x2'
  197. zoo med eco earth ok for king snakes?
  198. Cage set-up for a red-tailed boa.
  199. What enclosure to get?
  200. This exo terra large enough for eyelash?
  201. JCP enclosure ?'s
  202. Where does the waterdish go?
  203. Temporary tubs....
  204. thermostat on UTH???
  205. basking light timing
  206. getting heat right for corn snake baby
  207. New set up for corn snake
  208. New snake enclosure, and heat question.
  209. problems with temps
  210. Old rack, New heat tape... more problems :(
  211. cleaning cork?
  212. building a rack
  213. Will on/off thermostats shorten life of heat mat?
  214. Eyelash Viper Question
  215. heat tape question
  216. Enclosure too big?
  217. Climbing Branch
  218. Best Enclosure Sites - sticky needed
  219. More enclosure questions about melamine
  220. Temporary measures JCP/GTP
  221. Good place in canada for thermostats
  222. Enclosure pictures
  223. Belly heat in wooden snake enclosure???
  224. Radiant heat panel?
  225. Homemade programmable thermostat!
  226. Question about fake rocks and rock hides
  227. Heat cable question...
  228. sliding glass tracks?
  229. Huge building job.
  230. Enclosure questions here.
  231. first enclosure build! FINISHED!
  232. about thermostats
  233. radiant heat panel
  234. PVC Enclosure - How to heat it
  235. NPI Cage
  236. Cave / Climbing "rock"
  237. flexwatt in melamine enclosure
  238. paper towel substrate and humidity
  239. Uth
  240. PVC - Can I Solder To Make Holes ?
  241. ceramic heat emitter
  242. Keeping the heat and the huminity
  243. Exo terra
  244. Mister/Humidifier
  245. Setting up a 77 gallon.
  246. Rodney's Vivarium
  247. Thinking of two of these!!
  248. Back Heat Thermostat Issues
  249. Aspen bedding
  250. More Accurate Temps