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  1. Fake Rock / Cave
  2. GE Aquarium/plant flourescent lights??
  3. Old Computer Junk = New Reptile Cages!
  4. 11 Inch Heat Tape?
  5. peat moss with white bits
  6. climbing structure
  7. snake cage question
  8. Varathane: Colours in plastic
  9. Back of rack heat
  10. Heat rope?
  11. Newbie on a budget...
  12. Aspen by the skid
  13. Using Epoxy
  14. Help on heating needed
  15. New Owner
  16. Help, pls. Crestie enclosure
  17. Sealing A Vivarium? quick!
  18. custom monitor cage question.
  19. New Rack
  20. Bearded Dragon Tank..Size?????
  21. Lookin For BD Breeder Kingston Ontario Canada
  22. may i see your racks?
  23. Arg..damn rubbermaid plz help...
  24. just got a great deal..
  25. Burm Housing...
  26. rack plan
  27. duct tape and UTH's
  28. Waterfalls?
  29. How to...
  30. digital thermometer
  31. stock tanks
  32. melamine for tree frogs?
  33. cage setup help
  34. DIY sunning cages for UV needing lizards
  35. Final Advice needed
  36. UV Fluorescent VS Mercury Vapor.
  37. Rubber Maids for Kings
  38. The turtles are moving out!
  39. Heat tape,
  40. installing flex watt
  41. Thermostat
  42. Temp guns?
  43. The Masterpiece
  44. New Pts cage pic's as promised
  45. already made or make one?
  46. Specific Epoxy Resin Brand
  47. Anyone use Kane Heat Mats?
  48. Therometre questions
  49. Small Rubbermaid containers?????
  50. Heating pads & Rubbermaids
  51. Can we use blacklights ???
  52. Safe heat tape/dimmer setup????
  53. UVA/UVB tester
  54. Glass tracks
  55. how many gallons is this?
  56. Info on Plastic peg board please
  57. BP enclosures
  58. theromostats...
  59. Vent holes
  60. New Cage Plans
  61. attempting to build a cage (need help)
  62. Tempgun.com
  63. Sav cage
  64. Opinions-Rack"Tub"Sizes
  65. Heat Tape In Calgary??
  66. thermostat for rack
  67. Emerald Tree Boas
  68. pic request
  69. cold racks
  70. Heating a leo rack
  71. Heating an enire room?
  72. Any one use these heat pads?
  73. housing boids boaphile style
  74. Bedding?
  75. Thermo Guns...
  76. Outdoor enclsoure (Pics)
  77. Heating a large boid cage
  78. cleaning substrate
  79. Heater?
  80. Bedding
  81. Lighting
  82. Pine bedding- yay or nay?
  83. used cage stinks...
  84. Ok I will get more specific
  85. Ball's new enclosure. Comments?
  86. Building Q's
  87. New snake owner
  88. 180 gallon aquarium
  89. Having trouble keeping temps stable
  90. will screen melt?
  91. heat idea
  92. Trouble with temps
  93. Awsome Lazer Infrared Temp Gun
  94. got used cage stink OUT...
  95. Help needed
  96. Rheostat and heat pad issue
  97. check out my new cage!!
  98. humidity idea- good or bad?
  99. low wattage fluorescent bulbs?
  100. building dragon cage
  101. Rubbermaid Housing DIY
  102. lack of circulation in new enclosure
  103. Water bed heaters ..more
  104. The good, the bad, and the freaking awesome!!
  105. Cork bark?
  106. help/advice needed
  107. Question about mulch
  108. question about rubbermaid
  109. stained/varnished woodwork
  110. mulch
  111. Need Info
  112. New Enclosure *PICS*
  113. Helix Heat panels and temp.light controls in Canada?
  114. largest rubbermaid
  115. Looking for enclosure
  116. Vision or Neodesha enclosures?
  117. inside materials
  118. sealing, help please
  119. New enclosure finally done
  120. Question about rubbermaids.
  121. Pics of your arboreal setups
  122. new beardie tank
  123. what a deal
  124. Resealing an aquarium?
  125. Best fluo lighting considering UV% etc.
  126. My new BP cage(in the works)
  127. Future home for my JCP(s)
  128. reptile room q's
  129. locking a sterilite?
  130. Building ?s
  131. What rubbermaid and how?
  132. open front terrariums
  133. water proofing a cabinet,
  134. Balsa and Fiberglass
  135. a question on polyester resin safety
  136. Plastic, Fiberglass, or Other
  137. showcase cages.com
  138. Planning Rack need help
  139. Sterlite?
  140. new enclosure for my baby BP (in the process)
  141. crown animal bedding?
  142. Building a new enclosure
  143. a question for those who have used...
  144. pine particleboard
  145. sounds pretty cool
  146. ESU Electronic Temperature Controller?
  147. Flexwatt temperature
  148. Confused?
  149. >???
  150. Bin for boids
  151. Cleaning/Disinfecting
  152. Black or White
  153. Exo Terra?
  154. lights for plants
  155. Question about outside sticks and rocks
  156. Large Rubbermaid ?'s
  157. enclosure natural interiors
  158. Substrate?
  159. rock wall?
  160. racks
  161. Aspen shavings
  162. Rack Heating, w/water?
  163. how you attach your glass
  164. Securing rubbermaid lids?
  165. heating a rack
  166. Plastic Cages
  167. Building custom tank for frilly and have a few qeustions...
  168. Buying tubs in quantity... wholesalers?
  169. Thermofilm
  170. Sealing Enclosures.
  171. Heating a custom enclosure
  172. Vision Cages in Canada???
  173. Question about drinking water
  174. heat tape
  175. 'Virosan' Anyone use it???
  176. a quick question about cooling
  177. Problems with my heat pad
  178. Double Thermostat - peace of mind!
  179. towels in tank w/snake?
  180. cage plans
  181. Plans for Outside DIY Enclosure WANTED
  182. Live plants and cleaning?
  183. rheostat
  184. bonding
  185. screen cages
  186. glass question
  187. animal plastics racks
  188. Desperatly seeking plastic vents in Canada
  189. What about Fiberglass Resin?
  190. Silicone
  191. Building Enclosure for ball python-help?
  192. Using sterilite drawers as racks?
  193. Plywood hide sealing
  194. Yet another brain wave
  195. Need help with rubbermaid setup.
  196. dealing with unwanted chemical offgassing.
  197. Heating a Custom Enclosure I Built?
  198. glass tracks, what kind and where?
  199. Newbie - Glass Tank Info?
  200. Radiant Heat Panels
  201. New Thermostat
  202. need halp with dart frog vivarium
  203. price estimation
  204. My new enclosures...need some help
  205. Canadian Enclosure Manufacturers
  206. corn snake cage setup
  207. Building Dart Tank
  208. MDF Glue
  209. Urethanes safe?
  210. gimme da scoop on Verilux Florescent Tubes
  211. cage question
  212. Leo Tank
  213. doors on custom enclosure
  214. arboreal cage design
  215. Thermostats and other heating related q's
  216. shielding a lightbulb
  217. Dimmer switches shutting off??????please help
  218. Pea Gravel
  219. First time building an enclosure.
  220. ATB aquarium help
  221. new arboreal cage
  222. frilled dragon cage
  223. JCP Adult Cage Plans
  224. How to build a 4 ft by 2ft Cage
  225. Double-Decker???
  226. Ordering Flexwatt clips, anyone else interested?
  227. Anyone build custom tanks...
  228. i need help with heat tape
  229. Thermostat and rack questions.
  230. Homemade lid
  231. Rubbermaid rack
  232. melamine enclosure swelling?
  233. Getting ready to build snake cages/help please.
  234. screen
  235. What to use
  236. How to secure top?
  237. Zoo med Thermostat
  238. Mold On Pine Bark Chip Substrate ...
  239. Read First!: Forum Rules
  240. heating question
  241. Epoxy Paint
  242. Where can I/Where did you......
  243. Rubbermaid enclosures
  244. multi-probe rheostat/thermostat
  245. nose rubbing?
  246. heating.....
  247. show your rubbermaid or sweater boxx rack
  248. New bp... no real cage/heatsource?
  249. melamine for enclosure
  250. Coupe Beardie Cage questions