View Full Version : General Enclosure Discussion

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  1. Ordering heat tape
  2. brand names?
  3. rack, rack...
  4. Vision/Boaphile Cages
  5. old tv
  6. compost substrate?????????
  7. Radiant heat panel advice needed quick!
  8. Where to mount heat panel ? Advice pls
  9. multiunit enclosure
  10. Beardie Enclosure Size?
  11. need aquarium background
  12. think this is final?
  13. AP T3 for Rainbow Boa?
  14. Flexwatt electrifying foil... how so?
  15. Building climbing branches
  16. New Ball Python Enclosure
  17. Snake Proof Flourescent Light Fixture
  18. Cage size Q
  19. using QUIKRETE Concrete Acrylic Fortifier in rockwalls
  20. Clearing up myths about heat tape
  21. Heat tape in rack
  22. DOORS - and a poll to help all.
  23. Rack system plans
  24. Nice Rack... and she's cheap and easy!
  25. Hidden Herpers Treasure!
  26. Melamine paine vs. Epoxy?
  27. got a question about UV
  28. sliding door tracks.
  29. will this work
  30. Invictus had a great idea...
  31. any ideas
  32. Height?
  33. 3" or 11" heat tape?
  34. Lighting Melamine cage
  35. Black Lights -BL
  36. Mildew
  37. cleaning questions.
  38. Habitat Control Systems
  39. heating/lighting for wood cage.
  40. cheaper uvb fluorescent tubes???
  41. Racks/heat tape
  42. cage suggestions...
  43. rubbermaid size.
  44. How does this look?
  45. Vertical Rack - heat rising
  46. Setting up a vivarium
  47. Shelf Help for Self Help
  48. dart frog vivarium
  49. where to find a cage
  50. heat tape finally did it to me.
  51. Heat tape on wood vs. melamine?
  52. Does size matter?
  53. Small Possibilites...
  54. O.k., so I go to Rona...
  55. possible soft insulation?
  56. Materials ?
  57. Pictures of your enclosures
  58. multi-probe indoor/outdoor thermometers?
  59. Heat Panels
  60. Aluminum tape
  61. melamine
  62. Humidity
  63. mercury bulbs safe?
  64. What is my tank equal to in gallons?
  65. Protective plastic and plexiglass
  66. superior brand for mercury bulbs?
  67. New Reptarium
  68. Substrate question
  69. Black lites?
  70. hinges
  71. Help !!!!!!!!!!!
  72. sliding glass door hardware....
  73. Rubbermaids! where'd they go?
  74. hogg island boa vivarium
  75. Everlasting Waterproof Display Cages.
  76. rack with no lids
  77. New 10 gal, any idea's?
  78. How to heat an enclosure?
  79. ANyone ever used these to provide heat?
  80. Second hand vivariums???
  81. Radiant heat panels
  82. kerosene heat safe???
  83. Humidity in Room
  84. Under Tank Heaters
  85. Suggestions
  86. help with flexwatt
  87. dimmer & heat pad
  88. redoing enclosures NEED HELP!
  89. Helix Thermostats
  90. Herpstat vs Helix DBS-1000
  91. Problems with Polyurethane?
  92. where to buy heat tape
  93. Glass Thickness
  94. linking flexwatt??
  95. Racks
  96. heating for a crested enclosure
  97. colony caging
  98. planning ~!!
  99. how does work
  100. Glass cutter
  101. Reptiletubs.com product question
  102. How to build an iguana cage
  103. Here it is, the tanks!
  104. Sweater box rack system
  105. Glue
  106. rubbermaids????
  107. Heat Gradient in Rubbermaid
  108. Boaphile Plastics?
  109. heat tape
  110. Melamine
  111. flexwatt melting
  112. Wiring a Dimmer
  113. Another horror story about heat lights....
  114. Shipping a Large Boa
  115. Treasure trove
  116. Cage
  117. temperature difference
  118. fake rock wall construction
  119. Furnishing Rubbermaids - ?'s
  120. Out Door Cage
  121. Is there any demand for custom cage building??
  122. Arachno-Condo
  123. PVC coated hardware cloth
  124. New Enclosure
  125. melamine sheets
  126. ball pyrthons cage?
  127. heat cable
  128. Plastic cages, who's the best?
  129. I didnt know where else to post this..lighting/heat
  130. Homebuilt cage
  131. New Reptic-Plastic cages
  132. Carefresh
  133. New to racks...
  134. Orchid bark in Toronto? Where?
  135. Just a quick question
  136. naturalistic substrates
  137. Cages & Reptile Room
  138. Pics
  139. Boaphile cages
  140. Attaching Heat tape
  141. Glasscages.com
  142. Heat Tape??
  143. where can I get vision cages in Ontario
  144. closer look
  145. Flourescent lights inside cage?
  146. Bioactive Substrate
  147. Thermostats with Night drop?
  148. Cage Size?
  149. Sliding Doors?
  150. Tank Prep
  151. Proper Cage Sizeing??..
  152. Heating?
  153. sliding doors with lock for display
  154. Rock wall question
  155. new rack
  156. home made humidity maker????
  157. mesh cages, are they better than aquariums
  158. Cage Size?
  159. Heating Sweaterboxes?
  160. corn snake tank
  161. temperature control
  162. any keep geckos on rackin systems?
  163. building new cage
  164. Rubbermaid, ro equivalent brand sizes
  165. temperature control for beginners
  166. Treatment for wood enclosures
  167. Custom Racks?
  168. acrylic
  169. Reptic-plastic rack pictures???
  170. bambu...
  171. Mesh a problem?
  172. 125 gal, any ideas?
  173. nylon screen
  174. Paper Mache Safe??
  175. adult ball python rack
  176. A good idea??
  177. rock wall near completion
  178. New rack
  179. Step 1..
  180. Acrylic cages...
  181. Just a heads up
  182. Getting rid of mold?
  183. Corn Snake tank size?
  184. NEW exotera Vivs!!
  185. rockwall
  186. melamine & flexwatt tape
  187. insulating the sides of a tank
  188. Comments PLEASE :) Plan for a snake tank...
  189. Plants for ATB enclosure
  190. rocwall complete
  191. ZooMed ReptiTemp 500R Thurmastat
  192. BCI Enclosure
  193. thermoregulation in a rubbermaid
  194. silicon and aquariums
  195. temperature control AGAIN, sorry
  196. Helix DBS-1000
  197. New BP enclosure
  198. I was bored! lol
  199. new beardie cage
  200. Ideal enclosure for BP
  201. cage plans, pro's opinions needed.
  202. plexi and silicone
  203. Semi-aquatic terarrium bettas
  204. Reptic-Plastic Enclosures and Racks...
  205. question about reptariums
  206. New room almost done
  207. indoor ponds
  208. sliding glass doors
  209. Heatin' Wooden Racks...
  210. How hot does a RHP get?
  211. Regulating the Temp with a UTH
  212. Aquarium Sealer Question
  213. New enclosure
  214. Question about rubbermades
  215. Finally got pics of the new homebuilt....
  216. Flexwatt Questions
  217. Heat tape question
  218. Wire Cages?
  219. Plastic cages
  220. Heat Cable users/Need info
  221. Grapevine?
  222. Naturalistic Background
  223. Phillips Polycarbonate Shoe Boxes?
  224. can i use "wild" wood in my cages?
  225. building an enclosure
  226. showcase cages
  227. Just Wanted To Thank Mykee
  228. attention creative minds
  229. What to do with 37 gallon tank
  230. Couple new racks in the making.
  231. New Skink Enclosure
  232. pine bark?
  233. temp?
  234. heatpad
  235. Rubbermaid heating.
  236. Trying to find a good hide for CCP
  237. Like showcase vivariums but in U.K.?
  238. Crested Gecko Cage needs decorating
  239. In need of some creative minds!
  240. It looks so complicated though!
  241. What can i do with this?
  242. non-harmful cleaning solution?
  243. U.K. Custom Cages
  244. HOW TO: Make a Realistic 'Mossy Rock' False Backdrop
  245. What's the best cages for Ball Pythons?
  246. heat pad and plastic enclosure
  247. Woodworm
  248. best racks at best prices?
  249. iguana cage
  250. Wood conducting heat?